Оқу-әдістемелік қамтамасыз етілу картасы.

Дәріс тақырыбы Оқулық және оқу құралы Электронды оқулық және оқу құралы ПОӘК
Кіріспе.Стилистика пәні мен міндеттері. Скребнев Ю. Стилистика английского языка. М., 2000 г. - +
Стилистика ның негізгі ұғымдары. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка. М., 1990. - +
Лексико-фразеологиялық көркемдеу құралдарыжәне стилистикалық тәсілдер. Скребнев Ю. Стилистика английского языка. М., 2000 г.   - +
Лексико-фразеологиялық көркемдеу құралдарыжәне стилистика лық тәсілдер. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка. М., 1990.   - +
Грамматикалық көркемдегіш кұралдар және стилистика лық фигуралар. Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. М., 1985.   - +
Фонетикалық көркемдегіш құралдар және стилистикалық тәсілдер. Будагов Р.А. Литературные языки и языковые стили. М, 1967. - +
Графикалық құралдардың қызметі Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. М., 1985. - +

Зін-өзі бағалауға арналған сұрақтар/тесттер/тапсырмалар/есептер/жаттығулар


1. Summarize the content of the poem in one sentence. What do you know about the author and his works?

2. Describe the place the narrator models in the text and analyze the structure of its fictional space paying special attention to its size, objects, sounds, light and colours that fill it. Comment on the syntactical structure of sentences (repetitions of conjunctions, syntactical parallelism) and lexical repetitions. What image serves as a basis for the metaphor “peace comes dropping slow from the veils of the morning”?

3. How would you describe the place the narrator wants to leave (proceeding from the text)? Why do you think there is only one line depicting it?

4. Point out cases of assonance (repetitions of stressed vowels), alliteration (repetitions of initial consonants) and other cases of sound repetition and their function and connotations in the poem.

5. Why the imaginary world of beauty and peace is portrayed as a small lake isle?

6. Do you find the name of the isle Innisfree suggestive? Justify your point of view.

7. Do you think the idea/message of the poem correlates with current problems of our century, or it refers to the past only?


1. Text as object of stylistic studies (Арнольд И.В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык. С. 54-63):

Definitions of text (G. Eiger and V. Yukht, M. Halliday). Important textual parameters: length; written/oral form; communicative purpose; the relationship between text and other language units and levels; integrity (целостность); cohesion (когезия, связность).

Distinctive features of literary texts.

2. The theory of context: N. Amosova, M. Riffaterre, Y. Lotman. Linguistic and stylistic context (Арнольд, С. 67-71)

3. Stylistic function and its peculiarities. The difference between stylistic function and stylistic device (Арнольд, С. 81-88)

4. Comment on the following cases of convergence (конвергенция, «скопление» стилистических приемов и выразительных средств). Point out the expressive means and stylistic devices which “heap up” to work together and state their stylistic function in the fragments


1. Peculiar features and stylistic functions of different groups of the English vocabulary:

a) terms (Galperin, P. 69-71; Skrebnev, P. 59);

b) poetic and archaic words (Galperin, P. 72-78; Skrebnev, P. 62-63);

c) nonce-words (Skrebnev, P. 70-72);

d) barbarisms, foreignisms (Galperin, P.79-83; Skrebnev, P. 60-62)

e) jargonisms (Galperin, P. 103-106; Skrebnev, P. 66-70);

f) professionalisms (Galperin, P. 107-109; Skrebnev, P. 59-60);

g) dialectal words (Galperin, P. 110-112);

h) slang (Galperin, P. 96-102; Skrebnev, P. 68-70);

i) vulgar words (Galperin, P. 113; Skrebnev, P. 72-73).

2. Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary according to Y. Skrebnev (Skrebnev, P. 52-58).


1. Interaction view of metaphor. Structural peculiarities of metaphor (Ivor Richards).

2. Substitution, comparison and interaction views of metaphor (Max Black).

3. Choose cases of metaphor from the list below and justify your choice. Compare examples of metaphor with those of simile and point out semantic differences between them.

a) Many other students he had known at Oxford ... had become cogs in the communication machine;

b) Five or six machine guns scythed us like grass;

c) He despised the notion of possession of the old trees. They were far more a noble congregation of ... patriarchs;

d) England is already a thing in a museum, a dying animal in a Zoo. No pride left ... and so all intent on dying nice and quietly;

e) She wore the sea wind like a jewel. Every so often she had a little struggle with the sunshade. And all the time fingers of wind teased and skeined her long, silky-blond hair around her neck or across her mouth.


1. Read the poems and give detailed answers to the questions

2. Which words refer to the “tenor” and “vehicle” of the sustained metaphor created in the text? Define and explain the “ground” (основание [для сравнения]) of this metaphor.

3. Comment on the effect produced by the use of personification and point out its formal signs. Does the image strike you as original? Which associations does it bring to your mind?

4. Comment on the title of the first poem. Why do you think the word “silver” is introduced as part of it? Define the type of trope used in the title.

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