Ex.2 Answer the questions. 3 страница

12. After a lot of thought, we’ve decided that we would prefer __ (get/married) in Portugal rather than in England.

13. It would have been better if she __ (give) us the information sooner.

14. You’d better __ (not/wake) her up because she hasn’t slept for two days.

15. I would prefer__ (pay) in cash rather than by credit card.

Ex.18. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate auxiliary verb.

1. She had her hair permed and now she wishes she had’t…

2. Her husband spends a lot of money and she wishes he __.

3. I suspect they’ll be late again but I wish they __.

4. She always forgets people’s names but she wishes she __.

5. He invited 20 people for dinner and now he wishes he __.

6. She doesn’t know how to use a computer but she wishes she__.

7. They never ring before coming round but I wish they __.

8. You’re always interfering in my affairs and I wish you __.

9. We didn’t invite the Smiths but I wish we __.

10. You told them I could do the job but I wish you __.

Ex.19. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Sarah,

I’m having an absolutely fabulous time here on Ischia! I wish you 1) had decided (decide) to come with me. It 2) __ (be) even better if you were here. I wish I 3) __ (try) harder to persuade you to come with me. If only you 4) __ (change) your mind! I’m sure you could get time off work if you 5) __ (ask). I/ you can’t come to Ischia, 6) __ (you/consider) meeting in Rome at the beginning of next month? Of course if you 7) __ (come) with me in the first place, we 8) __ (have) a great time right now. Anyway, if you 9) __ (give) me a ring, I 10) __ (tell) you exactly what my plans are and then you can decide what you want to do.

Love, Julia

Unit 4

Adjectives and Adverbs

Ex.1. Rewrite the sentences putting the adjectives into the correct place, then identify what kind of adjectives they are.

1. I love ice-cream, (strawberry, Italian, tasty). I love tasty Italian strawberry ice-cream. (opinion, origin, material)

2. They have a sofa. (leather, navy-blue, modern)

3. He loves his bike. (new, red, expensive, mountain)

4. She has a voice. (lovely, singing, pure)

5. He’s just sold that suit to a woman. (beautiful, slim, tall, French,

6. She bought curtains. (brown and orange, dining-room)

7. She bakes cakes. (chocolate, delicious, birthday, round)

8. June has a puppy. (tiny, brown, fluffy)

9. She was given a dress. (black, spectacular, Italian, evening)

10. He bought a racquet. (tennis, graphite, new)

11. He has a grandfather. (French, ninety-year-old, wonderful)

12. We watched a film. (boring, German, black and white)

13. She wears lipstick. (pink, horrible, glossy)

14. We used to have a teacher. (strict, old, biology, American)

15. It was a dress. (wedding, antique, cream, stunning, lace)

16. Yesterday we went to the club. (huge, sports, modern)

17. Mary has a job. (sales, demanding, new)

18. The house has a kitchen. (large, well-equipped, white, modern)

19. It was a pool.(marble, huge, white, swimming)

20. He has a bag. (black, big, school)

21. I have rarely seen such a film. (American, well-made, detective)

Ex.2. Underline the correct adjective.

1. A gold/golden eagle glided gracefully across the sky.

2. She ruined her silk/silky suit by washing it.

3. We had to climb over a low stone/stony wall.

4. He approached the task with steel/steely determination.

5. This soap will leave your skin feeling silk/silky and soft.

6. Leathery/leather coats never seem to go out of fashion.

7. This plant has soft feather/feathery leaves.

8. We spotted the metal/metallic blue car speeding into the tunnel ahead.

9. The manager’s stone/stony expression showed that all was not well.

10. She was given an expensive gold/golden watch for her twenty-first birthday.

Ex.3. Put the adjectives in the correct order.

It’s a 1)beautiful large stone (stone, beautiful, large) villa on the coast, with spectacular views of the sea. You will love the 2) __ (old, huge, marble) swimming pool we have in our 3) __ (mountainside, terraced, colourful) garden. There is a 4) __ (sunny, stone, rectangular) patio at the front with many 5) __ (terracotta, flower-filled, circular) pots. The house has five 6) __ (elegant, white, medium-sized) bed-rooms and three marble bathrooms - each with its own 7) __ (antique, little, wonderful) wall-painting. The living room has a 8) __ (cool, lovely, marble) floor with 9) __ (expensive, Persian, antique) rugs and comfortable sofas. You can eat in the many 10) __ (Italian, excellent, traditional) restaurants nearby and enjoy using the facilities in the new sports centre.

