Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница

Mostly b: You’re the best friend in the world. When your friend is happy, you’re happy too.

Mostly c: You have lots of friends, but maybe you don’t have one special friend. It’s a good idea to be more honest with your friends.

11. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Прочитайте информацию ниже и узнайте, что такое covering letter и для чего его писать:

Сопроводительное письмо (covering letter), очень важная составляющая ваших документов при поиске работы. Именно с этого текста начинается ваше знакомство с потенциальным работодателем. Именно этот документ формирует первое впечатление и то настроение, с которым работодатель будет изучать ваше резюме. Поэтому стоит уделить составлению covering letter особое внимание.

Его цель – объяснить HR-менеджеру, почему вы высылаете свое резюме на вакансию в данной компании, и указать, какая информация из резюме демонстрирует, что вы подходящий кандидат на эту позицию.

Умелое использование сопроводительного письма предоставляет кандидату ряд преимуществ:

Резюме – «презентационный материал», который вы высылаете в десятки компаний. В сопроводительном письме можно указать причины, по которым вы обращаетесь именно к данному работодателю, и то, чем вас привлекает открытая вакансия.

Грамотно составленное сопроводительное письмо поможет вашему резюме выделиться в массе других обращений, ежедневно получаемых сотрудниками службы персонала.

12. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ruРабота с песней:

v Проверьте, знаете ли вы слова в рамке:

knock lonely tears lost spin win makeup  

v Послушайте песню и отметьте глаголы, которые вы слышите в 3 лице единственном числе. Запишите эту форму:

wake up  
wait for  

v Послушайте припев и впишите пропущенные слова:


She's so lucky, she's __________
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking
If there's nothing missing __________

Then why do these tears come _________

Lost in an image, in a dream
But there's no one there to wake her up
And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning
But tell me what happens when it stops?
They go…
"Isn't she ________, this Hollywood girl?"
And they say…

v Послушайте песню еще раз и отметьте строчки ниже в том порядке, в каком слышите:

Knock, knock, knock on the door  
"Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?"  
This is a story about a girl named Lucky…  
It's you they're all waiting for  
"Best actress, and the winner is…Lucky!"  
Early morning, she wakes up  
"Oh my god…here she comes!"  
It's time for makeup, perfect smile  
She is so lucky, but why does she cry?  
outside the arena waiting for Lucky"  
If there's nothing missing in her life  
They go…  
Why do tears come at night?  
And they say…  
Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl?  
"I'm Roger Johnson for Pop News standing  

Test yourself

1. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Изучите информацию в таблице и выполните упражнения:

  City Job Languages Hobbies
Oleg Yekaterinburg Fashion design student Russian, German Cooking, ballet, reading
John New York English teacher English, French Watching football, playing the guitar
Maria London Secretary English, Chinese, Spanish Painting, going to the gym
Nastya Moscow Music teacher Russian, English Playing tennis, playing the violin

2. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Используя Present Simple и информацию об Олеге, закончите предложения:

1. He ______________ (live) in Yekaterinburg.

2. He ______________ (study) fashion design.

3. He ______________(speak) Russian and German.

4. He ______________ (like) cooking and ballet.


3. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Напишите предложения о Джоне, Марии и Насте:

1. John _______________________________ (teach).

2. He __________________________________ (live).

3. _____________________________________ (speak).

4. _____________________________________(play).

5. Maria ________________________________(live).

6. She __________________________________(speak).

7. ______________________________________ (work).

8. __________________________________ (go to the gym).

9. Nastya ________________________________ (speak).

10. She __________________________________ (live).

11. ______________________________________ (teach).

12. ______________________________________ (play).


4. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Используя информацию об Олеге и Джоне напишите правильные короткие ответы:

1. Does Oleg come from Japan? ___________________________________________

2. Does he study economics? ___________________________________________

3. Does he speak English? ___________________________________________

4. Does he like ballet? ___________________________________________

5. Does John come from the USA? __________________________________________

6. Does he teach English?


7. Does he speak Chinese? ___________________________________________

8. Does he play the guitar? ___________________________________________



Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Текст: My hobby

Грамматика: Модальные глаголы can, must

Тест: Can you be a successful pop star?

