E. Revisions and exceptions

Frequency of Revision:

These policies and procedures should be reviewed every other year under the direction of the Chairman. Upon completion of this review, recommendations should be made concerning needed revisions.

The Revision Process:

These policies and procedures may be amended as follows:

1. Any proposed revision(s) must be presented to the full missions committee in written form. They must be approved by the full committee (by a majority - half the committee plus one).

2. Upon majority approval by the missions committee, these proposed revisions should be presented to the Session in writing. They must be approved (by a majority) by the Session in order to become valid.

3. Upon approval by the Session, these revisions should be typed neatly and inserted into all current editions of the Policies and Procedures manuals.


From time to time there may be situations in which an exception needs to be made which is not in accord with this Manual. When such a case arises, it should be approved in written form by the missions committee and then this same written exception should be approved by the CPC session.

The written form discussed above should clearly communicate the details of the case at hand and give reasons for the exception.




Committee members must be communicant members in good standing with considerable maturity in terms of their personal discipleship and interest in missions. General qualities which are important for potential members to possess are:

$ Spiritual Maturity

$ Vital Interest in World Missions

$ Commitment to missions as being a major ministry of the church

$ Willing to make a substantial time commitment to the Missions Committee

$ Continues to have a desire to learn more about world missions

$ General agreement with the missions policies of CPC

The Chairman must be an active elder. The senior pastor or his staff designate shall sit with the committee as an ex officio member.


The Chairman is appointed by the Moderator of session.

Committee Members are asked to serve by the chairman with the approval of the committee and the CPC Session. It is hoped that the members will be selected from a cross section of interests within the church. Areas like Women in the church, the Youth, the Choir, the Adult Sunday School Classes, etc. should have representation if at all possible.

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