Ex.4. Make compound adjectives to describe the following.

1. A student who has been taught well. a well-taught students.

2. A letter that you have been waiting for a long time.

3. A person who loves having fun.

4. A garden which is tended perfectly.

5. A life that is free of trouble.

6. A visit that was not timed well.

7. An action that is not advisable.

8. A journey of seven days.

Ex.5. Fill in “the” where necessary.

1. He takes the disabled children in his area riding on Friday afternoons.

2. When the government decided to raise taxes __rich people were unhappy and __poor were devastated.

3. Christmas can be a very sad time for __ lonely people and __ homeless.

4. We were relieved to hear that all __injured were recovered from the wreckage before the plane exploded.

5. __survivors carried __injured people to the ambulance.

6. __deaf communicate by using sign language.

Ex.6. Rewrite the sentences putting the adverbs in the correct place and making any other necessary change.

1. Ferries sail to the island. (weekly, twice, only, during the winter)

Ferries sail to the island only twice weekly during the winter.

2. He does the shopping. (reluctantly, at the supermarket, every week)

3. She waited for her test results. (worriedly, in the hospital, all day)

4. The clock strikes twelve times. (exactly, in the hall, at midday)

5. My mother used to read to me. (aloud, always, in the evenings)

6. The soldiers marched. (to the battlefield, bravely, yesterday)

7. They go by car. (at weekends, to the leisure centre, sometimes)

8. We arrived after a bumpy flight. (in Scotland, eventually, safely, extremely)

9. The detective had been following the suspect. (all day, carefully)

10. She walks. (quickly, every morning, to the station)

11. The little boy ran. (excitedly, from the room, suddenly)

12. She turned up looking annoyed. (at the party, unexpectedly, terribly)

13. He studied. (hard, all morning, in his bedroom)

14. She looked at her reflection. (for ten minutes, carefully, in the mirror)

15. The children sit and play. (in their room, for hours, happily)

16. He waved goodbye. (to his friend, at the airport, sadly)

17. The old boat sailed into the harbor. (slowly, through the water, this afternoon)

18. He ran to answer the phone. (down the stairs, to the hall, quickly)

19. She sat reading a book. (all day, lazily, by the fire)

20. He looked to see if anyone was there. (out the window, nervously, this morning)

Ex.7. Identify the words in italics as adjectives or adverbs.

This year’s road race was the 1) best(adjective)I’ve ever seen. The event is held 2) yearly, and entrance to the main stand is 3) free. The race is always a 4) sure exhibition of exceptionally 5) finedriving. It was a 6) coldmorning, and the teams had woken up 7) early to get their cars ready. They had trained 8) long and 9) hardto get here. The race was due to start at 11 o’clock, but started 10) late as the track wasn’t 11) clean . There was a 12) loud roar when all the drivers started their cars, then they proceeded 13) quickly to the starting line. The gun went off, and the cars moved, as if in 14) slow motion. They drove 15) past the stands, and turned a 16) tight corner onto the main circuit. On the fifth lap one driver made a17) wrong decision, and his car stopped 18) dead as it collided with a safety-barrier. The race was 19) fast, and all the drivers drove 20) well, but it was 21) clear from the beginning who was going to win: an Australian driver had taken the 22) inside lane and overtaken everybody in only the second lap. Over the rest of the race he managed to distance himself 23) further from all the other cars. It was an 24) easy victory for him, and he continued round the track for an 25) extra lap to celebrate his win.

Ex.8. Underline the correct item.

1. I managed to get to New York easy/easily by flying there directly/direct.

2. She has been deeply/deep upset by his behavior late/lately.

3. Late/lately the cost of living has been increasing; things generally are not nearly/near as cheap as they used to be.

4. It is wide/widely believed that she was wrong/wrongly accused.

5. Laura is a very shy person who rare/rarely goes out and she does not mix free/freely with the other students.

6. She is highly/high regarded in the school as people can get on with her easily/easy.

7. I was not full/fully satisfied with the doctor as he had wrong/wrongly diagnosed my previous illness.

8. “Do you intend to leave shortly/short?” “I think so. I’ve nearly/near finished.”

