
· broad shoulders (broad-shouldered)

· narrow shouldered

· round shoulders

· to shrug one’s s.

· sloping shoulders




· good manners

· to have no manners

· quiet manners

· refined manners

· bright smile

· broad smile

· charming smile

· cunning smile

· enigmatic smile

· engaging smile

· faint smile

· happy smile

· ironical smile

· pleasant smile

· pleased smile

· sad smile

· strained smile

· sweet smile

· to wear a smile

· wining smile

· wry smile

· grin

· to grin

· to be all smiles


· at the top of one’s voice

· clear (ringing) voice

· deep voice

· to drop one’s voice

· high-pitched voice

· hoarse voice

· in bad voice

· in good voice

· loud voice (loud-voiced)

· low voice

· pleasant voice

· to raise one’s voice

· shrill voice

· soft voice

· to strain one’s voice

· sweet voice

· thin voice

· toneless voice

· weak (feeble) voice

· in a whisper

· to whisper


1. air (look)

2. as like as two peas

3. attractive

4. to bear one’s age well

5. beautiful

6. (real) beauty

7. (irresistible) charm

8. charming

9. comely

10. common

11. family likeness

12. fetching

13. to gain (to put on) weight

14. good-looking

15. good looks

16. groomed (well-groomed)

17. handsome

18. How does she look?

19. image

20. the very image (of)

21. to look as if …

22. to look fine / happy / fit

23. to look like

24. to look old for one’s age

25. to look one’s age

26. to look oneself again

27. to look not a day older than…

28. to look upset / unwell

29. to look wretched

30. to look young for one’s age

31. to lose one’s good look

32. to lose weight

33. lovely

34. nice-looking

35. plain (Am. homely)

36. (decidedly) pretty

37. refined

38. Time stands still with her.

39. to remind of smb.

40. to resemble

41. sweet

42. to take after smb.

43. ugly

44. untidy

45. well-preserved

46. What does he look like?

47. What is she like?

48. He is on the right side of twenty.

49. She is on the wrong side of twenty.

50. She is well past twenty.

51. I will never see twenty again.

52. I’m just out of my twenties.

53. I am twenty odd.

54. She is hard on twenty.

55. He cannot be a day over thirty.

56. He is twice as old as I am.

57. He has lived to a great age.

58. She’ll outlive anyone.

59. to be (to come) of age

60. to be under age

61. She is as old as the hills.

62. She is beginning to show her age.

63. A man is as old as he looks (feels).


1. brush

· hair b.

· nail b.

· toothbrush

2. comb

3. cream

· face c.

· shaving c.

4. dressing-case

5. Eau de Cologne

6. eye-shadow

7. (nail) file

8. hairpin

9. lipstick

10. lotion

11. make-up

12. mascara

13. nail varnish

14. powder

· powder box

15. razor

· electric razor

· razor blade

· safety razor

· shaving set

16. shampoo

17. safety pin

18. scent (perfume)

· bottle of scent

· mild scent

· scent-spray

· strong scent

19. soap

· laundry soup

· soap-dish

· piece (cake) of soap

· toilet soap

20. sponge

21. toilet water

22. tooth-paste

23. toothpick


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