Прочтите и переведите на русский язык следующие слова. Выделите приставки, корни, суффиксы.

Прочтите и переведите на русский язык следующие слова. Выделите приставки, корни, суффиксы.

Stiffness, nailable, workability, irregular, inequality, supercharge, available, under-production, interrelation, unbuildable, typically, environment, existence, airless, workmanship, various, unsuitable, owner, redesign, accountability, oversimplification, mechanize, multistory, elasticity, insignificant.

Переведите слова на русский язык. Пользуйтесь словарем, если необходимо.

Pre-design, highway, simple-shaped, waterless, mixture, limestone, Internet, workable, place, know-how, townhouse, lightweight, subsoil, supercooling, homeowners, reuse, preconstruction, displace.

Международные (“International”) слова

Научный и технический прогресс ХХ века принес большое количество новых международных слов atom, atomic, radio, television, sputnik.

При встрече с новым словом не следует сразу пользоваться словарем. В современных отраслевых языках встречается много слов, совпадающих по написанию или звучанию с соответствующими русскими словами.

Например: meeting – митинг, to inform – сообщать, program – программа, basis – основа и т.п. При этом, однако, надо иметь в виду, что есть слова, которые требуют иного перевода и не соответствуют по значению русскому слову. Например: problem – задача, limit – граница, engineer – может означать техник, механик, слесарь и др., industry – трудолюбие и т.д.

Имеются и слова, которые можно понять без словаря, хотя в рус­ский язык они перешли лишь в одном из присущих им значений. К примеру, revolution имеет такие значения, как круговое вращение, пол­ный оборот, смена времен года. В русском же языке это слово употреб­ляется лишь в значении коренной перелом, революция. Слово экспансия в русском означает захват чужих территорий. В английском же оно означает увеличение, расширение, expansion of construction – расширение строительства (а не его захват). К числу подобных слов относятся affair, occupation, reduction и множество других. Переводу таких слов мо­жет помочь контекст и их окружение; так, master segment означает глав­ный сегмент; commercial application – коммерческое применение (а не при­ложение). О значении некоторых слов можно догадаться, сопоставив их с подобными, в какой-то их части, русскими словами. Так, глагол to consist of – состоять из сопоставим со словом консистенция, equal – равный со словом эквивалент, to provide – обеспечивать – со словом провизия, qual­ity – качество – со словом квалификация. Известно, что словарная статья дает обычно ряд значений одного слова. Но не всегда среди них имеет­ся нужный вариант! Например, в сочетании product development слово development надо перевести как выпуск, а все выражение как выпуск про­дукции (а не развитие).

Рекомендуем выработать в себе привычку догадки о значении слова по составляющим его частям. Укажем также на необходимость работать с международными словами, в частности, над их произно­шением: cycle ['saIkl] – цикл, mastic ['mxstIk] – мастика и т.п.

Следует иметь в виду, что в современной литературе по разным отраслям строительства международная лексика представлена чрез­вычайно широко.

Переведите международные слова без словаря, а затем проверьте их значения по словарю.

Сontainer, automatize, efficiency, percent, variation, original, compres­sion, modification, calculate, matter, manufacture, multiple, reason, tem­perature, mixture, components, logical, historical, pressure, critically, equally, operate, examine, contain, sum, representation, contractor, man­ufacturer, recommend, finally, basis.





1. Запомните следующие слова:

alma mater ["xlmq 'meItq, -'mRtq] n лат. альма-матер (букв. мать кормящая), старинное название университетов

civil engineering ['sIvl "enGI'nIqrIN] гражданское строительство

industrial engineering [In'dAstrIql] промышленное строительство

to found [faund] v основывать

to establish[Is'txblIS] v основывать, учреждать

memorial plaque [mI'mLrIql 'plxk ('plRk)] мемориальная доска

higher educational institution['haIq"edjVkeISqnql "InstI'tjHSqn] = higher educational establishment [Is'txblISmqnt] = higher school высшее учебное заведение

branch [brRnC]n отрасль, ветвь; филиал

standard of teaching ['stxndqd qv'tJCIN] уровень преподавания

to provide [prq'vaId] v обеспечивать

skilled [skIld] а умелый, квалифицированный

teaching staff['tJCIN 'stRf] профессорско-преподавательский состав

department[dI'pRtmqnt] п отдел; факультет, кафедра

the head of the department заведующий кафедрой

faculty ['fxkqltI] n факультет

mine [maIn] n шахта; добывать (уголь, руду)

