Ex.2 Answer the questions. 5 страница

11. You’ll never guess who I ran ____ in the supermarket- your friend Tom!

12. Can you believe that he ran____ all our money? I didn’t thing he was capable of theft.

13. He runs people ____ all the time. He never says anything nice about anyone.

14. We’re run ____ bread. Go and get some, please.

Ex.23. Fill in the correct preposition.

1. At the age of eight months I took my first steps, much to everyone’s amazement.

2. ____ the top of the street there’s a baker’s that sells the most delicious bread.

3. ____ the beginning we got along very well, but now all we seem to do is fight and argue.

4. ____ the end of the story the murderer was caught.

5. We had decided to go to France, but ____ the end we went to Rome.

6. ____ first I thought he was very rude, but now I quite like him.

7. The computer chooses data ____random, so that there is no bias or discrimination involved.

8. ____ my request, they ordered me a taxi.

9. “____ popular request, I proudly present comedian Dave Jones,” said the announcer.

10. Our baby-sister lives close ____ hand, so it’s no problem calling her at a moment’s notice.

11. When Chris met Ann it was love ____ first sight.

12. ____ the top of this hill there is a casino.

13. Put your essay ____ top of that pile over there.

14. The sports shop is ____ 31, Pine Street.

15. ____ all accounts she was a well-behaved little girl.

16. We decided to go ____ bus, but we had to wait for an hour at the bus-stop. The next time we go, we’ll go _____ taxi for sure.

17. I was sitting ____ the bus, reading my book, when Dave sat down beside me.

18. We saw her sitting _____ the taxi and waved at her, but she didn’t notice us.

19. He must have reached Israel _____ now.

20. Don’t worry, I won’t post it. I’ll make sure the letter is delivered ____ hand.

21. The teacher asked the children to learn the poem ____ heart.

22. Although she seems to be a selfish old women she must be kind ____ heart.

23. I’m sorry, but I did the wrong exercise for homework ____mistake.

24. We took him ____ surprise by arranging a party for his 50th birthday.

25. She told me that she had sent the letter ____ post a week ago.

26. The ship was lost _____ sea.

Ex.24. Fill in the correct particle(s).

1. My brother left for France last night so the whole family went to the airport to see him off.

2. “ The butler will see you ____ ,” said Lord Thornton to his visitor as he stood up to leave.

3. We asked if we could see ____ the vacant house, thinking we might want to buy it.

4. “ I’m going to see ____ it that you never work in this town again!” shouted John’s boss.

5. John was not fooled by Helen’s charm. He could see right ____ her.

6. ‘Don’t worry about your university fees. We’ve got some money set____ for your education,” said David to his son.

7. It took only a few weeks to set ____ the business.

8. We set____ at 6.00 a.m. in order to reach Birmingham by lunchtime.

9. In the north of Scotland, once bad weather sets ____ it’s bound to last for a long time.

10. A problem at the Nantes office has set the programme ____by about three months.

11. It wasn’t his fault that he lost his job- somebody had set him ____

12. If we want to get this done by five o’clock, we’d better set ____immediately.

13. He said he would sethis dogs ____ the boys if they came into his garden again.

Ex.25. Fill in the correct preposition.

1. I won the competition more by luck than by skill.

2. Jane’s bad behavior left everyone ____ a loss for words.

3. The old building was ____ danger of collapsing.

4. We must catch this man _____all costs! He is armed and dangerous.

5. “____ once in your life think of someone besides yourself!” said Tom to his brother.

6. My name’s William but people call me Bill ____ short.

7. Before a plan is carried out, it must be studied ____ detail to make sure everyone knows what they have to do.

8. The sign by the beach said “Motorboats and jet skis ____ hire”.

9. When Jenny went to buy the dress she had been saving up for, she was disappointed to find that the shop did not have her size ____ stock.

10. It was only ____ chance that Kathy learned about her friend’s wedding.

11. “I wonder if we could discuss my salary ____ private,” said Bob to his boss.

12. I’ve never been introduced to Patricia but I know her ____ sight.

13. In our hi-tech world there are many things, that we take ____granted.

14. Ann collapsed ____ tears upon hearing of her grandfather’s death.

15. Why don’t we do something else ____ a change? I’m sick and tired of going to the cinema every Saturday.

16. When the teacher opened the door to the classroom he was pleased to see all the pupils hard ____ work.

17. As the time came for Daniel and Jessica to part, they promised each other that they would stay ____ touch.

18. “I pushed Sarah over ____ accident. I didn’t mean to hurt her,” cried Tina.

19. “You’ll be ____ charge of the children until 12.00 when we get back,” I told the babysitter.

20. This diet seems to work fine. Take Mrs Jones, ____ instance. She has lost three kilos in a week.

21. When I went to make a phone call all the telephones were ____use, so I had to wait.

22. “This time I’m back ____ good. I’m never going back to Australia again,” Nick’s brother assured him.