Практика: Covering letter II

1. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

1. He can skate. 2. They can come at five. 3. I can go to the theatre tonight. 4. My friend can play chess. 5. She can stay with us over the week-end. 6. They can work here.

2. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Закончите предложения с can или can’t, чтобы получились правдивые предложения о вас:

1. I _______ spell my first name and last name.

2. I _______ introduce myself and another person.

3. I _______ give my address and phone number.

4. I _______ understand the words in English songs.

5. I _______ talk about the people in my family.

6. I _______ describe someone in the group.

7. I _______ talk about where I live.

8. I _______ give directions.

9. I _______ answer the phone and leave a message in English.

10. I _______ speak on the telephone for a long time in English.

3. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Поработайте в группах. Задайте вопросы друг другу, а затем подведите итоги. Например:In our group four people can play the guitar and no one can run a marathon.

Can you write a poem?        
draw a monster?        
run a marathon?        
play the guitar?        
ride a crocodile?        
climb a mountain?        
jump very high?        

4. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Используйте must or mustn’t с данными выражениями по образцу:

Пример: Miss lessons – You mustn’t miss lessons!

1. smoke here.

2. be late again.

3. say that again.

4. forget it.

5. listen to them.

6. cross the road here.

7. lose your license again.

8. practice English

9. be quiet at the lesson

10. run at the lesson

5. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Напишите правила поведения в театре; самолете; на экзамене. Начните со следующих фраз:

In the plane you must/ mustn’t…

At the theatre you can/ can’t…

At the exam you…

6. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Перед тем, как прочитать текст, ответьте на вопрос – что такое хобби?


Слово Транскрипция Перевод Пример
to delight (in) [dɪ'laɪt] наслаждаться, радоваться Children delight in contact with animals
to gather ['gæðə] собираться We gathered around father
enterprise ['entəpraɪz] смелое предприятие Do you think this enterprise will be successful?
salary ['sælərɪ] зарплата He spends all the salary on his family
to obtain [əb'teɪn] получать, добывать How can I obtain that rare book?
to abandon [ə'bændən] покидать, оставлять After the catastrophe they abandoned the ship
in a broader sense   в широком смысле You can take this philosophical concept in a broader sense
definition [ˌdefɪ'nɪʃn] определение What’s the definition of “hobby”?
to admit [əd'mɪt] признавать You must admit that it is true
weird [wɪəd] странный She's a really weird girl
to manage ['mænɪʤ] зд. справляться, умудриться, суметь сделать He managed to run away from prison.
to fail [feɪl] потерпеть неудачу; не иметь успеха He fail his exams
volume ['vɔljuːm] книга, том The first volume of his autobiography is not very interesting

My hobby

Many people have hobbies. For some of them it is quite a natural thing to occupythemselves with something during free time. They may collect different objects such as stamps, postcards, coins, autographs of celebrities and other things which delight their owners. Other people invent hobbies for themselves because they think that it is just socially correct. They think that if they mention at some gathering that they have a collection of early Egyptian manuscripts, other people will immediately begin to respect them.

In many cases hobbies are an expensive enterprise. I know a man who collects coins. He spends half his salary to obtain some rare banknote.

Other people’s hobbies are dangerous. For example, fishing in the winter on frozen lakes and rivers.

I know that most people develop taste for collecting things in childhood and that in mid-twenties they abandon this habit. Only a smaller percentage of grown-ups continue to collect various objects.

However, having a hobby can be interpretedin a broader sense – how one likes to spend one’s free time. If we take this definition of hobbies, one should admit that every person must have at least one. Otherwise if someone asks you what your favorite pastime is, and you will answer that you don’t know, it will look weird.

My hobby is very simple. I like reading books. I read different books: science-fiction, detective stories, and historical novels. I like short stories. And I am still amazed at how authors manage to tell a long story on a few pages, while others failto do it in a thick volume.

My other hobby is collecting CDs with my favorite music. I started my collection in early childhood and still continue it, even if we can have music without CDs.