mining['maInIN] n горное дело, горная промышленность; attr горный

mechanics [mI'kxnIks] а механика

extra-mural ['ekstrq'mjuqrql] а заочный или вечерний (о факультете)

surveying[sq'veIIN] n съемка, маркшейдерия

mineral dressing ['mInqrql 'dresIN] обогащение полезных ископаемых

construction[kqn'strAkSn] n строительство

technical drawing ['teknIkql 'drLIN] черчение

exact science [Ig'zxkt 'saIqns] точная наука

strength of materials ['streNT qv mq'tIqrIqlz] сопротивление материалов

structural design ['strAkCqrql dI'zaIn] проектирование конструкций; строительное проектирование

structural protection [prq'tekSqn] защита зданий

building materials['bIldIN] = construction materials строительные материалы

construction engineeringстроительство, гражданское строительство

construction site[saIt] строительная площадка

dean [dJn] n декан

to involve [In'vPlv]v включать в себя; заключать, содержать; подразумевать

to be involved with быть занятым, заниматься

full-time students ["ful'taIm 'stjHdqnts] студенты дневного отделения

part-time students["pRt'taIm 'stjHdqnts] студенты заочного или вечернего отделения

to study by correspondence ['stAdI baI "kPrIs'pPndqns] учиться заочно

qualify as ['kwPlIfaI qz] присваивать квалификацию

deliver lectures on smth[dI'lIvq'lekCqz] = give (gave, given) lectures on smth читать лекции по какому-л. предмету

credit test ['kredIt'test] n зачет

lawyer['lLjq] n юрист

term[tE:m]= semester [sI'mestq] n семестр

grant ['grRnt], scholarship ['skPlqSIp], stipend ['staIpqnd] n стипендия

the term of tuition [tjH'ISn] срок обучения

2. Прочитайте однокоренные слова и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы.

Important, importance; develop, development; pay, payment; produce, product, production; memory, memorial; situate, situated, situation; occupy, occupied, occupation; found, founded, foundation; mine, miner, mining; teach, taught, teaching, teacher; provide, provision; skill, skilled; lecture, lecturer; enrol, enrolment; education, educated, educational; direct, direction, director; construct, construction, constructor; manage, managing, management, manager; economics, economy, economist; law, lawyer; examine, examiner, exam, examination; train, training, trainer; read, reader, reading-room; equip, equipment, well-equipped.

My Institute

I’m a civil engineering student at the Shakhty Institute (Branch) of South Russia State Technical University. The institute is situated in the centre of the city. It occupies a big, beautiful five-storeyed building of grey stone. There is a plaque at the entrance in memory of its founders. On weekdays you can see a lot of students in the square in front of the institute.

The institute was founded in 1958. It was established for training engineers for different industries of the country. At present the polytechnic is one of the most important higher schools in the city. Engineers for different branches of industry, economists, lawyers, managers and other specialists are trained at the educational establishment. The high standard of teaching is provided by the skilled teaching staff. The total enrollment is about 5,500 students. The institute is headed by the director.

There are five faculties in the higher educational institution. They are the Faculty of Technology, the Faculty of Machine and Equipment Service, the Faculty of Humanities, Informatics and Management, the Faculty of Extra-mural and Distance Learning and the Centre of Further Training and Qualification Improvement. The head of each faculty is the dean. Each faculty has a group of related departments.

The Faculty of Technology incorporates the departments of mining, mineral dressing, geology and surveying, industrial and civil engineering, technical drawing, mining machines, electrical engineering, physics, automobile engineering and chemistry. The Faculty of Humanities, Informatics and Management comprises the departments of economics and law, management, social sciences, foreign languages, and physical training.

The Faculty of Extra-Mural and Distance Learning is involved with part-time students. Some students attend classes twice a week, others use the Internet in their studies and come to the university twice a year. Part-time students combine studies with work.

The Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering and Construction Materials was established in 1958. At that time it was called the Department of Mine and Underground Construction and trained construction engineers for the mining industry of the country. At present graduates have broader qualifications and work in different branches of the national economy. Civil engineering students study general sciences, humanities and specialized subjects. They take mathematics, physics, chemistry, technical drawing, and computer science. Students also study social sciences and foreign languages. The qualified lecturers deliver lectures on strength of materials, construction engineering, structural design, structural protection, building materials and other disciplines.

