Підготовка до диференційованого заліку.


Grammar: Verb to be (revision)

Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Scientist ['saɪəntɪst], pedagogue ['pedəgɔg], figure ['fɪgə], surgeon ['sɜːʤ(ə)n], persuade [pə'sweɪd], specialize ['speʃ(ə)laɪz], cholera ['kɔl(ə)rə], technique [tek'ni:k], thesis ['θi:sis], Caucasian [kɔː'keɪʒən], Prussian ['prʌ∫n], Crimea [krai'miə], reside [riz'aid], peasant ['pez(ə)nt].

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Surgeon - хірург

To intend - мати намір, збиратися

Persuade - переконати, вмовити

Field surgery - польова хірургія

To reside - мешкати, проживати

To suggest - запропонувати

Estate - маєток

To establish - заснувати

Prominent scientist - видатний вчений

Military medicine - військова медицина

To withdraw from - звільнитись з … (роботи)

To argue for - виступати (наводити докази) за…

Civil servant - чиновник, державний службовець

Authorities - керівництво (тут: керівництво університету)

To defend a doctor’s thesis - захистити докторську дисертацію

To take up an appointment - прийняти призначення (на посаду)

Superintendent of schools - опікувач учбових закладів

Plaster cast - гіпсова пов’язка

Exercise 3. Translate into your native language:

The most famous figure, the family doctor, to observe the state of surgery, to take up an appointment as a professor of surgery, the academy of military medicine, the father of field surgery, to withdraw from the academy, to perform an operation, to argue for education, to establish a clinic, to learn the Ukrainian language as a show of respect, to conduct an important investigation of cholera.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


(1810 – 1881)

Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov was a prominent Russian scientist, doctor, pedagogue. He is the most famous figure in the history of Russian medicine and the greatest of all Russian surgeons.

Pirogov was born in Moscow. He was the 13-th child in the family. His father died in 1824, leaving his family without means. N.Pirogov intended to become a civil servant. However, the family doctor Efrem Mukhin, who was a professor of anatomy and physiology at Moscow University, persuaded the authorities to accept him as a student of the Medical Faculty of Moscow University in 1825, even though Pirogov was only fourteen.

Pirogov decided to specialize as a surgeon when he completed his studies in 1828. He was sent to Dorpat (now Tartu) to complete further studies. In 1832 he defended his doctor’s thesis.

He travelled in Germany, visiting the Universities of Berlin and Göttingen to observe the state of surgery, and became a professor at the German University of Dorpat in 1836, aged only 26.

In 1840 Pirogov took up an appointment as professor of surgery at the academy of military medicine in Saint Petersburg.

Pirogov worked as an army surgeon in the Caucasian war in 1847, in the Crimean war in 1854, in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, and in the Russian-Turkish war in 1877. From his work in the Crimea, he is considered to be the father of field surgery.

Pirogov also originated the intravenous administration of ether as an anesthetic. He was the first surgeon to use anaesthesia in a field operation. From 1848 he conducted an important investigation of cholera, based on almost 800 sections.

Pirogov’s work during the Crimean War is of such importance that he is considered to be the founder of field surgery. Pirogov was the first to use the plaster cast in field conditions. He conceived the technique of plaster casting while observing the work of a sculptor.

At that time Pirogov also developed a new method for amputation of the foot, known as the “Pirogov’s amputation”.

He returned to Saint Petersburg after the end of the Crimean war in 1856, but withdrew from the academy. He wrote a paper on the problems of pedagogy, arguing for the education of the poor, non-Russians, and women. While living in Odessa, Pirogov resided at Deribasovskaya 31 and first suggested the formation of Odessa State Medical University (as the medical faculty of Novorossiysk University).

In 1861 he retired to his estate in Vishnya in central Ukraine. He treated the local peasants, established a clinic, and learnt the Ukrainian language as a show of respect. The Pirogov Museum now exists at his former estate.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

1. Who was N. I. Pirogov?

2. When and where was he born?

3. At what age did he become a professor?

4. Why is Pirogov considered to be the father of field surgery?

5. What did Pirogov develop while observing the work of a sculptor?

6. What disease did Pirogov investigate?

7. When did Pirogov create his famous anatomical atlas?

8. What exists at the place of Pirogov’s former estate?

Exercise 8. Translate into English:

Мати намір стати державним службовцем, студент медичного факультету Московського університету, завершити подальше навчання, захистити докторську дисертацію, воєнна медицина, польова хірургія, гіпсова пов’зка, працювати у якості військового хірурга, запропонувати створення медичного факультету, заснувати клініку, знак поваги, освіта для бідних.

Exercise 9. Match the terms with their definitions:

1) Surgery   a) a liquid used as anesthetic
2) Aorta   b) the removal of any part of the body
3) Anaesthesia       c) the branch of medicine that treats injuries or diseases by operation
4) Amputation   d) an acute infectious disease affecting the small intestine
5) Cholera   e) the main artery of the body
6) Ether   f) the technique of reducing an individual’s sensation of pain

Exercise 10. Put up questions to the underlined words:

Efrem Mukhin persuaded the authorities to accept Pirogov as a student at the age of 14.

His father died in 1824.

Pirogov worked as an army surgeon in the Crimean War.

From 1836 to 1840 Pirogov worked at the German University of Dorpat.

His experience in field surgery became well-known abroad.

Pirogov performed 12,000 dissections.

Exercise 8. Use verbs in brackets in correct forms. Translate the sentences:

1. N.I.Pirogov (to be) a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of sciences (1847).

2. Pirogov (to be) a heavy smoker and (to die) of cancer.

3. To prevent wound infection Pirogov (to use) substances which (to be) still in use today.

4. Pirogov (to treat) Giuseppe Garibaldi for an injury to his foot.

5. In 1840 the minister Kleinminchel (to invite) Pirogov to work in St. Petersburg.

6. Later Pirogov (to test) and (to begin) using another anaesthetic – chloroform.

7. The Pirogov Museum (to exist) in Vinnitsa now.


Extecise 1.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple:

1. The surgeon (be) here soon.

2. The report (be) ready tomorrow.

3. They (be) at the station in time for the 10.30 train.

4. We (be) twenty years old next year.

5. I (be) at home if you need something.

6. He (be) all right when the operation is over.

7. I (be) lucky if I pass the exam.

8. You (be) lonely without me.

Exercise 2.

1. В следующее воскресенье я уезжаю в Данию.

2. Он примет это лекарство и почувствует себя лучше.

3. В прошлом году мы не изучали анатомию.

4. Как ты проводишь свое свободное время?

5. Пойдем на улицу. В доме очень жарко.

6. Он будет очень рад, когда ты приедешь в Нью-Йорк.

7. Вы заняты сегодня вечером? – Нет, я меня много свободного времени.

8. Когда они приезжают в Одессу? – Они приезжают утром.

9. Джейн не было дома, когда мы приехали.

Підготовка до диференційованого заліку.

1. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення:

Проводити дослідження холери

Захистити докторську дисертацію

Використовувати гіпсову пов’язку

Засновник польової хірургії

Запропонувати створення медичного факультету

2. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:

What was N.I. Pirogov famous for?

What important investigation did N.I. Pirogov conduct ?

Why is Pirogov considered to be the founder of field surgery?

3. Поясніть наступні терміни у 5ти реченнях:

plaster cast


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