To account, region, chemical, to exploit, climate, to publicize, raw materials, crops, to value, livestock

1. As well as farm … , there will be showing classes for horses, goats and donkeys.

2. He said that it was like the old colonial attitude of … a resource in an area but bringing the benefits back home to the ‘motherland’.

3. Saxony was divided into four large … .

4. Agricultural development is constrained by … .

5. This nation has been built almost on the export of … … and animal products.

6. However, not all ads for medical service are banned from inviting celebrities to … their products.

7. Factory never … to us for all the records we'd sold, so we had no idea how much money we were losing.

8. Elements are materials that cannot be reduced to simpler substances by normal … means.

9. His estate was … at £45,000.

10. In addition to rice, they grow some other … and plant vegetables and fruit too.

7.Find the proper definition:

1. Per capita a. the number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a million
2. Exports b. imagine as a future possibility
3. Maker c. land used for growing crops
4. Farmland d. for each person
5. Pastureland e. observe and direct the work of (someone)
6. Cropland f. land used for farming
7. Billion g. prepare and use land for crops or gardening
8. To supervise h. sales of goods or services abroad, or the revenue from such sales
9. To envision i. a person or thing that makes or produces something
10. To cultivate j. land used as pasture.

8. Choose the right answer:

a. Industrial areas of the US do not include: 1. The Midwest 2. The Northeast 3. New York 4. The Southeast
b.American export is over … per cent of the world trade: 1. 10 2. 20 3. 30 4. 40
c. Farmland does not include … 1. cropland 2. pastureland 3. food-processing 4. family farms
d. “Pollution-free” means … 1. independent 2. very dirty 3. clean 4. free of charge
e. Capital does not mean: 1. money 2. the most important city in a country 3. large in size and used to begin a sentence 4. executive
f. Income is not synonymous with: 1. profit 2. deposits 3. revenue 4. wage
g. A consumer is not synonymous with … . 1. customer 2. shopper 3. user 4. consular

9. Using suffixes –eation, - ment,- ion, -ature, etc., give nouns which are related to the following verbs:

Verb Noun

10. Using prefixes dis-, in-, un-, etc., give negatives which are related to the following:


11. Give verbs which correspond to the following nouns:

Nouns Verbs

Summarize the main idea of the text in 8-10 sentences.

Now you know a little more about the American economy. Read the following text dealing with the topic of Unit 4.

Welfare State

A welfare state is a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. The general term may cover a variety of forms of economic and social organization. The sociologist T.H. Marshall identified the welfare state as a distinctive combination of democracy, welfare, and capitalism. Scholars have paid special attention to the historic paths by which Germany, Britain and other countries developed their welfare state.

Modern welfare states include the Nordic countries, such as Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland which employ a system known as the Nordic model. The welfare state involves a transfer of funds from the state, to the services provided (i.e. healthcare, education) as well as directly to individuals ("benefits").

The welfare state is funded through redistributionist taxation and is often referred to as a type of "mixed economy". Such taxation usually includes a larger income tax for people with higher incomes, called a progressive tax. This helps to reduce the income gap between the rich and poor.

The activities of present-day welfare states extend to the provision of both cash welfare benefits (such as old-age pensions or unemployment benefits) and in-kind welfare services (such as health or childcare services). Through these provisions, welfare states can affect the distribution of wellbeing and personal autonomy among their citizens, as well as influencing how their citizens consume and how they spend their time.

By 2013 the U.S. remains the only major industrial state without a uniform national sickness program. American spending on health care (as percent of GDP) is the highest in the world, but it is a complex mix of federal, state, philanthropic, employer and individual funding. The US spent 16% of its GDP on health care in 2008, compared to 11% in France in second place.

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