I think that everyone should have some hobby, because, remember the proverb? All work and no play make Jack a dull boy!

7. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Отгадайте слова по их определениям или синонимам:

· money that you get for work;

· meeting;

· to get;

· business;

· to leave, to stop doing;

· strange

8. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Разгадайте анаграммы и подставьте получившиеся слова в предложения:alif, dewri, nondaba, tamid, yrasal, tererensip, natobi, emuvol

1. He wants to have a bigger ____________.

2. That man has got some __________ ideas.

3. I think he will _____ to solve the problem.

4. I can’t __________ my friends in a difficult situation.

5. Have you got the second _________ of this book?

6. I must _____ that your ________ is really good!

7. She can’t ________ that unusual stamp.

9. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Закончите предложения ниже:

1. There are many different types of hobby, for example…

2. Some people invent hobbies for themselves because…

3. Some hobbies are expensive…

4. Some hobbies are dangerous…

5. Having a hobby can be interpreted…

6. My favourite pastime is…

7. My hobby is…

8. I think that everyone should…

10. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Составьте план и подготовьте пересказ текста.

11. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Пройди тест: “Can you be a successful pop star?” и узнай, можешь ли ты стать звездой?

1. You start a band and you play your first concert. There are two people in the audience. What do you do?

a) Go home immediately and leave the band.

b) Play. Perhaps one of those people is a music critic.

c) Play and have a really good time. You enjoy playing music with your friends.

2. After a concert a man from a record company comes to you and asks you to sign a contract. What do you do?

a) Kiss him and sign it immediately.

b) Tell him that lots of other record companies are interested in you and ask for more money.

c) Take the contract home and read it carefully.

3. You give a newspaper interview, but when you read in the next morning, there are lots of lies in it about you. What do you do?

a) Go and find the writer and hit him.

b) Feel happy because it’s good to be in the newspapers. The more people know about you, the more records they buy.

c) Decide never to read the newspaper again.

4. Your record company gives you lots and lots of money. What do you do?

a) Buy new houses and cars for all your family; buy a boat and lots of new clothes for you.

b) Have big parties and go around the world with lots of rich and famous people.

c) Buy some things that you need for you and your family and put the rest in the bank.

5. You’re leaving a concert and you’re very tired. Lots of your fans are waiting for you. What do you do?

a) Drive away without stopping.

b) Wave and shake hands with one or two fans.

c) Stop, talk to them and give them your autograph.


Mostly a: You are probably too impatient to be a pop star. You think it’s an easy job, but really it’s hard work. You will probably lose all your money or your fame after two years of having a good time.

Mostly b:You can be a very successful pop star. You are very clever and practical about what you must do and nobody can hurt you. But you will be successful at all the jobs you do and you love money more than music. Perhaps you would like to be a businessman or a businesswoman.

Mostly c:You love being a pop star but you are also very sensible. You can be a successful pop star because you love your music and you love your fans.

12. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Изучите информацию ниже и узнайте, как пишется covering letter:

1.Your full address and e-mail.( Адрес и электронная почта)

2. The position or the name of the person who you are writing to and the name of the organization. ( Должность или имя человека, которому вы пишите)

3. The greeting (приветствие): Dear Sir/ Madam if you don`t know name. (Уважаемый сэр/ мадам, если вы не знаете имени)

Dear Mr/ Mrs/ Ms and the surname if you know. (Уважаемый мистер/мисс/ миссис и фамилия , если знаете)

4. Paragraph 1 mentions where you hear (know) about the vacancy and names the job you are applying for. (Абзац 1 упоминает, откуда вы узнали о вакансии и наименование работы, по поводу которой вы обращаетесь)

5. Paragraph 2 presents you to the employer, explains why you are suitable for the position. (Абзац 2 представляет вас работодателю и объясняет, почему вы подходите на это место)

6. Paragraph 3 mentions your previous work experience (if any), skills and abilities that make you suitable for the job and suggests ways of getting in touch with you. (Абзац 3 упоминает ваш предыдущий опыт работы, если есть, умения и способности, которые делают вас подходящими для работы и предлагает способы контакта с вами)

7. The ending (окончание): Yours faithfully if you don`t know the person’s name. Yours sincerely if you know. (Преданный Вам, если вы не знаете имени работодателя. Искренне Ваш, если знаете.)

