II. Rewrite these sentences using can, can't, couldor couldn't.

1. Do you see that man over there? 2. I smell something burning. 3.1 understood what he said. 4. Did you understand what he said? 5. I don't see anyone. 6. I didn't understand

what he said. 7. I don't remember his name. 8. Did you hear any noise at night? 9. Do you see a bird in that tree?

III. Supply suitable forms of be able toin these sentences.

1. Our teacher says we ... speak English fluently in a few months. 2. I've been trying for hours, but so far I (not) ... get through on the phone. 3. If he had asked me earlier, I ... help him. 4. I'm sure she would have helped you if she ... 5. I think I ... play tennis better after a bit of practice. 6. You ... ski when you go to Geneva. 7. It's nice ... go to the opera. 8. He has managed to live in England for years without ... speak English. 9. I'm practising hard because I want to ... pass my driving test first time. 10. If I ... sing, I would have loved to be an opera singer. 11. It's been a quiet day, I ... get some work done.

IV. Fill the following spaces, using can for present, couldfor past and shall/will be ablefor future. There is no need to use other ableforms in this section. Put to where necessary before the infinitives.

1. ... you stand on your head? — I ... when I was at school but I (not) ... now. 2. When I've passed my driving test I ... hire a car from our local garage. 3. At the end of the month the Post Office will send him an enormous telephone bill which he (not) ... pay. 4. I (not) ... remember the address. — ... (not) you even remember the street? 5. When the fog lifts we ... see where we are. 6. You've put too much in your rucksack; you never ... carry all that. 7. When I was a child I (not) ... understand adults, and now that I am an adult I (not)... understand children. 8. When you have taken your degree you ... work as an interpreter? 9. Don't try to look at all the pictures in the gallery. Otherwise when you get home you (not) ... remember any of them. 10. When I first went to Spain I... read Spanish but I (not) ... speak it. 11. ... you type? — Yes, I... type but I (not)... do shorthand. 12. I'm locked in. I (not) ... get out! — ... you (not) squeeze between the bars? - No! I ... ; I'm too fat.

V. Complete the sentences using could or was/were able to.

Sometimes either form is possible,

1. He was very strong; he ... ski all day and dance all night.

2. The car plunged into the river. The driver ... get out but the passengers were drowned. 3. I was a long way from the stage. I ... see all right but I (not) ... hear very well. 4. We ... borrow umbrellas, so we didn't get wet. 5. ... you walk or did they have to carry you? 6. I had no key so I (not) ... lock the door. 7. I knew the town so I ... advise him where to go. 8. When the garage had repaired our car we ... continue our journey. 9. At five years old he ... read quite well. 10. When I arrived everyone was asleep. Fortunately I ... wake my sister and she let me in. 11. The swimmer was very tired but he ... reach the shore before he collapsed. 12. The police were suspicious at first but I... convince them that we were innocent. 13. We ... put out the fire before much damage was done. 14. My daughter ... walk when she was only 11 months old. 15.1 ... finish all the work you wanted me to do yesterday. 16. ... you speak French before you went to live in Paris? — I (not) ... speak it very well. 17. They were talking quite loudly. I ... hear everything they said. 18. I looked everywhere for the book but I (not) ... find it. 19. He had hurt his leg, so he (not) ... walk very well. 20. She wasn't at home when I phoned but I ... contact her at the office. 21.1 looked very carefully and I... see a figure in the distance. 22. They didn't have any tomatoes in the first shop I went to, but I... get some in the next shop. 23. The boy fell into the river but fortunately we ... rescue him. 24. Did you persuade them? — Yes. It was difficult but we ... persuade them. 25. Did they find your house? — Yes. It took them a long time but they ... find it. 26. He (not) ... come to the meeting last week. He was sick.