9. He’ll surely/sure get a good grade; he’s been studying very hardly/hard for the past year.

10. I was prettily/pretty embarrassed when I realised that I had hardly/hard money to pay the bill.

11. He came last/lastly in the race and was prettily/pretty disappointed by his performance.

12. The train goes direct/directly to Edinburgh without stopping so it will probably be full/fully.

13. She free/freely admitted that she had not been working very hardly/hard recently.

14. It is wide/widely believed that politicians are people who can’t be full/fullytrusted.

15. Sure/surely we must be near/nearly there by now.

Ex.9. Underline the highlighted word(s) which can be used. In some sentences all words might be possible.

1. Ann has four children, and they’re all quite/rather/fairly/pretty well behaved.

2. That was quite/rather/fairly/pretty an interesting speech Jane gave. I was quite/rather/fairly/pretty impressed.

3. Life is quite/rather/fairly/prettymore difficult now than it was in the past.

4. It was quite/rather/fairly/prettyobvious that he was lying.

5. Ken is quite/rather/fairly/prettya good painter and quite/rather/fairly/prettyimaginative too.

6. The supermarket stocksquite/rather/fairly/prettya wide variety of imported products but they are quite/rather/fairly/prettyexpensive.

7. It’s quite/rather/fairly/prettycolder today than it was yesterday. Bequite/rather/fairly/prettysure to dress up well.

8. She’s quite/rather/fairly/prettyan arrogant woman. I find her quite/rather/fairly/prettyan arrogant woman. I find her quite/rather/fairly/prettydifficult to get on with.

9. Can we stop for a bite to eat soon? I’m feeling quite/rather/fairly/prettyhungry.

10. The exercise took quite/rather/fairly/pretty longer than I expected.

11. This exercise isquite/rather/fairly/prettydifficult but I’m quite/rather/fairly/prettysure you can do it.

12. The journey takes quite/rather/fairly/prettya long time but the ticket isquite/rather/fairly/prettycheap.

Ex.10. Put the adjective in brackets into the correct form.

Kinsale may be one of 1) the smallest(small) towns in Southern Ireland but it’s also one of 2) __ (famous). It is well known for its 3) __ (wonderful) fish restaurants. Some of 4) __ (good) known chefs in the world have trained in the restaurants there. The town itself is one of 5) __ (picturesque) in Southern Ireland. It’s situated by the sea, which ensures that it is 6) __ (cool) in the summer than other inland towns. A 7) __ (huge) cathedral over-looksthe town and it is one of 8) __ (breathtaking) in the whole area. To the north of the town lies one of 9) __ (high) mountain ranges in the country. The town is very 10) __ (beautiful), with its many craft shops and narrow cobbled streets. Most tourists visit Kinsale for its fish restaurants, which are family owned. This means that the service there is 11) __ (good) than inother restaurants. The staff are 12) __ (welcoming) there than anywhere else. The food may be 13) __ (expensive) but you’ll have one of 14__ (pleasurable) evenings of your life there. So go ahead and visit Kinsale.

Ex.11. Change the words in brackets into adverbs and them into the correct form.

Finally, a new washing powder that gets rid of stains 1) effectively(effective) and leaves your clothes 2) __ (brilliant) white. New “All-bright” cleans 3) __ (power­ful) than any other product on the market. It gets the dirt out 4) __ (quick) and 5) __ (thorough) than any ordinary powder. Indeed, in no time at all new “All-bright” will be selling 6) __ (good) than any other brand at your supermarket. With a prize-winning formula that has been researched 7) __ (extensive) by our scientists than any other product, success is guaranteed. With new “All-bright” your money will go 8) __ (far) than it’s ever gone before. So pick up your box of new “All-bright” today!

Ex.12. Underline the correct item.

I am writing to request 1) farther/further information on the climbing holidays you run. I am 2) most/much interested in climbing, but fear that I will be 3) older than the other participants. Also, I am 4) far/very less fit than I used to be. Nonetheless, I am 5)even/verykeener on the sport than ever. So my question is, will there be climbs which are 6) a bit/most easier for older ones like me? In addition, do you do discounts for pensioners? Your holidays are 7)very/evenexpensive for someone on a low income. I look forward to hearing from you and receiving 8) any/more details.