The term of full-time tuition is five years. The academic year consists of two terms. The first term starts in September and finishes in December, the second one begins in February and ends in May.

At the end of each term students take credit tests and examinations. The examination periods are in January and June. Those who do well in their exams get grants. Students get professional training in July. They work in offices, banks, mines and on construction sites. Students are on vacation in August.

After completing the course of training and passing final exams young people are qualified as engineers and lawyers, economists, managers. After graduation from the institute they work in banks, plants, mines, design offices and construction companies.

The institute has a lot of lecture-halls, computer rooms, well-equipped laboratories, a gymnasium and a sports ground. There is a library and a reading room runs by professional librarians. The institute has zerox copiers, computers, scanners and printers. Meetings, conferences and concerts are held in the assembly hall.

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (born c. 80–70 BC, died after c. 15 BC) was a Roman writer, architect and engineer, active in the 1st century BC. He has been called the world's first known engineer.

Little is known about Vitruvius' life. Likely born a free Roman citizen, by his own account Vitruvius served the Roman army under Julius Caesar. As an army engineer, he specialized in the construction of ballista and scorpio artillery war machines for sieges.

Mainly known for his writings, Vitruvius was himself an architect. In Roman times architecture was a broader subject than at present including the modern fields of architecture, construction management, construction engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, military engineering and urban planning.

Vitruvius is the author of De Architectura, known today as The Ten Books on Architecture dedicated to the emperor Augustus. This work is the only surviving major book on architecture from classical antiquity.

De architectura libri decem

As a practising engineer, in his book Vitruvius must be speaking from personal experience rather than simply describing the works of others. He describes the construction of sundials and water clocks, and the use of the first steam engine.

His description of aqueduct construction includes the way they are surveyed, and the careful choice of materials needed. He describes many different construction materials used for a wide variety of different structures, as well as such details as stucco painting.

Vitruvius is well known and often cited as one of the earliest surviving sources to have advised that lead should not be used to conduct drinking water, recommending clay pipes or masonry channels.

Vitruvius gives us the famous story about Archimedes and his detection of adulterated gold in a royal crown. When Archimedes realised that the volume of the crown could be measured exactly by the displacement created in a bath of water, he ran into the street with the cry of Eureka!, and the discovery enabled him to compare the density of the crown with pure gold. He showed that the crown had been alloyed with silver, and the king defrauded.

He describes the construction of Archimedes' screw, although doesn't mention Archimedes by name. It was a device widely used for raising water to irrigate fields and dewater mines. Other lifting machines he mentions include the endless chain of buckets and the water-wheel. Remains of the water wheels used for lifting water have been discovered in old mines in Spain and in west Wales. The former now is shown in the British Museum, and the latter in the National Museum of Wales. The remains were discovered when these mines were re-opened in modern mining attempts.

He describes the many innovations made in building design to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants. Foremost among them is the development of the type of central heating where hot air developed by a fire was channelled under the floor and inside the walls of public baths and villas. He gives explicit instructions how to design such buildings so that fuel efficiency is maximised.

The surviving ruins of Roman antiquity, the Roman Forum, temples, theatres, triumphal arches and their reliefs and statues gave ample visual examples of the descriptions in the Vitruvian text.

sundials ['sAndaIəl] – солнечные часы (pl)

aqueduct ['ækwIdAkt] – акведук

stucco ['stAkəu] – штукатурка

lead [led] – свинец

masonry ['meIsnrI] – каменная кладка

adulterate [ə'dAltəreIt] – фальсифицировать

defraud [dI'frLd] – обманывать

explicit [Iks'plIsIt] – подробный


Запомните следующие слова.

secondary ['sekqndqrI] school средняя школа

to finish school with honours = to leave (left) school with honours['lJv ('left)'skHl wID'Pnqz] окончить школу с отличием

to enter an institute / university ['entq qn'InstItjHt] поступить в институт / университет

to be (was, were, been)a first-year student =to be (was, were, been)in one's first year['bJ ('wPz, 'wE:, 'bJn) In 'wAnz 'fE:st 'jIq] быть на первом курсе

to take (took, taken)construction engineeringизучать гражданское строительство

to be going to do smth собираться делать что-л.

