Найдите предложения с ing формами и скажите чем они являются, какую функцию они выполняют

8. Напишите возможные начала для следующих предложений:

1) … that is fed to a friction zone for reducing friction.

2) … a long period without participation of the composition itself.

3) … of the bearing condition data and thus.

4) … lubricant film between friction couples.

Составьте аннотацию к тексту «Modern Diagnostic and Recondition Technologies for Oil and Gas Equipment », используя активную лексику текста.

Самостоятельная работа

1. Прочитайте и обсудите текст “Сотрудничество с российскими компаниями в области сбора нефтяных разливов”:

Clean-up Collaboration with Russia

A partnership has been established by Statoil with the authorities in Murmansk county to strengthen emergency response to oil spills off northwestern Russia. Both sides believe that modern oil collection equipment will strengthen emergency response in the Kola Fjord, which leads into the Russian port. In cooperation with the Coastal Administration, Statoil is transferring equipment worth NOK 11 mln to Murmansk during April and will help to train operators for it.

2. Прочитайте, переведите, ответьте на вопросы:

Information technologies in the Russia oil and gas industry

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What products are the best in the market?

2. What companies try to accelerate exploration of new fields?

All the oil gas companies try to accelerate exploration and extraction of new fields, especially in recent times, when we are observing an overall decline in oil production dynamics in Russia. This requires the interpretation of beds through the building of hydrodynamic and seismic models. In other words, solutions based on high performance computing, such as clusters for data storage and for geologic information interpretation, allowing the rapid creation of 3D or 4D models. At the moment we are the leading supplier of such solutions in Russia. Our high performance computing products and data storage systems are the best in the market. In this sphere we are actively interacting with such companies as Schlumberger, Roxar and Landmark which perform certification of our products at our High Tech Solution Center in accordance with the requirements of Russian oil and gas companies. The last parallel version of Roxar’s Tem Pest port was tested and certified at our center. Our equipment has become the standard for similar equipment all over the world.

Unit 4

Formation of Oil

1. Грамматика. Причастия.

2. Текст “Formation of Oil”.

3. Самостоятельная работа. Текст “Electronic equipment helps off-shore exploration”.

Предтекстовые упражнения

1. Прочитайте интернациональные слова, отметьте ударения:

minerals, natural, gas, condensate, maximum, asphalt, organic, group, million, energy, hybrid, method, industry, mechanical, structure, machine, technique, problem, basis, electric.

Как называются в грамматике ing- формы в следующих предложениях? Каким членом предложения они являются?

1)Oil is put in car engines to keep them from wearing down.

2)The main machine for extracting oil and gas - drilling rig.

3)The first drills that have appeared hundreds of years ago, in fact, backed up working with a crowbar.

3. Переведите следующие причастия:

Extended – extending, varied – varying, included – including, separated – separating.

4. Переведите на русский язык словосочетания, в которых существительные являются определением:

Oil production; fuel production; the drill bit; oil recovery; gas condensate deposits; oil field layer; power station; oil recovery; drilling rig; assistant manager; rock mechanics; fire flooding; steam pumping

Formation of Oil

Пояснения к тексту

Drilling rig буровая установка

Drill bit буровая головка

Cable канат

Cable drilling ударное бурение

Tar sand битуминозный песчаник

Bitumen битум, горная смола

Combustible gas горючий газ

Punched a hole пробили отверстие

Sedimentary осадочный

Oil-combustible, oily liquid, which is a mixture of hydrocarbons, red-brown, sometimes almost black, although they occasionally and weakly stained in yellow-green and even colorless oil, has a peculiar smell, common in the sedimentary shell of the Earth, today is one of the important for humanity minerals.

Oil is found together with gaseous hydrocarbons at depths ranging from tens of meters to 5-6 km. However, at depths of more than 4,5-5 km is dominated by gas and gas condensate deposits with minor amounts of light fractions. Maximum number of oil fields located at depths of 1-3 km. At shallow depths and is naturally connected to the earth's surface oil is converted into a thick Malta, semi-solid asphalt and other education - such as tar sands and bitumen. According to the chemical nature and origin of oil is close to the natural gas fuel, ozokerite and asphalt. Sometimes these Fuels unite under a common name petrolitov and refer to a more extensive group of the so-called caustobioliths – combustible minerals of biogenic origin, which also include fossil solid fuel – peat and brown coals, anthracite coal, shale. By the ability to dissolve in organic liquids (carbon disulphide, chloroform, spirtobenzolnoy mixture) of oil, as well as other petrolity, as well as substances derived from these solvents, peat, coals, or by­products, usually referred to a group of bitumen.

The process of formation of oil began millions of years ago with the development of life and continues to this day. Oil declared a non-renewable sources of energy, a person can not create a new oil field in the short term.

Oil and combustible gas accumulates in porous rocks called reservoirs. A good collector is a layer of sandstone, a prisoner among the impermeable rocks, such as clays or shales, preventing leaks of oil and gas from natural reservoirs. The most favorable conditions for the formation of oil and gas fields occur in cases where a layer of sandstone is bent in the crease, facing arch upwards. The upper part of the dome is filled with gas, oil is lower, but still below - water.

Oil production is carried out by mankind since ancient times. First, primitive methods were used: collection of oil from the surface of reservoirs, treatment of sandstone or limestone, saturated with oil, using the wells. The first method is still used by the Medes and Syria, the second - in the 15 century in Italy. But the beginning of the development of the oil industry is considered to be the time of appearance of the mechanical drilling of oil in 1859 in the U.S., and now virtually all the world's oil is extracted by drilling wells.

For over a hundred years of development have dwindled some deposits were discovered others, improved the efficiency of oil production, increased oil recovery, the completeness of the extraction of oil from the reservoir. However, the structure of fuel production.

The main machine for extracting oil and gas - drilling rig. The first drills that have appeared hundreds of years ago, in fact, backed up working with a crowbar. Only scrap from these early machines were heavier and the shape of a bit more. It's called - the drill bit. His suspended on a rope, which is then raised by the gate, then lowered. These machines are called the cable-. They can be found here and there and now, but it's already yesterday technique: very slowly so they punched a hole in the stone, very many of the costs of energy wasted.


1. Скажите в каком времени стоит сказуемое в следующих предложениях, и объясните, почему употреблено то или другое время:

1)Oil is found together with gaseous hydrocarbons.

2)The process of formation of oil began million of years ago.

3)Oil production is carried out by mankind since ancient times.

4)The first drills that have appeared hundreds of years ago, in fact, backed up working with a crowbar.

5)These machines are called the cable.

6)They can be found here and there and now, but it's already yesterday technique: very slowly so they punched a hole in the stone, very many of the costs of energy wasted.

7)Maximum number of oil located at depths of 1-3 km.

2. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1) When did the process of formation of oil begin?

2) How do oil and combustible gas accumulate in porous rocks call?

3) What is the name of main machine for extracting oil and gas?

4) What is the drill bit?

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