Holidays and celebrations in the united kingdom

1. Read and translate the text given below:

There are eight public holidays, or bank holidays a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people need not go to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Late Summer Bank Holiday. The term "bank holiday" dates back to the 19th century when in 1871 and 1875 most of these days were constituted bank holidays, that is, days on which banks were to be closed. The observance of these days is no longer limited to banks.

All the public holidays, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day observed on the 25th and 26th of December respectively, do not fall on the same date each year. Good Friday and Easter Monday depend on Easter Sunday which falls on the first Monday in May. The Spring Bank Holiday is on the last Monday of May, while Late Summer Bank Holiday comes on the last Monday in August.

Most of these holidays are of religious origin, though they have long lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry.

Certain customs and traditions are associated with most bank holidays. The reason is that many of them are part of holiday seasons like Easter and Christmas seasons which are religious by origin and are marked by centuries-old traditions.

Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries and simply days, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they are ordinary working days. Here are some examples.

February 14 is St. Valentine's Day; it is a day for choosing sweethearts and exchanging love-tokens. Generations of young people have considered St.Valentine to be the friend and patron of lovers and have sent gifts and hand-made valentines to their sweethearts. Valentine was a colourful card with a short love verse composed by the sender. Now thousands of ready made valentines are sent through the post every year. They are complete with ready-made sentiments and decorations, brightly coloured and gilded, and sometimes perfumed and packed into a neat box.

Pancake Day is a popular name for Shrove Tuesday — the last day of enjoyment before the fasting of Lent. On Shrove Tuesday Christians confessed their sins to a priest. Many people still traditionally eat pancakes on that day. One of the main events of Shrove Tuesday is the pancake race at Olney in Buckinghamshire. The competitors in the race are housewives from Olney; they have to make their pancakes and run from the village square to the church.

The fourth Sunday in Lent is Mothering Sunday — a day of small family reunions. On this day absent sons and daughters return to their homes and gifts are made to mothers by their children of all ages.

April, 1 is known in Britain as April Fool's Day — the day when practical jokes are played. Any person, young or old, important or not, may be made an April Fool between the hours of midnight and noon. Children are, of course, very keen supporters of the traditions. Most of their tricks have now become traditional. One is to tell someone that his shoe-lace is undone, when in fact all is in order. On the first of April you can step in the basin of water, or receive a letter with a deceiving message or invitation. You can have your sleeve or trousers-leg sewn. If you are young and innocent, you can be sent to fetch some non-existing thing like pigeon's milk. Another popular British tradition is Hallowee'n, celebrated on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day. Hallowee'n customs date back to a time when people believed in devils, witches and ghosts. They thought that they could do all kinds of damage to property. Some people tried to ward off witches by painting magic signs or nailing a horseshoe. Now most people do not believe in evil spirits. Today the day is usually marked by costume balls or fancy-dress parties and is a popular tradition with young people and children.

On the night of Hallowee'n children or grown-ups visit houses and ask the residents if they want "trick" or "treat". If the people in the house give the children a "treat" (usually money or sweets), then the children will not play a trick on them. Another Hallowee'n custom is to scrape out a pumpkin, cutting eyes, nose and mouth in its side and lighting a candle inside this is made to scare their friends.

Learn the vocabulary.

Boxing Day - День подарков

Good Friday - пятница перед Пасхой

Easter Monday - понедельник после Пасхи

to date back to - восходить к

to be constituted a bank holiday - получить статус официального праздника

observance of smth. - празднование

to be no longer limited to banks - не распространяться больше только на банки

to be observed - праздноваться, соблюдаться

to fall on - приходиться на (какой-либо день)

to be part of a holiday season - быть частью многодневного праздника

to be marked by centuries- old traditions - отмечаться, быть связанным с многовековыми традициями

a festival - фестиваль

an anniversary - годовщина

to observe a tradition - соблюдать традицию

to choose a sweetheart - выбрать возлюбленного(ую)