VI. Complete the sentences using can or could where possible. If can or could is not possible, use a form of be able to.

1. When Robert was younger he ... run quite fast. 2. Look! You ... see the mountains from this window. 3. How long ...

you ... play the guitar? 4. Look! I ... lift this chair with one hand. 5. I'm sorry but I (not) ... come to the party on Saturday. 6. I (not) ... sleep very well recently. 7. Tom ... drive but he hasn't got a car. 8. I can't understand Martin. I ... never... understand him. 9. I used ... stand on my head but I can't do it now. 10. Ask Ann about your problem. I think she ... help you. 11. Did you win the match? — Yes. It wasn't easy but I ... win it. 12. I (not) ... swim very far these days but ten years ago I ... swim from one side of the lake to the other. 13. I ... read a book by moonlight but I (not) ... read in sunlight. 14. Where are the keys? I (not) ... find them last night. 15. The theatre seats were awful. We (not) ... see the stage. 16. The show is very popular but luckily I ... get two seats for Saturday. 17. My car broke down and I (not) ... drive it for a week. 18. The exam was easy. I ... do all the questions. 19. It's nice ... sleep on Sundays. 20. After the accident he (not) ... smell or taste anything. 21.1 lost all my money but fortunately I... borrow some from my friends. 22. When Lynn was younger she (not) ... afford to buy a camera, but she has a good job now, and she ... afford several cameras. 23. By the way, ... you ... find that tie you borrowed last night? — Uh ... no. If I (not) ... find it, I'll buy you a new one. OK? — It was my favourite tie. — I know, Dad. I've looked everywhere, and I (not) ... find it. But I'll keep looking. 24. If they (not) ... fix the car today, they can fix it tomorrow. 25. Mr Wilson is taking a course in Computer Programming. At the moment he (not) ... write complicated programs, but soon he ... write them quite well. 26. Julie is taking a typing course. She knows she ... pass her secretarial exams next year unless she improves her typing speed. She's doing well, and soon she ... type 60 words a minute.

VII. Substitute could for the italicized verbs if possible.

1. We had a good time yesterday. We went to the zoo. The children enjoyed themselves very much. They saw polar bears and elephants. (No substitution of 'could' is possible.) 2. When I lived in St. Louis, I went to the zoo whenever I wanted to,

but now I live in a small town and the nearest zoo is a long way away. ('/ could go' can be used instead of 'I went' to give the idea of 'used to be able to.') 3. Usually I don't have much time to watch TV, but last night I watched the news while I was eating dinner. I heard the news about the political situation in my country. 4. When I lived at home with my parents, I watched TV every day if I wanted to, but now while I'm going to school, I live in a small apartment and don't have a television set. 5. When I worked as a secretary, I was able to type 60 words a minute without making a mistake. My typing skills aren't nearly as good now. 6. Yesterday I typed these reports for my boss. I don't type very well, but I was able to finish the reports without making too many mistakes. 7. When I went to my favourite fishing hole last Saturday, I caught two fish. I brought them home and cooked them for dinner. 8. When I was a child, the river that flows through our town had plenty of fish. My mother used to go fishing two or three times a week. Usually she caught enough for our dinner within an hour or so. 9. Last night Mark and I had an argument about politics. Finally, I managed to convince him that I was right. 10. My grandfather was a merchant all his life. He knew how to make a sale by using psychology. He was able to convince anyone to buy anything whether they needed it or not. 11. The game we went to yesterday was exciting. The other team played good defence, but my favourite player managed to score two goals. 12. When I ran into Mrs Forks yesterday, I recognized her even though I hadn't seen her for years.

VIII. Complete the sentences with could and the verb in parentheses if possible. If the use of could is not possible, provide any other appropriate completion.

