Укажите номера предложений, в которых использована конструкция «Сложное дополнение»

1. The patient delivered to the hospital at night wanted the nurse to help him.

2. Water pollution is known to affect man and animal life all over the world.

3. The chief physician would like this young doctor to go to the conference.

4. The drug to be developed should satisfy all the requirements of the Pharmaceutical department.

5. The nurse expected the orderly to come to the sterilizing room and help her.

6. The scientist was asked to deliver the lecture on the results of his recent work.

7. The student was advised to read additional material on the subject.

8. The doctor in charge expected his patient’s blood pressure to be normalized by the end of the week.

9. District doctor wanted his patient to undergo X-ray examination.

10. The doctor in charge expected his patient to recover completely after the prescribed course of treatment.

11. Early vaccination is known to prevent measles in young children and adolescents.

12. The doctor wanted the patient to undergo some analyses to be sure in his diagnosis.

13. Under the unfavorable atmospheric conditions the scientist wasn’t able to realize his plans.

14. Pasteur thought tuberculosis to be caused by microorganisms.

15. He worked hard to find the source of the recently appeared infection.

16. The surgeon entered the ward to examine the patient delivered to the hospital at night.

17. Lungs are known to perform three major functions: respiration, ventilation and filtration.

18. The patient was to come to the doctor in a week to learn the results of his blood analysis.

19. Sunburn is a burn caused by the rays of the sun.

20. The scientists proved the blood to be under different pressures in different parts of the body.

21. Viruses of the disease were to be destroyed by chlorination of drinking water.

22. It was concluded that fever of pneumococcal peritonitis is caused by circulating pyrogen carried to the blood stream through lymphatic vessels.

23. Ventilation is required to bring air into the lungs.

24. Hippocrates considered the fever to be one of the first signs of a disease.

25. We know the pharynx to be a muscular tube lined with mucous membrane.

26. Ancients thought many diseases to have been the punishment of Gods.

27. Trauma to the neck was caused by an acute object found not far from the body.

28. It is interesting to note that disease-producing effect was due to the presence of large number of bacilli in the stomach.

29. The doctor believed his patient to have recovered due to the new method of treatment he had developed.

30. All the patients considered it to be one of the best drugs they have ever used.

31. The endogenous glands are classified according to the type of their secretion.

32. Illnesses due to contaminated food are perhaps the most widespread health problem in the world.

33. The doctor made the patient follow his prescriptions.

34. Rabies virus has been considered to consist of a single antigenic species.

35. This disinfectant caused the offending organism to dissolve immediately.

36. We knew them to be the cause of many human disorders including chronic liver inflammation.

37. Clinical blood analysis proved the patient had some internal inflammation.

38. Pasteur proved rabies to be caused by bacteria that attacked the central nervous system.

39. The doctor thought the infection to be of short duration.

40. There are alternative theories as to the location and organization of the respiratory center.

41. Skin is known to play important role in the protection of the body from external influences.

42. Mouth and nose were proved to be the main port of entry of pathogenic microorganisms.

43. We watched microorganisms multiply quickly under the influence of this acidic medium.

44. The nurse saw the patient have gone to the procedure room just before his doctor in charge asked for him.

45. I wanted my friend to accompany me to the nearest traumatological center.

46. At that time it was so important to decide whether the disease was caused by a new virus.

47. Carbohydrates serve to protect proteins from destruction in the small intestine.

48. The available data show the death rate from acute leukemia to increase by 33 % in the next 10 years.

49. Many factors lead to disorders in fluid content of various body tissues.

50. Lister found carbolic acid to be the most suitable agent for cleaning the operative field.

51. Favorable course of the disease was due to the timely visit of the patient to gastroenterological center.

52. The surgeon does not like his patient to walk until his blood pressure and giddiness normalized.

53. One of our colleagues showed bacterial endotoxin to play a relatively insignificant role in this process.

54. Mr. Jones found the patient delivered to the emergency department to suffer acute attack of indigestion.

55. Many germs get into the food from polluted soil, water, air and contaminated products.

56. Nobody believed the new epidemics of flu to be due to the same agent.

57. Everyone was sure the spread of the infection was the result of poor hygienic conditions in the country.

58. The student would like him to be invited into the operating room.

59. They heard this kind of air pollution have taken place here several years ago.

60. Our specialists wanted the drug to reduce aminotranspherase level 2-3 folds of the initial figure.

61. Several organisms are known to be associated with granuloma formation.

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