Feel happy/excited/calm/lonely/worried/nervous/depressed/frustrated/ bitter etc

feel as if/as though I felt as though someone had just punched me in the stomach.

2) испытывать (чувства) feel sadness/anger/relief etc She felt some sadness when the time came to leave.

feel guilt/remorse – испытывать чувство вины, угрызения совести Richard felt no guilt at all for what he had done.

3) осязать, ощущать Feelthis scarf – it’s incredibly soft! The table felt like plastic.

feel like (doing sth) – хотеть (сделать что-л) I feel like a cup of coffee.

Do you feel like going for a swim?

4) иметь мнение, думать + that I feel that more should be done to help young people.

feel strongly about sth I know that Sally feels quite strongly about this issue.

feel (n) – ощущение Ben was enjoying the feel of the breeze in his hair.

have a feel for sth – иметь способность к чему-л He’s really got a feel for tennis.

feeling (n) 1) чувство, эмоция He found it difficult to express his feelings.

hurt sb’s feelings – задеть чьи-л чувства

2) мнение, впечатление My feelingis that we should wait a week or two.

+ about Sarah has very strong feelings about environmental issues.

+ against There is now strong national feeling against the nuclear plant.

Mood (n) – настроение He listens to rock or classical music, depending on his mood.

in a good/relaxed/confident mood I had never seen Ann in such a good mood.

in a bad/foul (= very angry)/terrible mood Jeff’s been in a bad mood all day.

in a holiday/party mood I’m just not in a party mood.

be/feel in the mood (for sth) – быть в настроении, хотеть (что-л) in the mood for dancing.

be in no mood for sth/to do sth Dad was in no mood for joking.

moody (adj) 1) в дурном настроении, унылый She had been moody and difficult all day. They kept apart in moody silence.

2) склонный к быстрой перемене настроения a moody child.

Emotion (n) 1) эмоция, чувство As a nurse I learned to control my emotions.

2) волнение The controversy aroused strong emotion.

emotional (adj) 1) эмоциональный He is in need of emotional support.

2) волнующий It was an emotional reunion.

emotionally (adv) It’s better not to become emotionally involved with clients.

Sense (n)1) чувство, ощущение Winning an award would give me a great sense of achievement.

a sense of optimism/ confidence/ well-being/ unease/ panic Beth read Jake’s letter with a mounting sense of panic.

a sense of identity/ belonging/ community It’s a small village with a strong sense of local identity.

2) смысл, значение, благоразумие There’s no sense in going ahead until the costs have been agreed.

make sense Her argument makes perfect sense to me.

the sixth sense – «шестое чувство», интуиция

sensible (adj) – благоразумный, здравый, практичный This seems to be a sensible way of dealing with the problem.

sensitive (adj) – чувствительный, обидчивый Bats have extremely sensitive ears.

If I’d known she was so sensitive, I wouldn’t have teased her.

Content (adj) – довольный, счастливый (never before noun) quite/ perfectly content She is contentto live quietly by herself;

+ with He seems to be content with a fairly minor role in the government.

contented (adj) – довольный, удовлетворенный I can’t imagine a more contented family anywhere.

contentment (n) – довольство, счастье He has found contentment and satisfaction in his work.

Excite (v) 1) возбуждать, побуждать, стимулировать The prospect of working in Australia really excites me.

2) волновать, заставлять нервничать We were warned by the doctors not to excite him.

3) вызывать, пробуждать (чувство, реакцию) excite interest/ curiosity/ sympathy etc

The film has so far excited little interest outside the art-house cinemas.

excite comment/ speculation/ rumours Two merger announcements excited speculation about further takeover action.

excited (adj) – взволнованный, возбужденный + about I’m so excited about the trip!

+ by Excited by the news, Marie phoned her mother immediately.

get/ become/ feel/ look excited They’re both getting excited planning the wedding.

+ at He got very excited at finding such perfect specimens.

exciting (adj) – возбуждающий, волнующий, захватывающий an exciting opportunity

excitement (n) – возбуждение, волнение The long wait only added to our excitement.

Express (v) – выражать, выразить (идеи, чувства и т.д.) express agreement/ concern/ order/ permission/ wish His teachers expressed concern about his progress at school.

Her eyes expressed total shock;

express oneself – выразить свои мысли She finds it difficult to express herself in English.

expression (n) – выражение Avoid colloquial expressions that are out of place in an academic essay. She had a puzzled expression on her face.

give expression to sth – выражать The somber music gave expression to his deepest feelings of despair.

expressive (adj) – выразительный a wonderfully expressive face

expressiveness (n) – выразительность

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