VII. Prepare the retelling of the text

VIII. Dialogues

Read the dialogue and reproduce it inserting the necessary words.

At the University Museum

A group of students from RUDN has been visiting our University. They are interested in educational problems and in extracurricular activities of the students as well. One of the students, Michael, is from Kenya, another student Stephan is from Bulgaria. Michael is a future construction engineer, and Stephan is going to be a journalist. Having had a look around the University the students go to the University Museum. Stephan is making a report on his visit to Karaganda and asks questions connected with the history of our University. Dyakova Nina Georgievna, the director of the Museum meets the guests.

Stephan: I’d like to ask a few questions, if you don’t mind…

Dyakova Nina Georgievna: You are welcome.

S: How did the history of the University … (start, open, make)?

D: In 1953 a decision was taken by the government to open Mining Institutes in the cities of Tula, Perm and Karaganda. So in 1953 the Karaganda Mining Institute was (appeared, founded, managed).

S: Who was the first rector of the Institute?

D: The first rector of the institute became Yunus Kadyrbayevich Nurmukhamedov. He was one of the first engineers from Kazakhstan who (entered, graduated, left) from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute. In 1955 the Institute was (appointed, headed, awarded) by A. S. Saginov.

S: How many specialties were opened?

D: There were only two specialties, (machine building and economics, mining mineral deposits and mining electromechanical engineering, architecture and information technologies).

S: What (achievements, reorganizations, reports) have occurred since 1955 in the Institute?

D: Well, great changes have taken place since that time. In 1958 the Mining Institute was reorganized into the polytechnic one. During 1957-1986 three buildings, houses for the teaching staff, a number of hostels, a canteen, a sports-health base, a sports complex were built.

S: Has the University any (abilities, attitude, awards)?

D: Certainly. The historic path of the University is marked by high government awards. In (1980,1976, 1978) the Institute was awarded an Order of Labour Red Banner for the success achieved in training specialists. In 1980 the Institute was awarded a Challenge Red Banner which became an important event in the life of the Institute.

S: Why was it of great importance?

D: Just imagine! From 870 Institutes of the former Soviet Union only two Institutes - Moscow State University and the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute became the winners of the competition.

S: When was the Institute reorganized into a University?

D: In 1996.

S: Who is Rector now?

D: In 1994 G.G.Piven was (headed, appointed, decided) rector of the University.

S: How many specialties are there at the University now?

D: Nowadays the University (trains, studies, learns) students more than 50 specialties.

S: Thank you very much, Nina Georgievna, for your interesting information, photos and documents. We were very glad to meet you.

D: Good-bye.

2. Think of the situation: what you would say if you took part in this dialogue. Dramatize it.

At the University Museum

Stephan: I’d like to ask a few questions, if you don’t mind…

Dyakova Nina Georgievna: ________________________________________

S: How did the history of the University start?

D: In 1953 a decision was taken by the government to open Mining Institutes in the cities of Tula, Perm and Karaganda.

S: Who was the first Rector of the Institute?

D: _____________________________________________________________

S: How many specialties were opened?

D: _____________________________________________________________

S: What reorganizations had occurred since 1955 in the Institute?

D: _____________________________________________________________

S: Has the University any awards?

D: _____________________________________________________________

S: Why was it of great importance?

D: _____________________________________________________________

S: When was the Institute reorganized into a University?

D: _____________________________________________________________

S: Who is the rector now?

D: _____________________________________________________________

S: How many specialties are there at the University now?

D: _____________________________________________________________

S: Thank you very much, Nina Georgievna, for your interesting information, photos and documents. We were very glad to meet you.

D: Good-bye.

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