Set phrases, idioms, sayings and proverbs. To fall between two stools

To fall between two stools. A storm in a teacup. If at first you don't suc­ceed, try, try again. Dull as ditchwater. Between the devil and the deep blue sea. Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body.

Rhymes and tongue twisters.

1) When a Twister a twisting, will twist him a twist;

For the twisting of his twist, he three times doth untwist; But if one of the twines of the twist do untwist, The twine that untwisteth, untwisteth the twist.

2) Hey, diddle, diddle,

The cat and the fiddle, 4) Trot, trot, to Boston;

The cow jumped over the moon. Trot, trot, to Lynn;

The little dog laughed Trot, trot, to Salem;

To see such sport, Home, home again.

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

3) A tutor who tooted the flute 5) Tell - tale - Tit

Tried to tutor two looters to toot. Your tongue shall be slit,

Said the two to the tutor: And all the little puppy dogs

"Is it harder to toot or Shall have a little bit.

To tutor two tooters to toot?"

6)Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.

7)Tiny Trevor takes twenty-two and two-thirds of a second
To tie two tired tigers to two tall trees.

How long does it take Tiny Trevor To tie ten tired tigers to ten tall trees?

UNIT 14. [k] - [g]

Practice the sounds.

[k] |g] Sounds in contrast

cat baker go begin cot - got cap - gap

cap broken get angry could - good cold - gold

cup market gun angle coat - goat curl - girl

car take good target cave - gave class - glass

kid park give eagle clue - glue Kate - gate

kite clock grey bag leak - league come - gum

come six glass flag pick - pig lack - lag

coin taxi ghost league lock - log back - bag

cash quick ago plague ankle - angle clock - clog

keep question again dialogue crow - grow frock - frog

Read as quickly as possible.

Crayons, cassettes and crayons, coins, cassettes and crayons, keeps her
coins, cassettes and crayons, carefully keeps her coins, cassettes and cray­
ons, Kitty carefully keeps her coins, cassettes and crayons. Kitty's cousin
carefully keeps his coins, cassettes and crayons, too.

Garry, Garry's granny, Garry's granny's got, Garry's granny's got goats,
Garry's granny's got goats and geese, Garry's granny's got goats, geese
and a big gorilla. Garry's granny's got goats, geese and a big gorilla in
her green garden.

Read the sentences. Pay attention to the sounds.

1)Pack the cash in the ice-cream carton in the back of the car and make
your way as quickly as you can back to the cafe.

2)Can you quickly kick a crooked Coca-Cola can? Of course I can quickly
kick a crooked Coca-Cola can.

3)A simple game is the Bag Game. One group has a big bag, and the other
group guesses what's in the bag. It's a good game at the beginning, to get
to know each other.

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