Здік бақылаудың тестік тапсырмалары

Q Choose the right answer: It presents two utterances the second is brought into the focus of the reader's attention.
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
· chiasmus
Q Choose the right answer: The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect.
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
· chiasmus
· no right answer
Q Choose the right answer: … - is an identical repetition of conjunctions: used to emphasize simultaneousness of described actions, to disclose the authors subjective attitude towards the characters, to create the rhythmical effect.
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
· Chiasmus
· no right answer
Q Choose the right answer: He couldn't go abroad alone, the sea upset his liver, he hated hotels.
· asyndeton
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· chiasmus
· no right answer
Q Choose the right answer: … is a deliberate avoidance of conjunctions in constructions in which they would normally used.
· asyndeton
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· chiasmus
· no right answer
Q State the type of the stylistic device: She wasn't sure of anything and more, of him, herself, their friends, her work, her future.
· enumeration
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· chiasmus
· no right answer
Q Choose the right answer: … is a SD which separates things, properties or actions brought together and form a chain of grammatically and semantically homogeneous parts of the utterance.
· enumeration
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· chiasmus
· no right answer
Q State the type of the stylistic device: They speak like saints and act like devils.
· antithesis
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· chiasmus
· no right answer
Q State the type of the stylistic device: … is a SD based on the author's desire to stress certain qualities of the thing by appointing it to another thing possessing antagonistic features.
· antithesis
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· chiasmus
· no right answer
Q Choose the right answer: …- is a compositional device which is realized through the separation of the Predicate from the Subject by deliberate introduction between them of a clause or a sentence.
· suspense
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· chiasmus
· no right answer
Q State the type of the stylistic device: She was a good sport about all this, but so was he.
· chiasmus
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· no right answer
Q Choose the right answer: … is based on repetition of syntactical patterns, but it has a reversed order in one of the utterances.
· chiasmus
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
Q State the type of the stylistic device: The cock is crowing, The stream is flowing, The small birds twitter, The lake doth glitter.
· parallel construction
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
Q Choose the right answer: … is a device which may be encountered not so much in the sentence as in the macro - structures dealt with the syntactical whole and the paragraph.
· parallel construction
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· no right answer
Q State the type of the stylistic device: In went Mr. Pickwick.
· stylistic inversion
· asyndeton
· enumeration
· Chiasmus
· no right answer
Q Choose the right answer: Any change which doesn't influence the meaning but is only aimed at emphasis is called ….
· stylistic inversion
· asyndeton
· enumeration
· Chiasmus
· no right answer
Q State the type of the stylistic device: My dearest daughter, at your feet I fall.
· stylistic inversion
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
Q State the type of the stylistic device: How early you’ve come!
· irony
· antithesis
· oxymoron
· meiosis
· understatement
Q State the type of the stylistic device: Slowly, silently, now the moon walks the night in her silvery shoon (shoes) (de la Mare)
· personification
· anticlimax
· antonomasia
· simile
· oxymoron
Q State the type of the stylistic device: The iron hate in Soul pushed him on again. (M. Wilson)
· epithet
· antithesis
· oxymoron
· meiosis
· understatement
Q State the type of the stylistic device: She dropped a tear and her handkerchief. (Dickens)
· zeugma
· antithesis
· oxymoron
· meiosis
· understatement
Q State the type of the stylistic device: He amused the table
· metonymy
· meiosis
· climax
· simile
· oxymoron
Q State the type of the stylistic device: At noon Mrs. Turpin would get out of bed and humor, put on kimano, airs, and the water to boil for coffee. (O. Henry)
· zeugma
· antithesis
· oxymoron
· meiosis
· understatement
Q State the type of the stylistic device: It was my older brother - her darling - who was to in­herit her resoluteness, her stubbornness, her table silver and some of her eccentricities. (J. Cheever)
· zeugma
· antithesis
· oxymoron
· meiosis
· understatement
Q State the type of the stylistic device: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the era of incredulity. (Ch. Dickens)
· antithesis
· oxymoron
· meiosis
· understatement
· climax
Q State the type of the stylistic device: The ugly one, Laverne, wasn't too bad a dancer, but the other one, old Marty, was like dragging the Statue of Liberty around the floor. (J. Salinger )
· simile
· metonymy
· pun
· zeugma
· epithet
Q State the type of the stylistic device: The house itself was not so much. It was smaller than Buckingham Palace, rather grey for California, and probably had fewer windows then the Chrysler Building. (R. Chandler)
· irony
· metonymy
· pun
· zeugma
· epithet
Q State the type of the stylistic device: His words were coming so fast; they were leap-frogging themselves. (R. Chandler)
· metaphor
· pun
· zeugma
· epithet
· metonymy
Q State the type of the stylistic device: …is the transfer of the name of one object or person to another based on likeness, similarity of some features of these two objects.
