Can you say to whom the following people report?

Managing Directors

Regional Manager

Human Resources Manager

Rossomon France Manager

Answer the questions (text B).

1. Who runs the company? 2. Who assists Mr Bunce? 3. What department takes care of accounting? 4. What department works closely with the five regions on new product development?

Retell the text.

Text 2

Read the text in which Bernard Levesque describes the organisation of MTS Paris.

We’re a subsidiary of MTS Systems Corporation, an American firm based in Minneapolis. MTS employs roughly 2,200 people worldwide and is a leading supplier of mechanical testing and simulation equipment. Our major development and manufacturing operations are located in the US, France and Germany, and we have sales and service offices around the world.

Before I describe the organisation of my department, I’ll outline the structure from the top, starting with Werner Ongyert, our CEO, who oversees all aspects of our activities here. Just below him is it the General Manager, Jacques Mordelet, who is my immediate superior. Then there’s Sylviane Villaret, the Human Resources Director, and Genevieve Cornetti, the GM’s Secretary, who also report directly to him. We have a management team that includes myself, Dominique Faurieux, the Sales Manager, Jean-Francois Reinauld, the Finance Manager, and of course, Jacques Mordelet, who is also the Marketing Manager. There are also two new departments – Customer Service and NVD, the Noise and Vibration Division – headed by Louis Regnier and Patrick Dhommee respectively.

Now, getting back to the way my department is organised, I’m responsible for operations, so I’m in charge of Purchasing and Planning, R&D and Quality. The Purchasing and Planning Department schedules production based on orders provided by the sales team and forecasts from the Marketing Department. In R&D, there are three sub-departments – Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, and Software Engineering – which are involved in developing new products and modifying existing products to meet customer demands. They receive technical specifications from the Marketing Department and provide drawings, a parts list and assembly instructions. Nathalie Launay works closely with me on Quality – an area that takes up nearly a third of my time. And finally there’s the head of Shipping, as well as the person in charge of Assembly, who also report to me.

1. Read the first paragraph of the text about MTS Systems Corporation and name the following:

· Headquarters of the company;

· Number of employees;

· The company specializes in …;

· Factories are located in … .

Can you match the jobs and departments with their Russian equivalents?

1) Board of Directors a. отдел маркетинга

2) Chairman b. директор-распорядитель

3) Managing Director c. коммерческий директор

4) PR (Public Relations) Officer d. бухгалтерия

5) Chief Accountant e. плановый отдел

6) Sales Mngr. f. председатель

7) Sales Department g. сотрудник по связям с

8) Finance Dpt. общественностью

9) Accounts/ Accounting Dpt. h. главный бухгалтер

10) Advertising Dpt. i. отдел сбыта, коммерческий отдел

11) Training Dpt. j. совет директоров

12) Plaining Dpt. k. отдел исследований и развития

13) Marketing Dpt. l. финансовый отдел

14) R&D/ Research & m. отдел рекламы

Develipment Dpt. n. отдел обучения и подготовки кадров

15) Administration Dpt. o. отдел снабжения

16) Distribution Dpt. p. производственный отдел

17)Packaging Dpt. q.отдел кадров

18) Production Dpt. r. отдел упаковки товара

19) Purchasing Dpt. s. отдел административного управления

20) Personnel Dpt. t. отдел распространения продукции

Match each of the words with the following definitions.

product, customer, salary, employees

___ payment for work, usually monthly

___ people who work in a company

___ an item that has been made

___ a person who buys goods or services

Speak about the work of the management team.

5. What sub-departments does R&D have?

What do they do?

You work at Forever Young Ltd. Draw the organisation chart of your company. Explain the company structure to your partners.

8. There are many occasions when you are expected to talk about your place of work. It many also involve referring to the way in which the company is organized. It many cases American job titles differ from British ones:


President Chairman

Chief Executive Officer Managing Director

Vice President Director

Financial Controller Accountant

Director Manager

Personal Director Personal Manager

Marketing Director Marketing Manager etc.

9. When you want to classify someone in a company, you can do it according to:

- their responsibility;

- their position in the hierarchy;

- their job specification;

- their location.

10. Alice Everett (AE) has decided to explain to Hilary:

who is who in the company;

who is responsible for what on the company;

who everybody works for.

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