1. When I was younger, I ... up late without getting sleepy, but now I always go to bed early, (stay) 2. Last night we ... to a restaurant. The food was delicious, (go) 3. The teacher gave the students plenty of time for the test yesterday. All of them ... it before the time was up. (complete) 4. I was

tired, but I ... my work before I went to bed last night, (finish) 5. Last night I ... TV for a couple of hours. Then I studied, (watch) 6. I like to ride my bicycle. I ... it to work when we lived on First Street but now I can't. Now I have to drive because we live too far away, (ride) 7. Susan ... her bicycle to work yesterday instead of walking, (ride) 8. The picnic yesterday was a lot of fun. All of us ... it a lot. (enjoy) 9. After years of devoted work, Mr Bailey finally ... a raise in salary last April, (get) 10. I ... long distances when I was a teenager, (swim) 11. I had to put together my daughter's tricycle. It came from the factory unassembled. It was a struggle and took me a long time, but in the end I ... it together, (get).

IX. Respond using can or can't.

Example Is it possible to buy sweets at Buckingham


No, you can't buy sweets at Buckingham Palace. Example. Is it possible to go to the top of the Post Office


Yes, you can go to the top of the Post Office


1. Is it possible to buy sweets at Buckingham Palace?

2. Is it possible to go to the top of the Post Office Tower?

3. Is it possible to have clothes washed at the hairdresser's?

4. Is it possible to put all your clothes in a handbag?

5. Is it possible to go by train from London to Bristol?

6. Is it possible to swim in a boat?

7. Is it possible to swim when the tide is in?

8. Is it possible to book seats at the theatre?

9. Is it possible to have clothes made at the launderette?

10. Is it possible to get medicine at the newsagent's?

X. Complete the sentences using can or could and the verbs in the box. Use each verb only once.

grow be make reach live survive cross

Example Tigers can be dangerous.

1. Elephants ... for up to 70 years.

2. Temperatures near the South Pole ... minus 43 degrees centigrade.

3. A hundred years ago ships ... the Atlantic in 10 days.

4. Camels ... for up to 17 weeks in the desert without water.

5. Dinosaurs ... up to 5 meters long.

6. Anyone ... mistakes.

XI. Rewrite these sentences with can or could be.

1. The sea is often rough in the harbour.

2. She is bad tempered at times.

3. She was often rude when she was a girl.

4. It is often cold here in winter.

5. He was often helpful when he wanted to be.

6. He was often naughty when he was a boy.

7. Winter here is often really cold.

XII. After their climb, Stephen and his friends were all very hungry, hot, tired, thirsty, and happy. Use could with items in the box to complete their exclamations:

drink 8 bottles of lemonade sleep for 24 hours look at them all day eat a kilo of rice melt

Stephen: I'm so hungry I could eat a kilo of rice! Julie: I'm not hungry, but I'm so thirsty ...

John: I didn't sleep well last night. I'm so tired ...

Anne: Me too. And the weather needs to be cooler to

climb mountains — I'm so hot ... Julie: The mountains are so beautiful, though. I ...

Later, Julie wrote a postcard to her parents, and described how everyone had felt:

Stephen was so hungry he could have eaten a kilo of rice.

Continue her letter, writing the other sentences in the same way:

I wasn't hungry, but I was so thirsty I .... John and Anne were so tired they ... , and Anne was so hot she ... . The mountains were so beautiful, though. I ....

XIII. Write the most appropriate 'wish' for the people in the sentences below, using the words in the table:

  eat the instructions
  get my key
  use a new car
I wish I/ we could... understand cakes
  find dictionaries
  afford a job

1. Someone on a diet: 'I wish I could eat cakes.'

2. Someone locked out of their house:'_________________'

3. Students taking an English exam:'__________________'

4. Someone whose car won't start:'____________________'

5. An unemployed person:'___________________________'

6. Some people who have just bought a new computer:'____'

XIV. Paraphrase using 'be able to' instead of 'can'.

Example-. If I hadn't done well at school, I couldn't have gone to university.

If I hadn't done well at school, I wouldn't have been able to go to university.

