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Действия с формулами. База №4

1. За­да­ние 4 № 506123. Най­ди­те m из ра­вен­ства F = ma, если F = 84 и a = 12. 2. За­да­ние 4 № 506248. Най­ди­те m из ра­вен­ства F = ma, если F = 84 и a = 12. 3. За­да­ние 4 № 506276. Сред­нее гео­мет­ри­че­ское трёх чисел и вы­чис­ля­ет­ся по фор­му­ле

Тест 1 Местоимение. Слова-определители

Выберите правильный вариант. 1. We saw a lot of pictures at the art shop, but____was good enough to buy for our museum. a) none of them c) not some of them b) no of them d) only any of them 2. If there are______calls for me, can you ask to leave a message? a) some c) any b) none d) no 3. While peeling potatoes my small brother cut______with a sharp knife. a) oneself c) his b) him d) himself

Используйте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Continuous или Present Simple

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.1. Various kinds of sports (to be) popular in England. 2. Both children and grown-ups (to be) fond of sports. 3. What (to be) the matter with her? She (to be) so excited. - I (not to know). 4. Where you (to go)? - - I (to go) to

Заполните пропуски предлогами (тест 9-41)

Тест 9Money doesn't mean that much. It never means much ______(1) someone who has always had enough to get by. The only people who like money are those______(2) a lot ______(3) it and those______(4) none______(5) all.Тест 1 0My wives always had a lot______(1) money, and they were always worried that someone was going to take it away ______(2) them. I shouldn't say that______(3) my first wife though. She was

Второй закон Ньютона Задания №3 в КИМах

1.. Под дей­стви­ем силы 8 Н пер­во­на­чаль­но по­ко­ив­ше­е­ся тело мас­сой 4 кг будет дви­гать­ся: 1) рав­но­мер­но со ско­ро­стью ; 2) рав­но­уско­рен­но с уско­ре­ни­ем ; 3) рав­но­уско­рен­но с уско­ре­ни­ем ; 4) рав­но­мер­но

Неличные формы глагола. 1. My parents never let me______in bed

Тест 1 Выберите правильный вариант. 1. My parents never let me______in bed. a) reading c) to reading b) to read d) read 2. The teacher allowed us ______reference material while writing the report. a) to use c) use b) using d) used 3. They expected the meeting______in a conference hall. a) to hold c) holding b) to be held d) to be holding 4. What makes him______so jealous of his friends'

Тест 1 Придаточные предложения условия и времени. Типы условных предложений

Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Before you______, don't forget to lock the door. a) are leaving c) leave b) will leave d) shall leave 2. Please do not speak to anyone before the police______. a) come c) '11 come b) are coming d) came 3. His parents will be very glad if she______the university. a) enter c) enters b) '11 enter d) entered 4. When you______my brother, you______him. a) '11 see,

Тест. €

1. Сыйфат нәрсәне белдерә?А) предметныБ) предметның билгесен В) предметның эшен, хәрәкәтен 2. Сыйфат нинди сорауларга җавап бирә? 3 класс 3. А) нишли? нишләде? 4. Б) кем? нәрсә?В) нинди? кайсы?3. Күп

Prague Linguistic School (Functional Linguistics)

The Evolution of English GrammarsIn the development of English grammars there have been several grammars: prescientific normative (from the XVI-th century till the beginning of the XX - th century) grammar; 2. scientific explanatory grammar.(from the turn-of-the century up to the middle of the 20th century) . Prescriptive Normative grammars prescribed and proscribed. They prohibited wrong, improper constructions and

Тест 1 Прямая и косвенная речь. Согласование времен

Выберите правильный вариант. 1. She said that she______keen on drawing. a) was c) has been b) is d) were 2.1______her that I______time to play the piano. a) told, have no c) told, did not have b) tells, did not have d) told to, had not have 3. Jane answered that she______very early, so she______ the news. a) went to bed, hadn't seen b) had gone to bed, hadn't seen c) has gone to bed, hasn't

Электромагнитная индукция

1. На ри­сун­ке при­ве­ден гра­фик за­ви­си­мо­сти силы тока от вре­ме­ни в элек­три­че­ской цепи, ин­дук­тив­ность ко­то­рой 1 мГн. Опре­де­ли­те мо­дуль сред­не­го зна­че­ния ЭДС са­мо­ин­дук­ции в ин­тер­ва­ле вре­ме­ни

С 5. (39) Первая мировая, Революция. Гражданская война

1. В ис­то­ри­че­ской науке су­ще­ству­ют дис­кус­си­он­ные про­бле­мы, по ко­то­рым вы­ска­зы­ва­ют­ся раз­лич­ные, часто про­ти­во­ре­чи­вые, точки зре­ния. Ниже при­ве­де­на одна из спор­ных точек зре­ния,

A major problem in the construction of new buildings is that windows______while air conditioning systems

We______to the top of Holborn Hill before I______ that he was not smiling at all.a) had got, knew c) were getting, knew b) got, knew d) have got, have knownTurning from the Temple gate as soon as I______the warning, I______my way to Fleet Street, and then______ to Covent Garden.a) was reading, made, drove b) have read, made, drove c) had read, made, drove d) read, made, droveSeventy-seven detective novels and books

The infinitive as a part of a compound verbal predicate

The infinitive is used in compound verbal predicates of three types: I. In a compound verbal modal predicate after the modal verbs can, may, might, ought, must, shall, should, will, would, need, dare, to be, to have, and expressions with modal meaning had better, would rather. I can tell you nothing at all about him. She ought to have told me before. II. In a compound verbal phasal predicate after verbs denoting

Контрольный работа «динамика»

За­да­ние 1 № 3563. В не­по­движ­ном лифте груз мас­сой рас­тя­ги­ва­ет вер­ти­каль­ную пру­жи­ну жест­ко­стью на длину . Пусть те­перь лифт в те­че­ние вре­ме­ни дви­жет­ся вверх с по­сто­ян­ной ско­ро­стью . В мо­мент

БДСМ мумификация. Техника

Мумификация — своеобразная и не самая простая практика в БДСМ. О технике обёртывания и основных нюансах. Интерес у нижних к мумификации вызван прежде всего желанием получить ощущение беспомощности, как при бондаже и фиксации, и

The Functional Aspect of Speech Sounds

Plan. 1. Acoustic and articulatory aspects of speech sounds. 2. The phoneme. Its functions. 3. The system of English phonemes: a) articulatory classification of English consonant phonemes; b) articulatory classification of English vowel phonemes; 4. English consonants and vowels as units of the phonological system. 5. Transcription. 1. Acoustically, speech sound is a physical phenomenon produced by the vibration of

Первая мировая, Революция, гражданская война

Источники часть С.1. Про­чти­те от­ры­вок из ис­то­ри­че­ско­го ис­точ­ни­ка и крат­ко от­веть­те на во­про­сы С1—СЗ. От­ве­ты пред­по­ла­га­ют ис­поль­зо­ва­ние ин­фор­ма­ции из ис­точ­ни­ка, а также при­ме­не­ние

This dictionary______much and is very valuable to me

a) costed b) is costing c) cost d) had costWonder why John______a job yet.a) finds b) hasn't found c) didn't find d) foundThe company______now for building workers.a) advertised b) has advertised c) was advertised d) is advertisingThe hard work______on his health.a) tells b) is told c) is telling d) was tellingPeter______up photography as a hobby.a) took b) was taken c) has taken d) takes Тест 7 Выберите