Main cause of death for women aged 20 - 40

Aids is now the major cause of death for women aged between 20 and 40 in major cities in the Americas, western Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa, it was revealed yesterday.

A new report, “Triple Jeopardy - Women and AIDS”, published by the international research institute Panos, highlights the growing threat to women.

AIDS threatens women in three specific ways, the report argues: as individuals inflected themselves, as mothers who may risk inflecting their unborn children and as those who will bear the brunt of caring for those who are ill.

The Wolrd Health Organisation estimates to 10 million people worldwide are now inflected with HIV - the virus which leads to AIDS - and that one third of them are women.

But alarming new evidence suggested that the inflection rate is increasing faster among women.

Recent studies in Zaire show that women aged between 15 and 30 are four times as likely to contract the disease as their male counterparts.

Globally, the virus is spread mainly through heterosexual contact and women are twice as likely to contract the the disease through a single exposure to an inflected partner than men are.

In New York, AIDS is already the leading cause of death for young black women aged between 15 and 40.

Author of the report Judith Mariasy said yesterday: “In the West the very real threat to women hasn’t really registered on public consciousness or on the policy makers”.

“Services for HIV-positive women are lagging behind and clinical trials and educational programmes are not designed with women in mind.”

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Елабужский государственный педагогический университет

Факультет иностранных языков

Контрольная работа № 3

Для студентов II курса заочного отделения.

(практика устной и письменной речи)

Елабуга, 2006.

Control Work N 3

For the second course

on topic “City. Transport”.

I.1.Read the article & answer these questions.

¨ What will happen when the roads are so busy that there is no room for cars?

¨ What’s it like driving or being driven in the rush hour in your city ?

¨ How easy is it to find a parking space in your city? How expensive is it ?

Five sentences have been removed from the article below: Choose from sentences A-F the one which fits each gap 1-5. There ‘s one extra sentence you don’t need to use.

A. But parking a car in Japan is expensive.

B. But the driving test in Japan is extremely difficult to pass.

C. For less experienced drivers, an ambulance is on standby.

D. In order to register a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park in.

E. These allow two cars to share the same parking space.

F. This provides buyers of four - wheel-drive vehicles somewhere to get their tyres dirty.

Ever wondered what the car industry will do when roads become so congested there is no longer enough room to squeeze in any more cars ? That is what is starting to happen in Japan, where car makers are moving into the car -parking business & building special driving courses where motorists can go to escape the country’s traffic jams.

The impetus has come from tough new parking rules, backed up by hefty fines, that came into force this summer. 1.......... The new rules require a sticker to be displayed to prove the owner has a parking space at home or near the office. 2.......... Spaces in some residential areas in Tokyo can cost as much as Y 230,000 ($1, 700) a month.

To help persuade household to buy a second car, some of Japan’s car makers have moved into the business of selling machines which make double-tier parking possible. 3.......... They work like a lift. The driver parks his first car on a platform, then flicks a switch which raises the platform to allow a second car to be parked underneath. Toyota now sells six devices, costing between Y1.3 m & Y1.7 m each. Honda not only sells home-parking equipment, but also manages car parks & provides information on the availability of parking spaces for car buyers.

Nissan even offers a home-parking machine that lowers cars into a pit below ground. Nissan has also opened a ‘mobility park’ 140 kilometres outside Tokyo. 4 .......... The park provides instructors & a variety of off-road courses, ranging from a beginner’s trail to an advanced course for more experienced off-roaders. 5 ..........

2. Choose one of these headlines for the article.

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