1. If I hadn't done well at school, I couldn't have gone to university.

2. Even if I hadn't gone to university, I could have worked for this firm.

3. If I hadn't won a scholarship, my parents couldn't have afforded to send me.

4. If my parents had had more money, I could have stayed for three more years.

5. If my brother had worked harder, he could have gone to university too.

6. If John hadn't given Mary so many presents, he could have bought a car.

7. If he had bought a car, he could have taken his friends to Italy in it.

8. If I hadn't studied hard, I couldn't have passed my exams.

XV. Robert Wells is 52 years old. Sometimes he feels that he has wasted his life.

Read about Robert. Replace the words in italics with could have ... , as in the example.

Example: When Robert was 26 he had the chance to get married, but he decided not to. When Robert was 26 he could have got married, but he decided not to.

1. Robert had the ability to go to university, but he didn't want to go.

2. He had the intelligence to pass his final exams at school, but he didn't take them.

3. A lot of people thought he had the ability to be a professional footballer when he was younger, but he didn't try.

4. He had the opportunity to start his own business once, but he didn't want to.

5. He had the chance to emigrate to Australia a few years ago, but he decided not to.

XVI. Write could (have), managed to or an appropriate form of able to in each gap.

1. What's forty-eight divided by eight? I ... never ... to do sums in my head. 2. ... drive has changed my whole life. Now I can go wherever I want without having to worry about public transport. 3. I had a row with Sheila last night about nuclear arms. I... understand the point she was trying to make, but I still didn't agree. 4. A girl was drowning, but I jumped in and ... save her. I ... swim since I was six. 5. The view was breathtaking. You ... see right across the valley to the hills in the distance. 6. Why don't you stop

smoking? You ... do it if you tried. 7. Anna's operation was very successful. The doctors say she ... walk again in a few weeks. 8. I'm learning Russian because I want ... talk to people when I go there next year. 9. We didn't go out last night. We ... (go) to the cinema but we decided to stay at home. 10. If I ... sing as well as you, I would join the opera. 11. I had my last vacation in July. If I'd had enough money, I ... (go) to Florida.

XVII. Complete these sentences using an appropriate form of could or be able to (sometimes both are possible).

When I was at school I ... (speak) German quite well, but last week I met a German at a party and I ... (not understand) a word he said. He spoke a little English and he ... (tell) me that he was staying in England only for a few days. He was a nice man and I would have invited him home if I ... (understand) him better. He didn't look German, in fact he ... (be) English from his appearance. He invited me to Germany next summer and I would go if I ... (afford) it. Mary speaks German and she ... (come) with me if I went. My boss said that I ... (take) my holiday in June if I wanted to. After the party my car wouldn't start, but the German gentleman was staying near where I live so he ... (take) me home in his car. Then, when I got home, I found I didn't have a key, but the kitchen window was open so I ... (climb) in.

XVIII. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Я думаю, что вы смогли бы уговорить его, если бы попы­тались. — Я попытаюсь. 2. Несмотря на шторм, он смог доплыть до берега. 3. Он сможет свободно говорить по-фран­цузски, если проведет пару лет в Париже. 4. Когда я был молодым, я мог пройти 30 километров в день. 5. Почему ты не сказал мне раньше? — Я бы мог купить эту книгу в Лондоне. 6. Хорошо, если бы ты мог пойти с нами. — К сожалению, не могу. 7. Вы сможете отвезти меня завтра в аэропорт? — Конечно. 8. Эту книгу можно купить в любом