a specialist in smth ['speSqlIst] специалист в какой-л. области

speciality["speSI'xlItI] n специальность; специализация, основное занятие

specialization["speSqlaI'zeISqn] n специализация

to specialize in smth ['speSqlaIz] специализироваться в какой-л

to be good at languages / mathematics ['lxNgwIGIz "mxTI'mxtIks] быть способным к языкам / математике

graduation[‘grxdZu'eISqn] n окончание курса (в учебном заведении)

to build ( built) [bIld, bIlt] v строить

builder['bIldq] n строитель

building ['bIldIN] n здание, строение, постройка, сооружение

building engineer инженер-строитель, прораб

building construction строительство

retired[rI'taIqd] а в отставке, на пенсии

to intend [In'tend] v намереваться

to continue [kqn'tInjH] v продолжать

to seek ( sought) [sJk, sLt] v искать; добиваться

areer [kq'rIq] n карьера

housewife ['haVswaIf] n домохозяйка

structural engineer ['strAkCqrql] инженер-строитель

civil engineer['sIvl] инженер-строитель, гражданский инженер

prosperous['prPspqrqs] а процветающий

private['praIvIt] a частный

to support a familyy [sq'pLt] содержать семью

salary['sxlqrI] n жалованье, оклад

a.m. ['eI'em] = ante meridiem ['xntImq'rIdIqm] adv до полудня

p.m. ['pJ'em] = post meridiem ['poustmq'rIdIqm] adv после полудня

twice a week ['twaIs q…'wJk] два раза в неделю

seminar ['semInR] n семинар

to have (had) an excellent mark in an examination = to get(got) an excellent mark in an examination ['eksqlqnt 'mRk] получать отличную оценку на экзамене

satisfactory["sxtIs'fxktqrI] а удовлетворительный

term paper ['tE:m 'peIpq] курсовая работа

to introduce ["Intrq'djHs] v представлять

research [rI'sE:C] n исследовательская работа; а исследовательский; v исследовать

to do (did, done) research ['dH, 'dId, 'dAn] проводить исследование

monitor['mPnItq] n староста

to mix with people [mIks] общаться с людьми

About myself

Let me introduce myself. My name is Vitaly Petrov. I am a construction student. I am 19 years old. I was born in Shakhty in 1990. My birthday is on the 10th of December.

I have a family. My family consists of six people: my father, my mother, my grandfather, my grandmother, my brother and me. My father's name is Nikolai Pavlovich. He is 42. Dad is a building engineer. He works for a private construction company. My grandfather is 70 years old. He is retired. Grandpa was a builder. He worked on a construction site. I intend to continue the family tradition and seek a career in building construction. My mother's name is Larisa Petrovna. She is 38. Mum is a housewife. She looks after the house. My grandmother is retired. She was a bookkeeper. My brother is a school student. He goes to a gymnasium. My brother is in the fifth form. He is a top student.

I finished secondary school with honours. In 2008, I entered the Shakhty Institute (Branch) of South Russia State Technical University. I study full time. Now I'm a second-year student. I am in the Faculty of Technology. I take construction engineering. I am going to be a civil engineer. My specialization is Civil Engineering.

It is interesting to study at the institute. Students attend lectures and seminars, write term papers and do research. I do well at the institute. I have excellent and good marks in my examinations and get a grant. My favourite subjects are computing and technical drawing. I am good at mathematics, too. I read journals on civil engineering. I work hard because I want to make a good specialist. After graduation from the institute I'd like to work as a structural engineer for a prosperous building company.

I am the monitor of my group. I like to mix with people. My groupmates and I organize concerts and parties.

My hobby is going in for sport. I play football. In my spare time I like to go out with friends and play computer games.

Расскажите о себе.

9. Прочитайте рассказ студента о его товарище и напишите рассказ о своем друге.

My friend

I've got a friend. His name is Alexander Smirnov. He's twenty-four years of age. Alexander is married. He's got a wife and a daughter. His wife is a bookkeeper. His daughter is three years old. She goes to a kindergarden. Alexander has to support his family. He works as a builder in a small company. His salary is not very high. My friend works on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. His working day begins at 7.30 a.m. and ends at 4.00 p.m. Alexander is a part-time student at our institute. He's in his second year. Alexander takes a course in civil engineering. His specialization is Construction Materials. He goes to the institute twice a week: on Wednesday and Saturday. My friend attends lectures, classes and seminars. After each term he sits examinations. He usually has excellent and good marks in all subjects. Alexander is seldom given satisfactory marks in examinations. He never gets bad marks. His term papers are also very good.

I'm sure he will make a good civil engineer. He hopes to get a good job after graduation.

Расскажите о своем друге.