Ex.13. Fill in “as” or “like”.

1. Although it lives in the sea, the whale is classed as a mammal. It may look __a dangerous beast, but it is real­ly __gentle __a lamb.

2. My friend George describes himself __ a great singer. He thinks he has a voice __an angel, but when he sings it sounds __ a cat wailing! He works __a taxi driver and everybody keeps telling him not to give up his job!

3. McTaverty’s Tavern has been described __the best restaurant in Perthshire, with dishes that smell delicious and taste __they have been made with only the finest ingre­dients. Surprisingly, the prices are not __ high __ you might expect.

4. Majorie works __a criminal lawyer and is regarded __an expert in her field. She works extreme­ly hard and at the end of a long day in court all she feels __ doing is collapsing in front of the TV.

5. If you want to go on a diet, do __ your doctor tells you. There are some foods such __ vegetables which you can eat __ much of __ you want. Why not try soya meat? It tastes just __ real meat and can be used in the same way __ mince, but is a low-fat food.

6. __ I was saying, you look exactly __ my cousin Hilary - you know, the one who works __ an air hostess.

7. Fred was known __ an unpunctual person and __ usual, he was late again. After standing in the rain __ an idiot for half an hour, gradually getting wetter and wetter, I decided to go home before I began to look __ a drowned rat.

8. Howard and Hugh aren’t related but they look almost exactly the same __ each other. They are referred to __ “The Twins”. When they walk into a room, it’s __ seeing double.

9. For __ long __ I live, I’ll never forget my first holiday in Hawaii. It was __ paradise. I intend to return there __ soon __ I can afford the airfare.

10. Trying to make sense of the written word is a bit __ being lost in a forest: all the trees look the same, just __ for ayoung child all the words look the same __ each other.



Ex.1. Insert suitable prepositions (at, to, in) in the following.

1. Could I speak to Tom, please? − I’m afraid Tom’s _____ work. But Jack’s ______ Would you like to speak _____ him?

2. How do I get _____ the air terminal? − Turn right _____ the end of this street and you’ll see it _____ front of you.

3. He started going ______ school ____ the age of five. So now he’s been _____ school for ten years. He’s leaving______ the end of this year.

4. He goes _____ his office every day except Sunday. On Sundays he stays _____ home and works ______ the garden.

5. I think I left my umbrella _____ the bus. I’d better write ____ the Lost Property Office.

6. We arrived _____ the airport _____ good time for the plane.

7. Can I look up a word _____ your dictionary? I left mine_____ home.

8. Our train arrived _____ York _____ 6.30. Paul met us _____ the station.

9. Have you been _____ the theatre recently?-Yes, I was _____ the Old Vic last night.

10. I’m returning _____ France _____ the end of this term.- Are you coming back _____ England after the holidays?

11. He isn’t living _____ home now, but if you write_____ his home they’ll forward the letter _____ his new address.

12. I went _____bed early but I couldn’t get _____ sleep because the people _____ the next room were talking so loudly.

13. _____ first I found the work very tiring, but _____ a few weeks I got used _____ it.

14. There was an accident _____ the crossroads _____ midnight last night. Two men were taken _____ hospital. I believe one of them is still_____ hospital.

15. _____ the daytime the streets are crowded but _____ night they are quite deserted.

16. _____ first her father refused to allow her to go back _____ work; but_____ the end he agreed.

17. _____ the beginning of a textbook there is a preface, and _____ the end there is an index.

18. He went _____sea_____18, and spent all his working life_____ sea. He retired _____ 56 and went to live _____the country.

19. I saw Tom _____ the bus stop this morning but couldn’t speak_____ him because we were standing _____ a queue and he was _____ the front of it and I was _____ the back.

20. I’ll leave some sandwiches_____ the fridge in case you are hungry when you come in.

21. We’d better start _____ six, because climbing up _____ the gallery takes some time. I hope you don’t mind sitting _____ the gallery.- No, of course not. When I go _____ the opera I always go _____ the gallery.

22. He is always _____ a hurry. He drives _____ a tremendous speed.

23. When he began speaking _____ English, she looked ______ him_____ amazement.

24. Write _____ink and put your name_____ the top of the page.

25. We start serving breakfasts _____ 7.30.Shall I send yours up_____ your room, or will you have it _____ the restaurant?