to exchange love-tokens - обменяться символами любви


the friend and patron of lovers - друг и покровитель влюбленных

love verse composed by the sender - стишок любовного содержания, сочиненный автором «валентинки»

ready-made sentiments and decorations - готовые пожелания и украшения


Shrove Tuesday - Страстной вторник

the fasting of Lent - Вёликий пост

a Christian - христианин

to confess one's sin to a priest - исповедаться в грехе перед священником

Mothering Sunday - День матерей

a day of family reunions день - когда собирается семья

to play a practical joke - сыграть шутку

to undo a shoe-lace - развязать шнурок

to step in the basin of water - наступить в таз с водой

pigeon's milk - птичье молоко

All Saints' Day - День всех святых

to date back to - относиться к (о времени)

to do all kinds of damage to property - нанести вред имуществу

to ward off witches - отпугивать ведьм

to nail a horseshoe - прибить подкову

an evil spirit - злой дух

to scrape out a pumpkin - выдолбить тыкву

to light a candle inside - зажечь свечу внутри

to scare one's friends - пугать друзей

3. Give Russian equivalents:

A public holiday, to lose religious significance, to make merry, to be associated with smth, the observance of these days, for the greater part of the population, to be of religious origin, ordinary working days, to be closed, to eat pancakes, to be a keen supporter of a tradition, a deceiving message or invitation, a non-existing thing, to believe in devils, witches and ghosts, to be marked by smth., to play a trick on smb.

4. Translate into English:

Рождество, oфициальный праздник, быть религиозного происхождения, День подарков, «банковские праздники», отдыхать и вселиться, многодневные праздники, многовековые праздники, фестивали и годовщины, послать подарок, самодельная «валентинка», День смеха, фальшивое сообщение или приглашение, нарисовать магические знаки, бал маскарад.

5. Answer the questions:

1. What is a bank holiday?

2. What are the bank holidays in the United Kingdom?

3. What dates do public holidays fall on?

4. What is the origin of most of these holidays?

5. How are bank holidays celebrated?

6. What other holidays arc there in the United Kingdom, except bank holidays?

7. What are other British holidays, except bank holidays?

8. How is St. Valentine's Day celebrated?

9. What is Pancake Day?

10. How is Mothering Sunday marked?

11. What kind of practical jokes are played on April Fool's Day?

12. What were the old Hallowee'n traditions?

13. How is Hallowee'n marked today?

6. Translate into English:

1. Современные официальные праздники получили статус «банковских» в 19 веке.

2. «Банковские» праздники распространяются не только на банки.

3. Рождество и День подарков справляются соответственно 25 и 26 декабря; остальные официальные праздники приходятся каждый год на разные дни.

4. Праздники потеряли религиозное значение; в эти дни люди просто отдыхают и веселятся.

5. Многодневные праздники — Рождество и Пасха — имеют религиозное происхождение.

6. Кроме официальных праздников, существуют другие дни, связанные с многовековыми традициями.

7. Это различные фестивали и годовщины.

8. В День святого Валентина, друга и покровителя влюбленных, люди обмениваются символами любви.

9. Самодельные «валентинки» содержали стишок любовного содержания, написанный ее автором.

10. Готовые «валентинки» содержат готовые пожелания и украшения, часто позолочены и ароматизированы.

11. В Страстной вторник христиане исповедовались в своих грехах священнику.

12. День матерей — это день, когда собирается вся семья, когда дети всех возрастов возвращаются домой и дарят подарки матерям.

13. День смеха — день шуток и проделок.

14. Традиционные шутки в этот день — отправить фальшивое сообщение или приглашение, послать кого-либо за птичьиммолоком.

15. Обычаи Хэллоуина, праздника накануне Дня всех святых, восходят к временам, когда люди верили в злых духов.