магазине. 9. Я смогу перевести эту статью, если ты дашь мне хороший словарь. 10. Погода была хорошая, и мы могли гулять в парке каждое утро. 11. Погода сегодня хорошая, и мы могли бы погулять. 12. Жаль, что брата нет дома. Он бы смог помочь тебе. 13. Она много занималась, и ей уда­лось сдать экзамен. 14. Ты смог починить телевизор вче­ра? — Нет, я попытаюсь сделать это сегодня. 15. Если бы ты попросил меня, я бы смог помочь тебе. Я был тогда свободен. 16. Мы смогли перевезти все товары в течение десяти дней. 17. Когда он приехал в Лондон, он мог вести переговоры с фирмами без переводчика. 18. Он сказал, что не сможет дать ответ, пока не обдумает вопрос как следу­ет. 19. Я мог бы прийти пораньше, если нужно. 20. Было так темно, что мы ничего не видели. 21. Ты не сможешь ,, перевести название, не прочитав всей статьи. 22. Хотя пи­лот был тяжело ранен, он смог объяснить, что произошло. 23. Ребенок сможет ходить через несколько недель. 24. Я не могу заплатить вам сегодня. Вы можете подождать до завтра? 25. С тех пор, как произошел несчастный случай, он не выходит из дома. 26. Вы могли бы вести дела само- стоятельно? 27. Он сказал, что потерял паспорт и не мог выехать из страны. 28. Я бы мог одолжить тебе денег. По­чему ты не попросил у меня? 29. Зима здесь бывает очень холодной. 30. Мы смогли достать билеты на матч вчера. 31. Мы не смогли вчера достать билеты на матч. 32. Он бывал очень капризным, когда был ребенком. 33. Он смог вас встретить? — Да, но он не смог отвезти нас в гостини­цу. 34. Это можно и нужно сделать. 35. Боже мой! Тебя могли убить.

XIX. Study and practise the following texts. Report the conversations. Speak about your skills and achievements.

1. Sarah: Well, there are a lot of things I can't do! I can't draw and I can't drive a car, but I want to have lessons. I can ... I can type and I can use a word processor, because I have one at work and I use it all the time. What about sports? Mm. Well, I certainly can't ski, but I'm quite good at tennis,

yes, I can play tennis. Well, I usually win when I play with my friends. And I can swim, of course. And I can cook. I think I'm a very good, well, no, just good ... a good cook! Now, then ... lan­guages. I can speak French and German, I don't know any Italian at all, and I know about five words in Spanish — adios, manana, paella — no, I can't speak Spanish! And I can't play any musical instruments, not the piano, the guitar, or anything.

2. Miss Conrad, the new music teacher, wants to start a school orchestra.

Miss Conrad: Well now ... what instruments can you play?

Kevin, can you play the piano? Kevin: No, I can't.

Miss Conrad: Well, what about the recorder? Kevin: Yes, I can play the recorder.

Mark: I can play the recorder too, Miss Conrad.

Miss Conrad: Good! Kevin: My friend Barbara's away today, but she's

very good at music.

Miss Conrad: Oh! Can she play the piano? Kevin: Yes she can.

Miss Conrad: That's great! Now we need a guitar and a


3. Mr Horn: Miss Abe? Keiko: Yes.

Mr Horn: Please come in. I'm Bruce Horn, Director of


Keiko: I'm pleased to meet you.

Mr Horn: Please sit down. Keiko: Thank you.

Mr Horn: So, you want to be a secretary at United Bank.

Can you tell me a little about yourself? Keiko: Well, I'm 19 years old. I was born in Japan,

and I came here about a year ago. And I'm

studying English and Business at school.

Mr Horn: You can speak English very well.

Keiko: Thank you.

Mr Horn: Do you have any hobbies or special skills?

Keiko: I like to read, and I like to swim.

Mr Horn: Can you use a computer?

Keiko: No, I can't, but I'd like to learn about com­puters.

Mr Horn: But you can type, can't you?

Keiko: Oh, yes. I can type about sixty words a minute.

4. Susan: It's really great here in this lake. The water's

so warm. And it's so clean. I can see the bot­tom. It's quite deep. David: Susan! Be careful. I know you can swim but

you shouldn't swim out too far in such cold

water. Susan: Don't worry about me. I can swim for miles

without getting tired. David: All right then, but I'm getting out. I can't

swim as fast as you and I can't stand being

beaten by a girl!

5. Olga: Were you able to fix the lawn mower? Eddie: No, so I couldn't mow the lawn. Olga: Ouch!

Eddie: What's the matter? Did you hurt yourself?

