Structurally functional direction

The founder of the structurally functional analysis the American sociologist Tolkott Parsons (1902-1979) is considered.

In work «System of modern societies» it considers a society as infinite set of interactions of people at which there are aspects concerning steady (structures) having certain roles and values (function). Function connects structure and process and establishes their value for system.

The system has two axes of orientation:

• the first shows, whether the system is guided by events of environment or on internal problems;

• the second - whether reacts system to momentary requirements or long-term interests.

Initial "section" of all system of public relations is the concept «social action».

Structurally social action consists of three basic elements:

And, on the contrary, the ordinary executor, having come home, can turn to the omnipotent master in relation to the relatives. The buyer and the seller, the visitor of restaurant and the waiter, the tailor and the customer - all these "serving" and "served" can be interchanged the position according to change of a social situation. Hence, imperious relations should not be considered as hierarchically unilateral as domination of one individuals or groups in concrete sphere is counterbalanced by control of others in other spheres.

Germenevtic direction

Occurrence in 60th of XX century герменевтики as new methodology of the analysis of the policy which is breaking off with positivism, has been caused by requirements of the information society which have come in the stead to the industrial. The western industrial society represented атомизированную a chain of a market exchange where individuals competed with each other in a pursuit of profit. As the American philosopher Erih Fromm (1900-1980) noticed, individualism «has helped to destroy all communications between separate individuals, having isolated the person from the colleagues». To restore the destroyed social communications - mission of a policy.

Genesis «герменевтической paradigms» is connected with a name of political scientist Dzh. Moss who has emigrated to 30th in the USA from Germany.

The modern world represents лингвистически the structured reality. Interaction of individuals is carried out in terms and values of certain languages and concepts. Political activity also is subordinated to linguistic culture existing in a society.

The Germenevtichesky paradigm in the policy analysis recognises that the political power there is an ability and possibility to formulate the political ideas actual and claimed at the population and the concept as they represent social actions or linguistic events which should be considered in a context of language and concepts. Any information perceived by the subject including political, it is represented to it a certain set of visual and sound symbols, and consequently, it deciphers it in the formulas having for it sense, perceiving and acquiring only those symbols which keep within system of co-ordinates of its outlook and a world picture.

In borders герменевтического the approach of the politician it was considered as a communication medium between members of a society, generations, representatives of various cultures. However the policy is the special form of communications which are distinct from others.

Specificity of a policy as communications formsconsists in ability to connect two kinds of communications:

Rational or прерывный when the interesting object is described, learnt, but between it and the learning subject the distance as it happens at the science officer remains;

Emotional or continuous, connected by that the learning subject "passes" object through own consciousness, "is dissolved" in it, "enters" into it that is peculiar to art.

The greatest attention in political герменевтике is given to a problem of political symbolics.

Political symbolics - the central link of all «герменевтической paradigms». The symbol is used as the basic unit of the analysis of political culture which, in turn, acts as a primary factor of political relations in a society. As by means of symbols people express and transfer each other the thoughts and feelings which are interpreted and perceived in terms and senses of certain political culture symbols are perceived as regulators of political behaviour. Therefore on political behaviour of people those values which are given by them to actions of the government, the political parties, separate politicians, rather than the real maintenance of these actions can render much bigger influence.

Defining role in interpretation of the last always is played by system of political symbolics dominating in a given society. However political symbols can be created is artificial and purposefully to take root into mass consciousness.

It means that political герменевтика the same as and бихевиоризм, is directly connected with problems of a political manipulation and acts as effective enough tool in election campaigns.

The modern European political science focused the attention on the sociological and legal analysis of the power, political institutes, an electoral system and elections, managements, the public policy.

Institutional direction

As it was already marked, in the French political thought by right it is considered the founder of the theory of instituteMoris Oriu who the first has put forward this concept in 1906, and has comprehensively proved it in the dissertation entitled «the Theory of institute and its basis. Sketches of social vitalism» (1925).

Moris Djuverzhe (a sort was the most visible theorist of this direction. 1917), the brought huge contribution in European and

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