Put the verbs in the most suitable form. Sometimes there is more than one possibility

1 A has decided to learn a language.

A: I've decided to try and learn a foreign language.

B: Have you? Which language are.you.going to. learn... (you/learn)?

A: Spanish.

B: I see. And ................................... (you/do) a course?

A: Yes, ........................................ (it/start) next week.

B: That's great. I'm sure ............................... (you/enjoy) it.

A: I hope so. But I think .............................. (it/be) quite difficult.

2 A wants to know about В 's holiday plans.

A: I hear ....................................... (you/go) on holiday soon.

B: That's right..................................... (we/go) to Finland.

A: I hope ..................................... (you/have) a nice time.

B: Thanks. ........................ (I/send) you a postcard and (5).........

(I/get) in touch with you when .......................... (I/get) back.

3 A invites В to a party.

A: ......................................... (I/have) a party next Saturday. Can you come?

B: On Saturday? I'm not sure. Some friends of mine .............. (come to stay with me next week but I think …….. (they/go) by Saturday. But if ………. (they/be) still here, …………(I/not/be) able to come to the party.

A: OK. Well, tell me as soon as ........................... (you/know).

B: Right. ..................................... (I/phone) you during the week.

Страдательный залог глаголов (Passive Voice)

Passive Voice указывает на то, что действие направлено не от лица или предмета (как в Active Voice), а на лицо или предмет, которое в предложении является подлежащим.

Сравните: My brother wrote this letter yesterday. (Active Voice)

This letter was written yesterday. (Passive Voice)

Passive Voice образуется:

to be + Participle II смыслового глагола

Глагол to be является вспомогательным и изменяется по временам, числам и лицам.

Время Форма Passive Voice
Present Simple Am/is/are told Am/is/are looked
Past Simple Was/were told Was/were looked
Future Simple Will be told Will be looked
Present Continuous Am/is/are being told Am/is/are being looked
Past Continuous Was/were being told Was/were being looked
Future Continuous не употребляется
Present Perfect Have/has been told Have/has been looked
Past Perfect Had been told Had been looked
Future Perfect Will have been told Will have been looked
Present Perfect Continuous не употребляется
Past Perfect Continuous не употребляется
Future Perfect Continuous не употребляется

Страдательный залог употребляется тогда, когда в центре внимания собеседников лицо или предмет, на который направлено действие (объект действия). Субъект действия при этом в большинстве случаев не указывается.

В случае надобности субъект действия может быть выражен при помощи дополнения с предлогами by и with.

The plan was discussed.

They were invited by my friend.

Если в предложении в действительном залоге стоит глагол с последующим предлогом, то в Passive Voice этот предлог остается на своем месте.

They sent for the doctor. - The doctor was sent for.

They bring up their children well. – The children are brought up well.

Глагол в Passive Voice на русский язык переводится:

1. Глаголом быть + краткая форма причастия страдательного залога.

The letter was sent yesterday. – Письмо было послано вчера.

2. Глаголом с частицей – ся (сь):

This problem was discussed last week. – Эта проблема обсуждалась на прошлой неделе.

3. Неопределенно – личным оборотом, т.е. глаголом в действительном залоге 3 лица множественного числа, типа «говорят, сказали»:

English is spoken in many countries. – На английском говорят во многих странах.

4. Глаголом в действительном залоге (при наличии исполнителя действия):

The film was evaluated by the experts. – Фильм оценивали специалисты.(Фильм был оценён специалистами.)

Make the following sentences Passive.

1. What kind of explanation did they give you?

2. The teacher was reading a fairy tale to the children.

3. Everyone was listening to the speaker very attentively.

4. People are talking a lot about this young actress.

5. Will the teacher dictate the text to you?

6. His father taught him mathematics.

7. She can’t dance when you are looking at her.

8. What song did they sing you?

9. He never mentioned the incident to his friend.

10. They asked me a lot of interesting questions.

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