TASK 2. Choose the correct item. (1 point each)


Listening comprehension

The dancing farmer

Hi, I’m Julian. I work on my dad’s farm in Scotland and I love it. I’m always outdoors, and I never feel under pressure like lots of my friends in their jobs. I often work on my own but I find that relaxing. I can always talk to the animals when I feel lonely! Do you know pigs are as intelligent as humans? What I find really difficult is getting up early every morning, especially in winter. I’m really bad at it and mum has to scream up the stairs to get me out of bed.

I like being a farmer but a good social life is also important. During the week I can’t stay up late but things are different at the weekends. My college friends all live and work in the city about half an hour away and I visit them most weekends. We go clubbing because I love music and dancing. I’m fascinated by all types of dancing and love my Saturday nights out. As you can imagine, it’s very different to my life during the week.

I often think about doing something different. I know I’m good at farming but perhaps I’ve got other skills that I don’t know about. I’m not bored with farming at all but I love learning new things and I learn fast. I’m watching a great TV series at the moment, in which people have a month to change their lives completely. I don’t tell many people this, but do you know what I want to train to be? A professional dancer!

Choose the correct letter (a, b, c ) – (1 point each)

1. Why does Julian like his job?

a) Because it’s challenging.

b) Because he doesn’t feel lonely when he’s at work.

c) Because it’s not stressful.

2. What does he find hard about his job?

a) He doesn’t like being a farmer in winter.

b) Sometimes he’s lonely.

c) He doesn’t like getting up early in the mornings.

3. Why are weekends special for him?

a) Because he loves going to the city.

b) Because he doesn’t have to go to bed early.

c) Because he listens to music.

4. Why does Julian want to learn something else?

a) Because he wants to do something different.

b) Because he learns fast.

c) Because he doesn’t have any skills.

5. What is Julian’s dream?

a) To change his life.

b) To be on TV.

c) To learn how to dance.

Writing Comprehension

(In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about.)

1. A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in Ukraine. Where should this visitor go on that day? What dishes should he or she eat? What souvenirs should the visitor take back to his or her country?

2. Sport is very important for young generation as well as for adults. Which sport is a favourite one in Ukraine? Why do you think so? What is your favourite sport? Why? Why is there so much sport on TV in your opinion?

3. Describe your perfect day, including location and weather. What activities would you do? With whom would you spend it? How would this day be different than every other day? Do you think it’s possible to have a perfect day? Why?

Reading Comprehension

The Pot of Gold

Tom Fitzpatrick was out walking one morning when he saw a very, very small man with a green jacket and a red cap sitting under a rock on the grass, fixing a shoe. Tom was very excited because he knew that the little man was a leprechaun. Leprechauns are magical people. They say that if you follow a leprechaun, you will find a pot of gold. But if you take your eyes off him for one moment, he will disappear.

“Good morning,” said Tom to the little man. “What are you doing?”

“That’s not your business,” said the small man in an unfriendly way.

Tom got angry and picked up the little man, saying, “Tell me now where you have put your gold, or I’ll never let you go!”

The little man was frightened. “All right,” he said. “I apologize. I’ll show you where the gold is if you let me go.” And Tom agreed.

So off they went. The leprechaun went in front, and Tom never took his eyes off him. They walked for a long, long way. Finally they came to a field that was full of different herbs. The leprechaun pointed to one of the largest plants and said, “See that big plant there? Dig under it and you’ll find a pot full of gold.”

Tom knew it was true because leprechauns never lie. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on the gold. But he didn’t have a shovel to dig a hole. He would first have to go home and get one. So he took a red handkerchief from his pocket and tied it around the plant so that he would remember it. “Now,” he said to the leprechaun. “Promise me that you will not remove this handkerchief until I come back”

“I won’t,” said the leprechaun. “May I go now?”

“All right then,” said Tom. “You may go, and good luck to you!” He went back to his house to get a shovel, and then he ran back to the field as fast as he could, with his shovel on his shoulder.

But as soon as Tom returned to the field, he knew that the clever leprechaun had played a trick. Every plant in the field had a red handkerchief on it, and each plant looked exactly the same!

Tom dug first under one plant, and then under another, for many hours, but in the end he had to go home, dirty and empty handed.

TASK 1. Are the sentences true or false? (1 point each)

1. Tom met a leprechaun when he was out walking.

2. Tom wanted the leprechaun to show him the pot of gold.

3. The leprechaun was happy to help Tom.

4. The leprechaun took Tom to the top of a hill.

5. He told Tom that the gold was under a plant.

6. Tom put a red handkerchief on the plant.

7. Tom went home to get a spade.

8. When Tom got back, the leprechaun was still there.

9. When he came back, there was a handkerchief on every plant.

10. In the end, Tom found the gold.

TASK 2. Choose the correct item. (1 point each)

1. It’s quite common for young……….to share a flat.

a) people b) peoples c) peopls

2. Every day after school, they ………computer games for hours at the internet café.

a) play b) plays c) are playing

3. Glasgow is …….. city in Scotland.

a) large b) larger c) the largest

4. Speak………, please! I don’t understand you.

a) slow b) slowly c) loud

5. ……..is bad for your health.

a) smoke b) smoking c) smoked

6. Those cars are very expensive,……… they?

a) aren’t b) are c) do

7. There are many types of people …….the world and many types of friends.

a) in b) on c) at

8. A bus ……..us up from our hotel at 7 o’clock.

a) picked b) was picking c) pick

9. Christine ……..from Cardiff University in 2009.

a) graduate b) graduates c) graduated

10. I …….. my test on English already.

a) do b) did c) have done

8-9 form KEYS.


1b 2b 3b 4a 5c



1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8F 9T 10F


1a 2a 3c 4b 5b 6a 7a 8b 9c 10c

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