VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR WORK. 1. Analyze the use of the new words and expressions in the sentences

1. Analyze the use of the new words and expressions in the sentences.

1. I'll never understand how it came about that you were an hour late on such a short journey.

2. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR WORK. 1. Analyze the use of the new words and expressions in the sentences - student2.ru Jobs were hard to come by with so many people out of work.

3. The girl fainted, but she came to when we threw drops of water on her face.

4. The writer tried to be as objective as possible in evaluating
his latest work.

5. I'll try to cover all the ground in a short speech of half an hour.

6. What anasty thing to say to your sister!

7. Have you packed your things for the journey?

8. It's not quite the thing to wear an open-necked shirt to a formal evening dinner.

9. His father did not oppose his plan to study medicine.

10. Jean took the initiative at the party by introducing herself to the people she didn't know.

11. Are you attending to what is being said?

12. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR WORK. 1. Analyze the use of the new words and expressions in the sentences - student2.ru Before going to bed she assured herself that the door was locked.

13. He has a yielding character and will soon change his mind.

Give words and phrases that fit definitions below.

1. to happen _________

2. to lose position, respect or social rank _____________

3. to become fashionable___________

4. to cease being joined to smth ______________

5. to become clear or known_________________.

6. to regain consciousness____________________

7. not influenced by personal feelings; fair______________

8. to be against smth or someone__________________

9. a statement or feeling of dislike, disapproval, or opposition ____________.

10. a reason ______________

11. to deal with many different subjects________________.

12. to be just what onewants or likes________________.

13. without base or good reason _________________

14. any material object ______________

15. what is considered socially correct, fashionable ____________

16. the most important point _________________

17. to be or act against _______________

18. a person or thing that is as different as possible _____________

19. the political parties opposed to the government _______________

20. coming at the beginning ________________

21. the first step in an undertaking ______________

22. the ability to do things before others _____________

23. active focusing of the mind ___________

24. to be present at ______________

25. to restore confidence or courage ______________

26. to give, produce, bear _______________

27. likely to agree with or give in to others _______________

Suggest the Ukrainian versions for the following.

1. to get / come to grips with smb/smth

2. to take up time and energy
3. to get into a groove / rut
4. to look round for ideas

5. to linger in the mind
6. aborderline case
7. toplump' for smth
8. to ponder over smth

9. to feel reassured
10. to feel the faint stirrings of curiosity / hatred, etc.

11. to send smb to Coventry
12. to have things (too much) one's own way

13. an odd coincidence

14. to size_smb up

15. inthe flesh

16. have one's feet (firm) on the ground

17. to have / bear a grudge against smb

18. to be a borderline case

19. a sign of megalomania

20. to tap a new source of supply

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