16. Люди верили, что черти, ведьмы и привидения могут нанести вред их имуществу, и пытались их отпугнуть.

17. В ночь Хэллоуина дети и взрослые стучатся в двери домов и просят их обитателей дать им угощение.

18. Если они его не получают, они могут сыграть с их обитателями злую шутку.

Texts A


1. Read and translate the text given below:

The population of the USA is made up of people of different nationalities. Centuries ago they brought with them their native celebrations. Some holidays which are marked in the United States originated in America. The number of holidays is different in different states — from 8 in the District of Columbia to 20 in Oklahoma. But the most important holidays are celebrated throughout the USA. They are: New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Washington's Birthday (February 22), Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas (December 25). Here are a few words about them.

On New Year's Day people see the old year off and the New Year in. Most people stay up all night, even children. At midnight many people go outside and shout "Happy New Year"! Some people set off fireworks and blow automobile horns which are heard everywhere. Everybody exchanges presents and good wishes. Offices, factories, banks and stores do not work on this day.

Lincoln's birthday is celebrated every year on February 12. Abraham Lincoln was President during the Civil War (1861 — 1865) He led the fight to keep the nation together and to free the slaves. His life ended tragically. He was killed at the theatre during the performance soon after the victory of the North. In honour of this great man a beautiful memorial has been built in Washington, D.C. Lincoln's birthday is celebrated every year on February 12.

Washington's birthday is marked on February 22. George Washington led the American Army to victory in the War for Independence. Later he was elected President of the United States and was in office for 8 years (1789 — 1797). The national capital of the United States, a state and several towns are named after George Washington.

One of the greatest holidays is Independence Day. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed. It proclaimed independence of the thirteen British colonies from Great Britain. July 4 has become the greatest holiday since. In the past this day was marked with big parades and fireworks, but now it is celebrated more quietly. Cities and towns are decorated with flags on that day, there are parades in some places, but most people just go on picnics to the countryside.

Labour Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. On this day workers make a public show with marches, meetings, etc. It also marks the beginning of the school year and the end of summer.

Thanksgiving Day is marked on the fourth Thursday of November. On this day the Americans honour the memory of the first settlers. It also marks the end of the harvest season. It is a long-standing tradition to make a festive meal with a fried turkey on this day.

Christmas is a religious holiday which symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ. By this day people decorate fir trees with toys and candies. Children wait for Santa Claus who comes to every house and brings them presents. Before going to bed, children leave their shoes to find in them what they want most of all the next morning. Some people, especially young people, like to Celebrate it in restaurants and cafes and pubs, but most people prefer to stay at home with their family on this day.

2. Learn the vocabulary:

a native celebration национальный праздник

to originate in происходить из возникать в

New Year's Day Новый год

to stay up all night не спать всю ночь

to set off fireworks запускать фейерверки

to lead the fight возглавлять борьбу

to keep the nation together сохранять единство нации

the victory of the North победа северян

Washington's birthday день рождения Вашингтона

to lead the army to victory привести армию к победе

to be in office находиться на посту, служить

to be named after smb. быть названным в честь кого- либо

Independence Day День независимости

to go on picnics to the countryside отправиться на пикник за город

to make a public show проводить акцию

Thanksgiving Day День Благодарения

to honour the memory of smb. увековечить память кого-либо

a long-standing tradition старая традиция

to make a festive meal устроить праздничный обед

Christmas Рождество

to symbolize the birth of Jesus Christ символизировать рождение Иисуса Христа

3. Give Russian equivalents:

To be celebrated throughout the USA, to be made up of smb., smth., to see the old year off, the Civil War, to exchange presents and good wishes, to free the slaves, i n honour of smb., the War for Independence, to proclaim independence, to be signed, to be marked with parades and fireworks, to prefer to stay at home.