Education of the architect

The architect should be equipped with knowledge of many branches of study and varied kinds of learning. This knowledge is the child of practice and theory. Practice is the continuous and regular exercise of employment where manual work is done with any necessary material according to the design. Theory, on the other hand, is the ability to demonstrate and explain the productions of dexterity on the principles of proportion.

An architect ought to have a knowledge of drawing so that he can readily make sketches to show the appearance of the work which he proposes. Geometry, also, is of much assistance in architecture, and in particular it teaches us the use of the rule and compasses, by which especially we acquire skills in making plans for buildings in their grounds. By means of optics, again, the light in buildings can be drawn from fixed quarters of the sky. It is true that it is by arithmetic that the total cost of buildings is calculated and measurements are computed, but difficult questions involving symmetry are solved by means of geometrical theories and methods.

He ought to be both naturally gifted and able to instruct. Neither natural ability without instruction nor instruction without natural ability can make the perfect artist. Let him be educated, skillful with the pencil, instructed in geometry, know much history, have followed the philosophers with attention, understand music, have some knowledge of medicine, know the opinions of the jurists, and be acquainted with astronomy and the theory of the heavens.

The architect should also have knowledge of the study of medicine on account of the questions of climates, air, the healthiness and unhealthiness of sites, and the use of different waters. And as for principles of law, he should know those which are necessary such as the laws about drains, windows, and water supply. And other things of this sort should be known to architects, so that, before they begin upon buildings, they may be careful not to leave disputed points for the householders to settle after the works are finished, and so that in drawing up contracts the interests of both employer and contractor may be wisely safe-guarded.

As for philosophy, it makes an architect high-minded and not self-assuming, courteous, just, and honest. This is very important, for no work can be rightly done without honesty and incorruptibility.

manual work ['mxnjuql wWk] – ручной труд

dexterity [deks'terItI] – ловкость, сноровка

acquaint [q'kweInt] – знакомить, познакомить

heaven ['hevn] – небеса

drain [dreIn] – водосток, канализация

treats of [trJt Pv] – обсуждать

conduct [kqn'dAkt] – проводить

high-minded ["haI'maIndId] – благородный

self-assuming [self q'sjHm] – самонадеянный, высокомерный, надменный

Time for fun

Запомните следующие слова.

to deal ( dealt, dealt (with) [dJl, delt] v иметь дело с, быть связанным с

design [dI'zaIn] n проектирование, конструирование, планирование; v чертить, проектировать, конструировать

harbour ['hRbq] n гавань

repair [rI'peq] n ремонт; v ремонтировать, восстанавливать; исправлять

to oppose to [q'pqVz] v противопоставлять(ся)

militaryy ['mIlItqrI] a военный

fortifications ["fLtIfI'keISqnz] n pl укрепления; фортификационные сооружения

ditch[dIC] n канава, ров; траншея

armed forces ['Rmd 'fLsIz] вооруженные силы

concrete ['kPNkrJt] n бетон; v бетонировать

reinforced cconcrete ["rJIn'fLst] железобетон

residential ["re zI'denSql] a жилой

transport facilities ['trxnspLt fq'sIlItIz] транспорт; транспортные средства

prefabricated elements [prI'fxbrIkeItid 'elImqnts] сборные элементы

prefabricated cconstruction полносборное строительство

highway engineering дорожное строительство

dam [dxm] n дамба, плотина, запруда

preliminary [prI'lImInqrI] a предварительный

site ['saIt] n место для застройки; строительная площадка

feasibilityy ["fIzq'bIlItI] n осуществимость, выполнимость; возможность, вероятность

feasible ['fJzqbl] a осуществимый, выполнимый; подходящий, годный; возможный, вероятный

to determine [dI'tE:mIn] v определять

means['mJnz] n средство, средства

safe[seIf] a безопасный

safety ['seifti] n безопасность

effecient [I'fISqnt] a квалифицированный, умелый; эффективный, действенный; продуктивный

to advise [qd'vaIz] v советовать; консультировать

to develop [dI'velqp] v развивать; разрабатывать

to implement ['ImplIment] v выполнять, осуществлять; проводить в жизнь

application["xplI'keISqn] n применение, приложение; прикладная программа

to select [sI'lekt] v выбирать

structural material ['strAkCqrql mq'tIrIql] конструкционный материал

equipment [I'kwIpmqnt] n оборудование

collaboration [kq"lxbq'reISqn] n сотрудничество

to prepare [prI'peq] v готовить

specification(s) ["spesIfI'keISqn(z)] n спецификация, технические условия

drawing ['drLIN] n рисунок, чертеж

to supervise ['sjHpqvaIz] v смотреть, надзирать; заведовать, руководить

to commission [kq'mISqn] v вводить (в действие или эксплуатацию)

