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Реакция меланоидинообразования

Впервые реакцию меланоидинообразования (“меланос” (греч.) - черный) описал Майар в 1912 г. Эту реакцию называют сахаро-аминной конденсацией, реакцией неферментативного покоричневения, аминокарбонильной. Во многих пищевых

Further Education in the Republic of Belarus

The vocational and technical education is one of the critical components of the national education system intended for forming an accessible, open and continuously developing system and allowing the economy and social/cultural sphere to fully meet the needs in qualified workers and employees. In 2004 231 vocational and technical institutions of education trained 125 thousand students in Belarus. The students are

Добавление линий тренда в диаграмму

Исходные данные Ф.И.О. Всего начислено Всего удержано Сумма к выдаче Отдел Дата Ведомость зарплаты сотрудников за 1-й квартал Иванов И.А. 487,80 4012,20 1-й кв. 1998 Малаев В.П. 441,12 3458,88 1-й кв. 1998 Федоров Е.Н. 505,52

Кислородосодержащие кислоты фосфора

Фосфорновативтая кислота Н3РО2 При получении РН3 нагреванием белого фосфора с раствором щелочи в качестве второго продукта образуется бариевая соль фосфорноватистой кислоты (гипофосфит), : Рбел. + Ва(ОН)2 + Н2О → РН3­ + Ва(Н2РО2)2.

The American Educational System

School education. In the USA there are two types of schools — public schools, which are supported by the state and where schooling is free of charge, and private schools, where the families have to pay special attendance fees. These schools are usually controlled by different churches or religious groups. About 85 % of American schoolchildren attend public schools, and 15% private schools. Each of the 50 states in

C. What expressions in the dialogue are used to say that

1) you cannot understand something at all (informal); 2) there is a good enough reason for doing something, because it is important, enjoyable, useful? D. Discuss with your fellow-students what you have learnt about the difference between: • a university and a college; • lectures and tutorials; • undergraduates, graduates and post-graduates; • a residential college and a non-residential college; •

Тема 2.6 Основы теплового расчета теплообменных аппаратов

Студент должен: знать: принцип действия основных типов теплообменных аппаратов; уметь: выполнять поверочный расчет рекуперативного теплообменного аппарата. Назначение и принцип действия основных типов теплообменных

I. Define the casal semantics of the modifying component in the underlined phrases and account for their determination

a) 1. Two Negroes, dressed in glittering livery such as one sees in pictures of royal processions in London, were standing at attention beside the car and as the two young men dismounted from the buggy they greeted in some language which the guest could not understand, but which seemed to be an extreme form of the Southern Negro’s dialect (Fitzgerald). 2. Home was a fine high-ceiling apartment hewn from the palace

Integrated Language Skills

A. Study the following words and expressions. Use them in sentences of your own. Exchange rate — валютный курс; potash fertilizer — калийное удобрение; unified — объединённый; access — доступ; joint enter­prise — совместное предприятие; heritage — наследие; curative — целебный; spa — курорт с

The Subjunctive Mood (Сослагательное наклонение)

Наклонение — это форма глагола, при помощи которой гово­рящий показывает отношение действия к реальности. Это отноше­ние может быть представлено как реальное, нереальное, а также в виде просьбы или приказания. Сослагательное

Социально-экономическое развитие области в первой половине 80-х годов

НАРАСТАНИЕ ЗАСТОЙНЫХ Начало 80-х годов ис- ТЕНДЕНЦИЙ торики называют апогеем застойных тенденций в экономике СССР. Однако рубеж десятилетий в памя­ти большинства жителей области сохранился как период относительного достатка и

Горнодобывающая промышленность и экология

Наибольшее потребление энергии и ущерб окружающей среде связаны с добычей полезных ископаемых, очистки и выплавки металлов. Вторичное использование минералов, которые уже были добыты и переработаны и многократно побывали в

G. Match the words from the article with their definitions

1) GDP a) an amount of money or goods that is left 2) CIS because a country or business has more than 3) output it needs 4) investment b) ... equipment or technology uses the newest 5) surplus (n) and most advanced ideas and features 6) state-of-the-art c) the amount of something that a person, 7) joint-stock organization, system, etc. produces company d) a company that

E. Match the words from the article with their definitions

1) questionnaire a) reductions in the cost of making and 2) prosperity selling products that are made pos- 3) merchandising sible because a business is very large 4) white-collar workers b) the business of arranging and showing 5) blue-collar workers products in shops in a way that 6) department store makes people want to buy them 7) self-indulgence c) a set of questions that

Activating Background Knowledge

A. If you were to define the word "economics", what key-words would you use in your definition? Choose from the list of words those which you consider to be the guiding ideas in economics; you can add any words of your own. Capital, company, sales, goods and services, invest, business, produce, distribute, choice, cost, market, scarcity, industry, employ, satisfy, people, profit, GDP, needs, govern,

Общая характеристика сбытовой политики

Для анализа сбыта необходимо прежде всего составить схему каналов сбыта, которые используются на анализи­руемом предприятии, или в состав которых входит это пред­приятие. Схема должна быть не абстрактной (производи­тель —

Minsk State Trade College

1)__________________ Minsk State Trade College was founded in 1957. Today it is one of the largest secondary special educational establishments in our republic which trains personnel for home trade. 2) ____________________ Originally, the college was called Specialised Secondary School of Soviet Trade. It was opened when our country needed specialists in trade and public catering, and had 210 students at the

Active Vocabulary List

Words 7. International Etiquette A. No doubt it is essential to know the language of the country you are travelling to on business. However, except for the language businessmen should also know how to behave with their foreign business friends. Read about English customs and then write pieces of advice to your friend going to Britain on how to behave in that country. Example: I advise you not to greet someone

B. Answer the following questions. 1. What does the manager advertise?

1. What does the manager advertise? 2. What does the buyer look for, besides a good price? 3. Will anybody test the batteries? 4. Who can the buyer contact? C. Find the following points in the letter: 1) reason for writing the offer; 2) answering the potential Buyer's questions; 3) additional information; 4) hope for an order. D. Make up a letter of offer for 50 refrigerators. Make use of the plan and the