Ex. 3. Composing and ordering topic sentences

• Analyze the following assignment. What is the lead-in? The assignment task?

• Read the introduction and conclusion that follow the assignment.

• On a separate sheet of paper, write three sets of topic sentences.

Model Assignment

Most people agree that certain modern inventions, such as the computer, X-ray machine, and laser, have benefited society greatly. However, there are a number of inventions that have hurt society and/or even threaten the existence of life on Earth. Choose three inventions (machines, devices, methods) which are considered dangerous to society and/or the planet Earth. Explain why these things threaten our well-being. Use specific examples, details, and cases (true stories).

I. Introduction

Can people imagine what their lives would be like today without all the inventions and technology of the modern era? Most people emphasize that modern inventions benefit society deeply by making daily life easier. However, only a few people have thought about the negative impact of those inventions. Despite the benefits and all the technological advances that inventions like the automobile, the handgun, and the television bring to our society, such inventions also cause many problems.

V. Conclusion

In summary, the automobile, the handgun, and the television have damaged our society in a substantive way. Some of the problems that these inventions cause are traffic, pollution, crime, and moral and ethical decline. However, these problems can be avoided or at least diminished provided that people learn to make rational use of such inventions.

(Adapted with permission, Licette Galietta, Venezuelan)

Introduction (continuation)

The conclusion

Conclusions are longer for essays than they are for single paragraphs. In an essay, you do not need to have a concluding remark in every paragraph since the essay itself has a full conclusion. Following is a review of the rules for effective conclusions. (The element considered optional is underlined.)

Complete conclusions:

• contain a signal (In conclusion. Indeed. To conclude.)

• recall the limited topic and opinion in the thesis (paraphrase)

• summarize the MAP points (paraphrase if possible) in the same order

• contain a final comment (opinion).

Effective conclusions:

• follow the essay logically

• do not bring up new MAP points

• recognize all MAP points in the summary.

Ex. 4. Analyzing essay conclusions.

Analyze each of the following conclusions by answering the questions that follow.


Inventions That Have Revolutionized Our Lives


Compared to 100 years ago, the world of today is becoming so much closer than ever that people can easily attain whatever they want. As Alvin Toffler says in his book, "The Third Wave," modern society is characterized as an information society, in which our lives are dramatically and unimaginably changed, in fact, to the better. Satellites and computers are good examples of inventions leading to an information society [69 words].


In conclusion, material was the sign of power in the past. Today, information is such. Our twentieth-century lives are becoming better and changing dramatically due to inventions such as satellites and computers, opening a road to the information society. Nobody knows what life will be like in the future [49 words].

(Adapted with permission, Jeong-Seog Lee, Korean)

Answer the following questions:

Does the conclusion:

- contain a signal (in conclusion, indeed, to conclude)! Yes

- recall the limited topic and opinion in the thesis (paraphrase)? Yes

- summarize the MAP points (paraphrase if possible)? Yes

- recognize all MAP points in the summary? Yes

- bring up new MAP points? No

- contain a final comment (opinion)? Yes

- follow the essay logically? Yes

The House of Life


How many decisions do people make in their lives? There could be thousands of decisions in one person's life. However, only a few of them will have a great influence. A metaphor of building a house shows how the five most significant decisions are related to one another and reflect on people's lives. The five most important decisions concern education, career, marriage, residence, and religion [65 words].


The above five reasons–education, career, marriage, residence, and religion—control people's expectations in life. This metaphor illustrates how those five decisions are significant to people's lives. Therefore, people should think patiently and carefully before making important decisions [38 words].

(Adapted with permission, Yungjing Hsieh, Taiwanese)

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