to complete [kqm'plJt] v завершать

civil engineering design строительная часть проекта

engineering designтехнологическая часть проекта; инженерное проектирование; технические расчеты

structural analysis ['strAkCqrql q'nxlIsIs] строительная механика; расчет конструкций; структурный анализ

foundation["faun'deISqn] n основание; фундамент; организация, учреждение

foundation engineering фундаментостроение; основания и фундаменты (дисциплина)

quality ['kwPlItI] n качество

to depend on [dI'pend] v зависеть от

profound [pre'faVnd] a глубокий

state-of-the-art-technology ['steIt qv Dq 'Rt tek'nPlqGI] = cutting-edge technology ['kAtIN"eG] передовая технология, современная технология; передовая техника, современная техника

environment[In'vaIqrqnmqnt] n окружающая среда

environment conscious["kPnSqs] = environmentally friendly ['frendlI] учитывающий необходимость защиты окружающей среды

structural works ['strAkCqrql 'wE:ks] строительные работы

to pollute [pq'lHt] v загрязнять

to be supposed to do smth [sq'pqVzd] иметь определенные обязанности

to prevent [prI'vent] v предотвращать

damage ['dxmIG] n ущерб, вред; v повреждать, причинять ущерб

2. Прочитайте однокоренные слова и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы.

Know, knowledge, well-known; oppose, opposition; sand, sandy; wood, wooden; force, reinforced; nature, natural; conduct, conductor; require, requirement; select, selection; apply, application; understand, understanding; implement, implementation; safe, safety; advise, advisor; equip, equipment; collaborate, collaboration; found, foundation; pollute, pollution; prevent, prevention.

My Speciality

I am a second-year student at the Shakhty Institute of South Russia State Technical University. My speciality is Industrial and Civil Construction. I specialize in civil engineering.

Civil engineering is a branch of knowledge dealing with planning, design, construction, and repair of roads, bridges, harbours, and public buildings. The term "civil engineering" has been used since the 18th century, as opposed to military engineering, relating to building fortifications (forts, walls, ditches, etc.) for the armed forces of a country.

People have built houses, churches, canals and paved roads since ancient times. In the past, they used such natural building materials as stone, clay, sand and wood. Later they learn to make brick out of clay and crushed stone out of stone. They also used metals in construction. Modern structural materials are steel, concrete, reinforced concrete, and plastics.

At present, civil engineers build residential, municipal, industrial structures and transport facilities. They use prefabricated elements in the construction of houses, hospitals, office buildings, plants, factories, power stations, etc. Civil engineers are also engaged in building highways, bridges, tunnels, dams, and other structures.

The main duties and requirements of the civil engineer are:

- to conduct preliminary research into feasibility, site, design, construction, and repair of structures;

- to determine the appropriate means of safe and efficient construction;

- to determine and advise on feasible construction methods;

- to design, develop, and implement computer applications for building;

- to select the appropriate structural materials;

- to select building equipment and machinery in collaboration with other engineering specialists;

- to prepare specifications, drawings, and legal documents for carrying out construction projects;

- to plan, organize and supervise construction and repair works;

- to implement and coordinate construction safety programs;

- to commission completed projects.

In Russia, civil engineers are trained in construction departments of polytechnics and technical universities. Students do construction engineering, structural materials, structural design, civil engineering design, engineering design, structural analysis, foundation engineering, structural protection, prefabricated construction, highway engineering, and other subjects.

The quality of education depends on a profound knowledge of state-of-the-art technology, practice and understanding that construction industry must be environment-conscious. Structural works must not pollute the environment: air, water, and land, in which people, animals, and plants live. Modern civil engineers are supposed to use environmentally friendly products, machines, and methods, which can prevent and repair damage done to nature.

Прочтите и переведите на русский язык следующие слова. Выделите приставки, корни, суффиксы.

Stiffness, nailable, workability, irregular, inequality, supercharge, available, under-production, interrelation, unbuildable, typically, environment, existence, airless, workmanship, various, unsuitable, owner, redesign, accountability, oversimplification, mechanize, multistory, elasticity, insignificant.

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