The System of Law in Russia

Зачетные требования во 2 семестре

1. Уметь правильно читать и переводить без словаря изученные тексты учебника, анализировать контрольную работу № 1.

2. Уметь прочитать и перевести со словарем незнакомый текст (800 знаков за 45 минут письменно, 1000 знаков устно).

3. Уметь прочитать и понять новый текст без словаря, содержащий 6-8 незнакомых слов на страницу (700-800 печ. знаков за 45 минут) и уметь ответить на вопросы по содержанию текста.

4. Уметь рассказать устную тему и ответить на вопросы по ее содержанию.


1. What is the history of Russian Customs?

2. What is the main task of Russian Customs?

3. What functions is the Russian Customs Service carrying out?

4. What laws is Customs legislation in Russia based on?

5. What is the structure of Russian Customs?

6. What does the Russian Customs Service need today?

7. What does the Customs business of the Russian Federation include?

8. Why is the collecting of the Customs duties so important?

9. What are Customs officers’ responsibilities?

10. What is law?

11. What is the main aim of law?

12. What categories of law does the system of law in Russia consist of?

Задание на 2 семестр:

II. Подготовьте следующие устные темы:

“Russian Customs”;

“Customs Areas”;

“Law Systems and Areas: the System of Law in Russia”.

Материалы для составления устных тем

Устная тема 1

Russian Customs

The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, originated from a Tatar word tamga, which meant “a Customs tax”.

In Kievan Russ the right to collect duties could be purchased. Taxes were collected for transportation of goods through the frontiers of individual princedoms. Foreign merchants were allowed to trade only in frontier towns under threat of confiscation. Russian tsars approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and defending Russian producers.

Today the main tasks of Russian Customs are to protect the economic interests of Russia and preserve cultural and historical properties.

The Russian Customs Service is currently carrying out fiscal functions, regulation of foreign trade by means of tariff and non-tariff methods, law enforcement, collection and keeping of Customs statistics.

Customs legislation in Russia is based on “The Customs Code of the Russian Federation” and the law “On Customs Tariffs”.

The Russian Customs Service has a complex infrastructure. It is headed by the Federal Customs Service.

The day-to-day operation of Customs offices and border checkpoints is supervised by Regional Customs Departments.

Today the Russian Customs Service needs a proper legal environment, well trained personnel, Hi-Tech equipment and simplified procedures.

Answer the following questions:

1. When did the word tamozhnya appear?

2. What is the main task of Russian Customs?

3. What functions is the Russian Customs Service carrying out?

4. What laws is Customs legislation in Russia based on?

5. What factors complicate the work of Russian Customs?

6. How does the Russian Customs Service work?

7. What does the Russian Customs Service need today?

Устная тема 2

Customs Areas

The Customs business of the Russian Federation includes the Customs policy of the RF as well as the procedures and terms for transporting goods and vehicles across the Customs border, the collecting of the Customs duties, Customs registration and Customs control.

One of the Customs officers’ responsibilities is to control persons and articles entering and departing the state.

As you know, effective passenger and baggage control is necessary to collect proper duty and to prevent smuggling. Baggage is checked for concealment by X-ray baggage scanners.

Cargo shipments entering the country are to be supplied with the necessary documents, for example, Cargo entry declarations, Bills of Parcels, Bills of Lading, Insurance policies. The cargo is examined at the Customs Zone.

Cargo shipments are to be inspected for duty collection and anti smuggling purposes. Various inspectional techniques and devices can help release goods quicker, with less damage and also result in increased seizures of prohibited items.

Answer the following questions:

1. What does the Customs business of the Russian Federation include?

2. Why is the collecting of the Customs duties so important?

3. What do you know about the work of Customs officers?

4. What are Customs officers’ responsibilities?

5. What necessary documents are to supply Cargo shipments?

6. Where is the cargo examined?

7. Why all cargo shipments subject to Customs control?

8. What techniques and devices do Customs officers use?

Устная тема 3

The System of Law in Russia

Law is a system of rules established by the state.

The main aim of law is to consolidate and safeguard the social and state system and its economic foundation.

The system of law in our country consists of different categories of law.

Constitutional law is a leading category of the whole system of law. Its principal source is the country’s Constitution. It deals with social structure, the state system, organization of state power and the legal status of citizens.

Administrative law is closely connected with constitutional law but it deals with the legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of a government and ministries.

Criminal law defines the general principles of criminal responsibility, individual types of crimes and punishment applied to criminals.

International law regulates relations between governments and also between private citizen of one country and those of another.

Financial law regulates the budget, taxation, state credit and other spheres of financial activity.

Civil law is connected with relations in the economic sphere of life, with relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. The right property is the central instruction of civil law.

The rules of employment law include the legislation on the employment of industrial and office workers and regulate matters arising from employment relations.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is law?

2. What is the main aim of law?

3. What categories of law does the system of law in Russia consist of?

4. What is the principle source of constitutional law?

5. What category of law is closely connected with constitutional law?

6. What is the central institution of civil law?

7. What does criminal law define?

8. What form does criminal law take?

9. What is civil law connected with?

10. What rules does employment law include?

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