26. He’s always _____ a bad temper _____ breakfast time.

27. According _____ the guidebook there hotels _____ the town.

28. The pilot climbed _____ 5.000 metres and flew_____ that height till he got _____ the coast. Then he came down _____ 1.000 metres and began to take photographs.

29. I’m interested _____chess but I’m not very good _____ it.

30. Who is the girl _____the blue dress, sitting_____ the head of the table?

31. I couldn’t offer him a room _____ my flat because _____ that time my mother-in-law was staying with us.

32. The train stopped _____ all the stations, and long before we got _____ London every seat was taken and people were standing _____ the corridors.

33. Shall we discuss it _____ my room, or shall I come _____ your office?

34. _____ my astonishment I was the only person _____ the bar. Everyone else had gone _____ the Casino.

35. The Loch Ness Monster is supposed to supposed to live _____ the bottom of the Loch and come_____ the surface from time _____ time.

36. You can’t say that he lives _____ luxury. There’s hardly any furniture _____ in his room. He hasn’t even got a desk to write ____ .

Ex. 2. Fill the gaps in the following sentences from the list (at, by, into, of, off, on, out (of), to, under, with)

1. I’m going to Bath on Monday with Tom. Would you like to come ____ us? - Are you going ____bus? - No, we’re going____ Tom’s car.

2. I saw him standing ____ the queue but I don’t know whether he got ____ the bus or not.

3. How do you go ____school? - It depends ____ the weather ____ wet days I go____ tube; ____fine weather I go ____ foot.

4. The car stopped ____ the traffic lights and wouldn’t start again, so the driver got ____ and pushed it ____the side ____ the road.

5. Someone threw a stone ____ the speaker. It hit him ____ the head and knocked his glasses____ .

6. I want to post this ____ a friend ____ Italy. Will he have to pay duty ____ it?

7. According ____Tom, it is impossible to live ____Paris ___ less than Ex.2 Answer the questions. 3 страница - student2.ru 10.000 a year.

8. Are you ____your own (alone)? - No, I’m ____ a friend____ mine.

9. You ought to be ashamed ____ yourself for coming ____ my nice clean kitchen ____ muddy boots.

10. Children get presents ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays.

11. How would we get ____ (escape from) this room if the hotel were ____ fire?

12. He arrived ____ London ____ 6p.m. _____ a foggy November day. We often have fogs ____ November.

13. The man ____his back____ the camera is the Minister ____ Agriculture.

14. How do I get ____ the Public Library?- Go ____ the end ____this street and turn right; turn left ____ the next traffic light and then take the second turning ____ your right. This will bring you ____ Brook Street, and you’ll find the library____ your left.

15. Alternatively you could get a 14 bus _____ this stop and ask the conductor to tall you where to get ____ (alight).

16. The boy was learning against the wall ____ his pockets. “Take your hands ____ your pockets,” said his father sharply.

17. As she was getting ____ the car one ____ her buttons fell ____Although we were ____ a hurry she insisted ____ stopping to look for it.

18. Mr Jones is very keen____ punctuality. His lessons start dead _____time and you get ____ terrible trouble if you’re late.

19. The man _____ the pipe and red hair is the brother _____ the girl ____ blue.

20. Don’t leave your luggage ____ the corridor. It’ll be____ everyone’s way. Bring it ____ the compartment and put it ____the rack.

21. He sits ____ his desk all day ____ his head ____ his hands. It gets ____ my nerves.

22. ____ mistake I opened Mary’s letter instead ____ my own. She was very angry ____ me and said that I’d done it ____ purpose.

23. I buy a newspaper ____my way ____the station and read it ____ the train. By the time I get ____ London I’ve read most ____ it.

24. He was charged ____ driving while ____ the influence ____ alcohol.

25. People who drop litter ____ the pavements are liable ____ a fine ____$ 50.

26. He accused me ____ selling secret information ____ the enemy.

27. You look worried. Are you ____ some sort____ trouble? - Yes, ____ a way. I’m ___ debt and my creditors want to be paid____ the end ____ the month, and ____ the moment I haven’t any money____ the bank.

