Ex.15. Fill in the gaps with the Future Simple, be going to or the Present Continuous.

1. The tree is falling. It ……….. is going to hit …… (hit) that car!

2. I can’t meet you today. I ………………. (have) lunch with my boss in an hour.

3. It’s hot in here. I …………………………………….. (take off) my sweater.

4. Tom …………….. (fly) to New York on Friday. He has already bought his ticket.

5. She likes children. She ………………………………... (be) a teacher.

6. I’m sure Kim ………………………………….. (not / let) you drive her new car.

7. I can’t go to the cinema on Saturday. I ………………………. (go) to the shops with my mother.

8. I think it ………………………………….. (snow) on Christmas Day this year.

Ex.16. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple or the be going to form.

1. My car is old. I am going to look for (look for) a new one next month.

2. It’s raining outside. Take an umbrella or you ……………………. (get) wet.

3. The buses are not running tomorrow. Peter …………………. (walk) to work.

4. “I ………. ……………………… (pay) for the drinks this time. It’s my turn.”

5. I’m sure John …………………………….. (not / miss) tonight’s match on TV.

6. “The dog is dirty.” “I know. I …………………. (wash) him in few minutes.”

7. It’s Sarah’s birthday tomorrow. Her husband ……….. ………………… (probably / cook) something special for her.

8. Mary ………. …………………….(give) a party next week. She has already invited most of her friends.

Ex.17. Fill in the gaps with will or be going to and one of the verbs from the list.Visit, answer, be, write, study, finish

1. A: The phone is ringing.

B: Okay, I’ll answer it.

2. A: You haven’t finished your homework yet.

B: I know. I ……………………………………… it after I have a bath.

3. A: Do you like singing?

B: Yes, I do. I ………………………………………… a singer.

4. A: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?

B: I can’t. I ……………………………………….for my exams.

5. A: Please write to us.

B: I promise we ………………………………………… regularly.

6. A: have you made plans for Christmas?

B: Yes, I ……………………………………………….. my parents in Brighton

Ex.18. Circle the right answer:

1. The children … their homework now.

a) are doing b) were doing c) do d) did

2. I usually … this fence once a year.

a) paint b) paints c) am painting d) was painting

3. Let`s go out. It … any more.

a) isn`t raining b) doesn’t rain c) didn’t rain d) shall not rain

4. Our friends … us at the airport tonight.

a) meets b) are going to meet c)shall meet d) met

5. I … she is busy at the moment.

a) will think b) thought c) think d) was thinking

6. These days food … more and more expensive.

a) gets b) got c) is getting d) shall get

7. In summer Nick usually … tennis twice a week.

a) play b) plays c) is playing d)was playing

8. I have a car, but I … it very often.

a) don’t use b) do use c) am not using d) didn’t use

9. The River Amazon … into the Atlantic Ocean.

a) flows b) is flown c) flow d) is flowing

10. How often … tennis?

a) is Tom playing b) does Tom play c) was Tom playing d) did Tom played

11. The teachers didn’t have dinner at the canteen,… they?

a) did b) didn’t c) had d) hadn’t

12. Look! The man … to open the door of your car.

a) tries b) was trying c) will try d) is trying

13. Hurry up! The bus....

a) is coming b) comes c) come d) was coming

14. She is sorry. She …French.

a) doesn’t speak b) isn’t speaking c) wasn’t speaking d) don’t speak

15. I usually enjoy parties, but I … this one at the moment.

a) don’t enjoy b) am not enjoying c) did enjoy d) enjoy

16. At nine o`clock yesterday I … television.

a) was watching b) watched c) had been watching d) am watching

17. Milk … a lot of vitamins.

a) contained b) is containing c) contains d) was containing

18. She is never late, … ?

a) isn’t she b) is she c) doesn’t she d) does she

19. Jackie speaks fluent French, but I … .

a) doesn’t b) don’t c) am not d) didn’t

UNIT7. The impersonal it

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives


Look: 15.You sound happy. – p.24

19. She learns quickly. – p.29

29. Its more expensive. – p.46

30. The biggest in the world. – p.47

34. Is it a long way? – p.54

Ex.1. Fill in the comparative form as in the example.

1. My motorbike goes………… faster than …… (fast) yours.

2. I work …………………………………………… (hard) Paul.

3. Today it is ………………………….. (cold) yesterday.

4. I’m ……………. …………….(old) you.

5. English is …………………….. (little) difficult ……………………. Japanese.

6. The last bus was ……………. …….. (crowded) the first bus.

7. I need a …………. (big) bag ……………….. this.

8. Travelling by train is ……………. ………….(expensive) travelling by bus.

9. A coat costs ………………………. (much) a jacket.

10. Vegetables are ……….. (good) for your health ………….. crisps.

Ex.2. Fill in the superlative form as in the example.

1. Sarah is …. the youngest ….. person in my family. (young)

2. That is ……………………………………. dress I have ever seen. (horrible)

3. Roses are the flowers which have …………….. …………smell. (nice)

4. January is …………..………………….month of the year. (cold)

5. That was …………. ………….. Joke I’ve ever heard. (funny)

6. She is …………………………. woman I’ve ever met. (beautiful)

7. Mrs. Green is …………………………... person I know. (interesting)

8. This is …………………... song I’ve ever heard. (had)

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