Grammar Review: Tenses in the Passive Voice

Step 1. Translation tips:

1. The researcher’s findings are dealt with in the present article.

В данной статье рассматриваются выводы исследователя.

2. Information from encyclopedia is always relied on in scientific circles.

На информацию из энциклопедии всегда полагаются в научных кругах.

3. The article mentioned above is often referred to by young researchers.

На статью, упомянутую выше, часто ссылаются молодые ученые.

4. This author is much spoken of.

Об этом авторе много говорят.

5. The report was followed by lots of questions.

За докладом последовало множество вопросов.

6. These terms will be insisted upon.

На этих условиях будут настаивать.

Step 2. Use the right tense in the Passive Voice in the following sentences.

1. A new theory (to discuss) already.

2. The experiments (to finish) two weeks ago.

3. This idea (to put) forward in the near future.

4. We expect his findings (not to criticize) at the forthcoming conference.

5. At present a new technique (to develop).

6. Projects (to supervise) by the teacher, but only in a general way; the actual work (to do) by the students themselves.

7. An interesting phenomenon just (to register) by a young scientist.

8. The result of this experiment (to publish) in his latest article.

9. A new discovery (to speak) much about.

10. Lately the problem (to approach) by many researchers.

11. Special attention (to draw) to the latest findings.

12. Apparent errors in the analysis (to deal with) in the report.

13. The article gives examples of different methods which (to use) over the years.

14. In Europe degrees (to harmonise) through the Bologna process, which (to base) on the three-level hierarchy (Bachelor, Master, Doctor).

Step 3. Complete the following sentences with the verbs in the Passive Voice.

1. They wrote a repot in a terrible hurry. The report …

2. The clerk finally found the necessary notes. The notes …

3. We will produce the results of the experiment at the exhibition. The results …

4. They are noting down all information in important lectures. All information …

5. They improved the memo to the committee to make it easier to understand. The memo …

6. They haven’t included the mailing address in the letter. The mailing address …

7. We will make our suggestions in writing. Suggestions …

8. The suppliers will make further modifications to the machine. Further modifications …

9. He realized he had achieved better results when he started working harder. Better results …

10. The organizers of the meeting supplied all relevant information in advance. All relevant information …

11. Postgraduates are entering the same job market as undergraduates. The same job market …

12. He has already completed a Master’s degree and is currently working towards a PhD. Master’s degree …

13. The supervisor guides reading and research of students admitted to work for scientific degree. Students …

14. They have advised me to contact the member of the staff with the appropriate interests to talk about possible projects. I …

Step 4. Translate into Russian.

1. These data are often referred to.

2. A doctoral degree is awarded for the creation of original piece of research.

3. In pre-literate societies, education was achieved orally, and through observation and imitation.

4. Postgraduate level for professional advancement is being developed now.

5. Until recently, the issue of whether there is fair access to postgraduate study has been neglected.

6. New supervision arrangements to supplement the conventional single-supervisor structure have been established.

7. Although both taught and research courses are partly subsidised by government, higher education institutions recover most of the costs of provision via tuition fees.

8. These areas have features which have been closely linked.

9. There is no doubt that in the course of further development of this science the new method will be extensively made use of.

10. This inaccurate method has been done away with.

11. By the end of the term the results of this research will have been discussed.

12. None of the data on this problem were published in the latest journal.

13. The list of abbreviations is referred to in the preamble.

14. The report was commented on at the seminar.

15. Some methods of analysis are dealt with in the paper.

Step 5. Translate into English paying special attention to the tense forms of the verbs.

1. Никакого решения до сих пор не было найдено.

2. О недавнем выступлении этого ученого много говорят в научных кругах.

3. Здесь не затрагивали проблему терминологии.

4. Было предложено обсудить проблему на конференции.

5. В этой главе речь идет об особенности нового научного метода.

6. На какого автора ты будешь ссылаться, чтобы доказать твое понимание проблемы?

7. За лекцией последовал ряд секционных заседаний, на которых рассматривались наиболее дискуссионные вопросы.

8. Новый подход к определению данного явления рассматривался в последнем номере журнала.

9. Происходящие изменения не легко объяснить.

10. Требуется более точный подход к анализу данного явления.

11. Было обнаружено, что полученные результаты противоречат предыдущим.

12. Конференции будет предшествовать пятидневный эксперимент.

13. Новая программа только что была запущена.

14. Их поддержит Координационный Совет с представителем от каждой организации.

15. Тем, кто интересуется условиями вступления в эту организацию, будут даны исчерпывающие ответы.

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