23. Jane was ____ a hurry and didn’t notice she had dropped her purse.

24. Dora was still ____ pain after her operation; she couldn’t even get out of bed.

25. “Until I know ____ certain that I’ve passed my driving test I won’t buy a car.”

26. The room was _____ a mess because the cleaners had not had time to clear it up.

27. I would like to see your proposal ____ writing before I make a decision.

28. She’s staying with her aunt ____ the time being, until she finds a flat.

29. Most shops sell goods____ a profit because they have bought them very cheaply.

Ex.26. Fill in the correct particle(s).

1. Don’t worry, I’ll stand by you whatever problems you may have.

2. Even though they knew he was innocent, no one stood ____ him.

3. Tom’s taken ____ fishing; it’s a very relaxing pastime.

4. Joanna really stands ____ with her red hair.

5. You take____ your father; you’re a lot like him.

6. Their business is being taken____ by a digger company.

7. Simon is too young to take ____ such a big responsibility.

8. RAC stands ____ Royal Automobile Club.

9. Everyone was taken ____ when the manager stood up and walked out of the meeting.

10. As the plane took ____ we had a wonderful view of Hong Kong.

11. Why don’t you take some time____ ? You look exhausted.

12. One of my colleagues was ill yesterday so I stood____ her.

13. I was taken____ by her; she fooled me completely.

14. She had to takeher skirt ____ because she had lost a lot of weight.

15. This is quite complicated, so you might not take ____ all the information the first time.

16. Work is going well; we’ve taken____a lot of new clients.

17. Military nurses were told to stand ____ in case of an attack.

18. I don’t know why she stands ____ that sort of behavior. I wouldn’t tolerate it.

19. If washing powder doesn’t take that sport_____ , maybe bleach will.

20. When we heard he had no place to stay, we offered to take him ___ .

Ex.27. Fill in the correct preposition(s).

1. The miners are on strike again. They want better pay.

2. He hid the file ____ purpose so that no one would find it.

3. When Tom is ____ duty he does a lot of sport to relax.

4. She accepted the prize ____ behalf of her father, who was abroad.

5. The drinks machine is ____ order; you’ll have to go out and buy something.

6. Everything is ____ control. There is no need to panic.

7. The plane fell on the floor and smashed ____ little pieces.

8. I’m sorry, but that item is ____ stock. We have sold them all.

9. Don’t buy those now- wait till they’re ____ sale.

10. I see their house is ____ sale- they must be planning to move away.

11. _____ regard to your question, the answer is “yes”.

12. I was _____ the impression that you like football, but I was wrong.

13. He discovered, ____ his surprise, that it was already ten o’clock.

14. There are a lot of animals ____ our farm in Devon.

15. I’m telling you this ____ the record, so you mustn’t print it.

16. Suddenly, ____ warning, a car pulled out from a side road and crashed into her car.

17. The house is ____ fire! Call the fire brigade!

18. This information is ____ limits to all but authorized personnel.

19. The police officer said, “You are ____ arrest.”

20. Welcome ____ board this flight to Rome.

21. Strawberries are ____ season at the moment, so they’re very expensive.

22. It is ____ the law to sell alcohol to children.

23. We sat down ____ a field to have our picnic.

24. We live ____ the outskirts of town, not ____ the centre.

25. I am not ____ good terms with my brother; we’re always fighting.

26. I’ve heard this song so many times that I know it ____ heart.

27. The bridge is ____ repair; it collapsed last night.

28. You’re getting ____ the point; that’s not what we’re talking about.

29. He started ____ scratch and built up an empire.

30. I was late for work _____account of the bus strike.

Ex.28. Fill in the correct particles.

1. We weren’t expecting Bob to turn up so we were very surprised when he did.

2. He’s turning___ work of a very high standard these days.

3. I’m going to turn ____ now; I have to get up early tomorrow.

4. Please turn ____ the lights when you leave.

5. The new detergent is claimed to work ____ even the most difficult stains.

6. I’m sure you’ll be able to work ____ your problems with each other.

7. There’s no one else I can turn____. You’re my last hope.

8. The lettering on the monument has been worn ____ by acid rain.

9. You’ll get worn____ if you don’t stop working so hard.

10. I couldn’t turn____ his offer; it was too good to refuse.

11. I felt sick yesterday morning but the feeling had worn____ by lunchtime.

12. Please turn_____ and do the exercise on the next page.

Ex.29. Fill in the correct prepositions of place or movement (between, down, on top of, over, in/inside, above, in front of, past, up, among, next to/ by/ beside, from...to, through, under, below, behind, along, opposite, at, round/around, near, outside, on,against, onto, out of, across, to/towards/in the direction of, into)

Ex.2 Answer the questions. 5 страница - student2.ru


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