4. Translate into English:

Bстречать Новый год, день рождения Линкольна, закончиться трагически,

быть избранным президентом, Декларация независимости, быть украшенным флагами, День труда, первые поселенцы, сезон сбора урожая, старая традиция, украшать елку игрушками и сладостями, религиозный праздник, отмечаться

5. Answer the questions:

1. Why is the number of holidays different in different states?

2. What kind of holiday is New Year's Day?

3. Birthdays of what political figures are national holidays?

4. What is Independence Day?

5. What is Thanksgiving Day?

6. What kind of holiday is Christmas?

6. Translate into English:

1. Люди разных национальностей принесли с собой свои национальные праздники.

2. Общенациональные (national) праздники справляются на всей территории США.

3. Но время общенациональных праздников все банки, офисы и магазины не работают.

4. Новый год — это праздник, когда люди провожают старый год и встречают новый; они обмениваются подарками и пожеланиями.

5. Несколько общенациональных праздников — это дни рождения политических деятелей США.

6. Вашингтон возглавлял американскую армию в войне за независимость. После победы он был избран президентом США.

7. Линкольн был президентом США, был у власти во время Гражданской войны и возглавлял борьбу за освобождение рабов.

8. Лень независимости отмечается в честь подписания (signing) Декларации независимости.

9. Большинство праздников отмечается парадами и фейерверками, многие устраивают праздничные обеды и отправляются на пикники за город.

10. В День. Благодарения американцы чтят память первых поселенцев

11 Рождество символизирует рождение Иисуса Христа.

Text B


1. Read and translate the text given below:

Each of the 50 American states established its own holidays. The federal government, through the President and Congress, can legally set holidays only for federal employees and for the District of Columbia. Most states, however, accept the federal legal holidays. Holidays for all federal offices, most state and local government offices, and many (not all) businesses, are:

New Year's Day (January 1)

Martin Luther King's birthday (third Monday in January)

Washington's Birthday, sometimes called "President's Day" (third Monday in February)

Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

Independence Day (July 4)

Labor Day (first Monday in September)

Columbus Day (second Monday in October)

Veteran's Day (November 11)

Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)

Christmas Day (December 25)

Most states have holidays which are observed, but are not necessary "legal". The name of the holiday (e.g. Confederate Memorial Day) goes on the calendar (last Monday in April) for a state (Alabama, Mississippi), yet this does not mean that businesses are always closed or children let out of school. President or Congress may proclaim a special day or week in order to bring attention to a certain concern, interest group, or problem. The many religious holidays such as Good Friday, Hanukkah, or Ramadan are observed, of course, by the religious, but they have no national, or official legal status. Rather, each state sets its own laws, and whether or not an employee is given time off also depends on labour agreements.

There are many traditional holidays, observed by a large number of Americans, which are also neither legal nor official. Among these are St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day (not just people with Irish roots celebrate it), Mother's Day and Halloween Day (the last day of October).

The three holidays which were first observed in the US, but have now spread elsewhere are Labor Day (May 1), Thanksgiving, and Mother's Day.

Perhaps the two "most American" of the holidays are the Fourth of July — Independence Day and Thanksgiving. The Fourth of July is the day of signing the Declaration of Independence. It is like a big, nationwide birthday party. Some towns and cities have parades with bands and flags. The nation's birthday is also the nation's greatest annual summer party.

Thanksgiving is a day for families to come together. Traditional foods are prepared for the feast — turkey or ham, corn dishes, breads and rolls, and a pumpkin pie. At the same time, Thanksgiving is a solemn occasion, a day to remember the many who are less well off, in America and throughout the world.

2. Learn the vocabulary:

to legally set holidays for federal employees - официально установить праздник для федераль­ных служащих

to accept the federal legal holidays - принять официальные фе­деральные праздники

to close a business закрыть предприятие

to proclaim a special day or week объявить праздником день или неделю

to be given time off получить свободное время

to observe a traditional holiday отмечать традиционные праз­дники

a nationwide birthday party день рождения в общенаци­ональных масштабах

a day for families to come together день, в который семья со­бирается вместе

a feast праздничный обед

a solemn occasion торжественный день

to be less well off быть менее обеспеченными

3. Give Russian equivalents:

To establish a holiday, to bring attention to smth., to be observed by the religious, to be observed, a day to remember, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, to have national, official or legal status, to depend on labour agreements, to set one’s own laws, nationwide birthday party.