· Metaphor
· metonymy
· pun
· zeugma
· epithet
Q State the type of the stylistic device: She gave her heart to the young man.
· Metonymy
· meiosis
· climax
· simile
· oxymoron
Q Choose the right answer: … is the transfer of the meaning on the basis of con­tiguity/nearness of two objects, on the real association of the object of nomination with the object whose name is transferred.
· metonymy
· meiosis
· climax
· simile
· oxymoron
Q State the type of the stylistic device: The Downing Street is ready to offer a warm welcome.
· Metonymy
· meiosis
· climax
· simile
· oxymoron
Q Choose the right answer: A type of understatement, a specific form of meiosis is…. It presents an affirmative statement in the form of negation.
· litotes
· meiosis
· climax
· simile
· oxymoron
Q Choose the right answer: …. is a figure logically and psychologically opposite of hyperbole. It is a deliberate understatement, the underestimating/diminishing of the features of the object in order to emphasize its insignificance.
· meiosis
· litotes
· anticlimax
· simile
· oxymoron
Q Choose the right answer: …. is created in case one common quantitative feature characterizes an object in a greater degree.
· hyperbole
· litotes
· anticlimax
· simile
· oxymoron
Q State the type of the stylistic device: Love overcomes no small things.
· litotes
· anticlimax
· simile
· oxymoron
· antonomasia
Q State the type of the stylistic device: He was a skinny little guy with wrists as big as pencils. (J.Salinger)
· meiosis
· climax
· simile
· oxymoron
· antonomasia
Q State the type of the stylistic device: Would you mind getting the hell out of my way?
· meiosis
· oxymoron
· antonomasia
· climax
· anticlimax
Q State the type of the stylistic device: His grey face was so long that he could wind it twice round his neck (R. Chandler)
· hyperbole
· simile
· climax
· anticlimax
· antonomasia
Q State the type of the stylistic device: The coffee shop smell was strong enough to build a garage on. (R. Chandler)
· hyperbole
· climax
· anticlimax
· antonomasia
· simile
Q Choose the right answer: Sudden break in the narration has the function to reveal agitated state of the speaker. (Break - in - the narrative)
· aposiopesis
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
Q State the type of the stylistic device: On the hall table there were a couple of letters addressed to her. One was the bill. The other...
· aposiopesis
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
Q State the type of the stylistic device: You feel all right? Anything wrong or what?
· ellipsis
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
Q Choose the right answer: … - is the omission of a word necessary for the complete syntactical construction of a sentence, but not necessary for understanding. The stylistic function of ellipsis used in author's narration is to change its tempo, to connect its structure.
· ellipsis
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
Q Choose the right answer: … is one that expects no answer. It is asked in order to make a statement rather than to get a reply. They are frequently used in dramatic situation and in publisistic style.
· rhetorical question
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration
Q State the type of the stylistic device: What was the good of discontented people who fitted in nowhere?
· rhetorical question
· gap - sentence - link
· polysyndeton
· asyndeton
· enumeration

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