28. The car skidded ____the tree, the windscreen was smashed and the driver was cut ____ the face ____ splinters ____ glass.

29. Four people were injured ____ the demonstration. Three ____ them are students ____ the university, the fourth is here ____ holiday. That’s him over there ____ his arm ____plaster.

30. This picture was painted ____ Picasso; and there’s another Picasso ____ the opposite wall.

31. The horse stopped suddenly and the rider fell ____ . He couldn’t get ____ again without help and there was no one ____ sight.

32. The children hastily changed ____ bathing thinks and jumped ____ the river____ shouts of delight.

33. We’ll have to go ____ car; we can’t go ____bus____ account ____ the bus strike.

34. Divers breathing a mixture ____ helium and oxygen can work ____ a depth ____ 100 metres.

35. I’m tired ____working ___ the suburbs and I’ve asked to be transferred ____our central branch.

36. Can I have Monday ____ ? or Can I have a holiday ____ Monday? I want to go ____my grandson’s wedding.

Ex.3. Insert suitable Prepositions, choosing them from the list (at, by, during, for, from, in, of, on, over, since, till, under, with)

1. I’ve lived in this street for ten years.

2. He has lived ____ 101 Cornwall Gardens____ 1966.

3. ____the age ____ 18 he was sent to prison ____ theft.

4. He was ___prison____ two years. ____ that time ha became interested ____ pigeons.

5. There is a parcel of books ____you____ the table ____ the hall.-Oh, they must be ____ my brother. He always sends me books ____ my birthday.

6. We heard that Bill wasn’t ____ arrest but was helping the police ____ their enquiries. The police are interested ____ a bank robbery which took place ____ Bill’s last holidays.

7. Much Ado About Nothing is____ Shakespeare, and you’ll find more ____his plays____ the bookcase ____ the corner.

8. As the child was too young to travel ____ herself, they arranged ____ her to travel ____ the care ____ a friend of the family.

9. Have you heard ____John ____his return?-Yes, I had a letter ____Monday. He’s thinking ____ going back____ America.

10. He was ill ____a week and____ that week his wife never left his side.

11. Aren’t you coming ____us? - No, I’m waiting ____ Tom. - But he won’t be ready____ some time.-I’m not ____ a hurry. I’ll wait till he’s ready.

12. I’m very sorry ____being late. It was good ____you to wait ____me.

13. Passengers may leave bulky articles ____ the stairs ____ the conductor’s permission, but the bus company will not be responsible ____ such articles.

14. Remember to be ____good time____ the opera because if you’re late they won’t let you ____the end ____ the act.

15. I want two seats____ Romeo and Julie t____ Friday night.

16. ____spite____ the heat he refused to take ____his coat.

17. He was wounded ____the shoulder____ a bullet fired ____an upstairs window.

18. While ____their way from the coast ____the mountains they were attacked ____ a jaguar.

19. What platform does the train ____. York leave_____?-Platform 8, and you’d better hurry. It’ll be leaving ____a minute.

20. He invited me to dinner ____his club and____ the meal he asked me ____ advice about his investments.

21. He’s not independent ____any means. He depends ____his father ____ everything.

22. He has a picture ____ Picasso (Picasso painted the picture) and he can’t decide whether to hang it ____the hall ____the right as you come ____ or ____the sitting room ____the fireplace.

23. I’m tired ____ hearing about Tom and his Picasso. He can hang it ____ his garage ____all I care!

24. He said he was ____debt and asked me ____a loan____$ 50.

25. What’s the cheapest way ____getting ____London ____Edinburgh?-Well, you could hitch hike there ____next ____nothing, or you could go ____coach____ about $ 20.

26. I was horrified____ his appearance. He looked as if he hadn’t slept ____ weeks.

27. When he gets back ____the office he expects his wife to meet him ____ the door ____ his slippers, and have a hot meal waiting____ him.

28. Yesterday the children went____ a walk and didn’t get back____ 10p.m. Their mother was furious ____them ____coming in so late.

29. Passengers who get ____or ____a bus (i.e. who board or leave it) except____ the official stops do so ____ their own risk.

30. The rows are lettered ____A to T, beginning ____ the row nearest the stage. So if Tom is sitting ____B 26, and Jack is sitting ____C 26, Tom will be directly____ front ____Jack.

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