4. Translate into English:

федеральное правительство, День независимости, День Благодарения, День труда, не иметь общенационально­го или законного офици­ального статуса, распространиться по все­му миру, парад с оркестрами и фла­гамии, традиционный праздник, день рождения нации.

5. Answer the questions:

1. How are federal holidays set?

2. What are the holidays for federal employees and state government offices?

3. What other kinds of holidays are there in the USA.

4. How are religious holidays marked?

5. What are traditional holidays? .

6. How is Independence Day marked?

7. What kind of holiday is Thanksgiving?

6. Translate into English:

1. Федеральное правительство устанавливает официальные праздники для федеральных служащих; штаты принимают эти праздники.

2. В США празднуются многие неофициальные праздники.

3. Религиозные праздники не имеют статуса официальных.

4. К традиционным праздникам относятся День святого Валентина, День святого Патрика, Хэллоуин и т. д.

5. Некоторые праздники, возникшие (originate) в США, получили распространение и в других странах.

6. День независимости похож на день рождения нации.

7. В День Благодарения семьи собираются на праздничный обед.


London, the capital of Great Britain is one of the largest cities of Europe. It is very ancient too, as it is more than twenty centuries old. About 11 million people live in it now. It is an administrative, political, industrial, commercial and cultural centre of Great Britain.

London consists of many parts which differ greatly from each other. They seem to belong to different towns and epochs: the West End, the East End, the City, Soho, Westminster and many others.

The City is a very small part of London, only 1 square mile, but it is a heart of business and financial life of the country. All business firms and agencies are concentrated here.

The East End is a great industrial district. Many factories and plants, various industrial enterprises are in this region. The working people live and work there.

The best shops, theatres, hotels, restaurants are located in the West End. Only rich people live in this fashionable district of London. The National Gallery, the British Museum and Hyde Park are also in this part of the city.

Soho is a part of London where emigrants from France, Italy, Greece, Poland and other countries live and work.

London is very attractive for tourists who are greatly impressed by the architecture and style of ancient buildings, numerous bridges across the river Thames, its green and lovely parks and the oldest Underground in the world.

As London is very old, it has a lot of interesting customs and traditions. It is full of historic places. Westminster Abbey and Westminster Palace with the Houses of Parliament are known to everybody. A famous "Big Ben"-the huge clock-is on one of the towers of the House of Parliament .All British kings and queens are crowned at Westminster Abbey. It is also the place where British kings, famous poets and writers, scientists and political figures are buried. Among them we can find Newton and Darwin, Kipling and Dickens, Shakespeare and others.

Tower of London, built in the eleventh century, is the symbol of London. It was a fortress first, than a Palace of Kings, a prison and now it is a museum.

The capital of Great Britain has 14 bridges across the Thames. Tower Bridge is one of the biggest and most famous among them.

Trafalgar Square with Nelson's Column in the middle is the geographical centre of London. The National Gallery with the collection of masterpieces is situated here.

Among other well-known historical places are the British Museum with the greatest library in the world, the Museum of British Transport, the Royal Academy of Arts, the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre.

Speaking about London it is impossible not to mention its lovely parks: Regent's Park, St. James Park and Hyde Park. Hyde Park is famous for its "Orator's corner", here you can find many outdoor entertainments too.

I. Learn the vocabulary.

century - век, столетие

architecture - архитектура

ancient - древний

custom - обычай

huge - огромный

bury - хоронить

fortress - крепость

masterpiece - шедевр

entertainment - развлечение

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