Olga: I cut myself.

Eddie: Do you want some help?

Olga: No, I'm all right. I can finish it myself. Why

don't you help your sister clean the living room? There are records and books everywhere.

Eddie: Those are all Isabel's things. Anyway, she

doesn't want help.

Olga: Well, check with your father. I think he's rea-

dy to paint the kitchen, and it's too big for him to paint alone.

Eddie: Do I have to?

Olga: Yes, you have to. He won't be able to do it

by himself. It'll take too long.

6. Mrs Jones: I hear your grandchildren and Mrs Tailor's boys had a narrow escape* at the beach last Sunday, Mrs Smith.

Mrs Smith: Yes, those little bays are so dangerous. They could easily have been drowned.

Mrs Jones: You only have to take your eyes off children for a moment, don't you?

Mrs Smith: That's right... We never dreamed anything like that could happen.

Mrs Jones: It was lucky you were able to find that man with the motor-boat, wasn't it?

Mrs Smith: Yes, and it was lucky that young Tommy is such a good swimmer for his age too.

Mrs Jones: Just think! If anything ever happened, one would never be able to forgive oneself. One would have it on one's conscience for the rest of one's life, wouldn't one?

Mrs Smith: Yes, but you can't watch them every single minute of the day, can you?

Mrs Jones: But one has to try, if one takes one's res­ponsibilities as a parent seriously, don't you think?

* Note-, to have a narrow escape — едва избежать опасности, быть на волосок (от смерти и т.п.)

XX. Complete the sentences with couldn't or was able to.

Retell the text.

Petra was flying a helicopter over the Peruvian jungle when suddenly there was a huge storm. She ... bring the helicopter under control and seconds later the helicopter crashed to the ground. Petra fell 5,000 metres. Luckily she was strapped to her seat. That is how she ... survive the fall. Rescue parties searched the jungle for several days, but they ... find either Petra or the helicopter. Even radar equipment... find her. The jungle was so dense that the rescuers ... see through the trees. Petra knew that she ... survive for long without water. She

... find a river because she had been on a survival training course. She realized that she ... defend herself against wild animals, so she built a shelter. At first Petra ... find any food that was safe to eat. She had studied botany at Univer­sity, so she ... to recognize the poisonous plants. She ... to find enough to eat for several days at a time.

A. Work with a partner. In a short paragraph, write what you think happened to Petra next. Use couldn't, was able to and managed to, like this:

Petra was bitten by a dangerous insect. She was very ill and she couldn't move for two days. She was hungry and exhausted. Luckily she managed to find some plants and some fruit to eat. When she felt better she decided to light a large fire. Petra was able to send smoke signals and final­ly ...

B. Take turns to read your paragraph to the class.

XXI. Complete the account of the climb with could/couldn't wherever possible — otherwise use was/were ableto. Retell the text.

Stephen and Julie were spending a few days camping with some friends in Snowdonia. On a climb, there was a difficult section. Stephen has long arms and ... climb this easily, but Julie is not so tall and ... reach the hold. In the end, she ... reach it by standing on her friend's shoulders. 'Never mind,' he said. 'I ... get up this bit the first time I tried.' The rest of the climb was easier, and they ... reach the top by 12 o'clock. It was warm and sunny, and they ... see the whole of Snowdonia.

A. Have you ever had any experience of this sort? Could you tell about it?

XXII. Put in suitable forms which express ability. Retell the text.

The journey to Western Papua had been very hard. We ... make much progress in the heavy rain. After two months' journey, we ... see smoke in the distance and knew we must be near a village. There was a boiling river in front of us, but we ... cross it by using a rope bridge we had brought with us. At last we approached the village and wondered how we ... communicate with the chief. None of us ... speak the local language. Soon, a young, dignified and smiling man approached us.'... you speak English?' I asked hopefully. 'Of course,' the young man replied. 'I was educated at Oxford University. I'm Chief Naga. Welcome to my village!'

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