8. Your signature. ( Ваша подпись)

9. Your full name printed underneath. ( Ваше полное имя печатными буквами)

13.Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ruНапишите к своему резюме сопроводительное письмо.

Test yourself

1. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Вставьте в пропуски can или can’t:

1. You ________ go on holiday. It’s very expensive.

2. _______ borrow (одолжить) some money?

3. Tony _______ come tonight. He is very busy with his homework.

4. Jim makes great food. He ______ cook really well.

5. It’s too noisy. We _______ study well.

6. She _______answer the phone now; she is not at home.

7. I know the answer; I _______answer the question now.

8. She is good at the piano. She__________ play the piano very well.

9. This test is very difficult; I____________ answer any question.

10. Maria can speak English but she___________ speak French.

11. You________ sleep today because you are very nervous.

12. Olga________ play tennis very well. She is a good tennis player.


2. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Поставьте слова в правильном порядке:

1. milk can please I the have?

2. University can’t the to today she go.

3. languages can other speak she?

4. can’t in he letter a English write.

5. library you this from can’t the book take.

6. vegetarian she because meat eat she’s can’t a.

7. come on Sunday to they lunch can.

8. have we taxi a can?


3. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Вставьте в пропуски must или mustn’t:

1. I _______ smoke. It’s bad for my health.

2. You ________ go to the hairdresser’s. Your hair is too long.

3. My group mate ________ eat French fries and hamburgers every day.

4. My teacher says that I _________ play the saxophone every day for four hours.

5. Excuse me, you ________ stop here because there is a stop sign.

6. No food in the concert hall. You _______ eat here. If you want to eat and drink you _________ go outside.

7. You _________ make noise in the library.

8. You ___________ be late for your classes.


4. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Исправьте ошибки в предложениях:

1. He must goes home now.

2. I mustn’t making noise.

3. Do I must be quiet?

4. She musts do her homework.

5. We don’t must phone from the office.

6. I mustn’t writing in the book.

7. We must to go shopping.


8. They must pays the attention in the class.


Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru

Текст: Books in my life

Грамматика: Модальный глагол should

Тест: What kind of book is for you?

Практика: Covering letter III

1. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Подставьте в предложения should или shouldn’t:

1. Students ________ come to class every day.

2. Students ________ miss classes.

3. We ________ waste our money on things we don’t need.

4. It’s raining. You ________ take your umbrella.

5. Jimmy, you _______ pull the cat’s tail!

6. People _______ be cruel to animals.

7. Your plane leaves at 8.00. You __________ get to the airport by 7.00.

8. Life is short. We ________ waste our time.

9. You _________ smoke in a public place.

10. We _________ cross a street at the crossroads.

11. When you go to New York City, you ________ see a play on Broadway.

12. You ___________ walk alone on city streets after midnight. It’s dangerous.

13. When you go to a football game, you __________ throw things on the field.

14. When you go to Bangkok, you _________ visit the Floating Market.

2. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Вы даете другу совет. Используйте should или shouldn’t:

Пример: I always cough because I smoke a lot. You should stop smoking.

1. I have a bad toothache.

2. I have problems in learning English.

3. I’m going to visit Greece.

4. I’m a newcomer at this university.

5. I’m a 13-year-old teenager and I need advice how to become a good person and live a happy life.

6. I have a job interview tomorrow.

7. I’m sleepy.

3. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Напишите о своем родном городе, используя should or shouldn’t:

I’m a tourist. I want to visit your native city. Is it a good place to visit or not? Why? What should I do when I’m there? Where should I go? What should I see? What shouldn’t I do? Are there places I shouldn’t visit? Will I enjoy the visit?

4. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые 3 страница - student2.ru Перед прочтением текста ответьте на вопрос:What kind of books are popular today and why?


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