Correct the false statements, as in the example

1 Harrods is in Paris. It isn't in Paris. It's in London.

2 In the beginning, Harrods was a big bakery.

3 In 1983, Harrods opened a branch in Korea.

4 Harrods has got 3,000 departments.

5 There are nine bars and restaurants in the store.


A. Take notes under the headings in Ex. 14, then tell the group about Harrods.

17b. Tell the group about a big department store in your country/city.


A. Listen to the dialogue, then act out similar dialogues in pairs.

- Excuse me - how much is this pair of boots?

- These boots? They're £60.

- Do you take credit cards?

- I'm afraid not.

- That's okay. I'll pay cash, then.

18b. Complete the dialogues with the sentences in the list, then listen and check. In which shop could you hear these dialogues?

- Could I have the pills in this prescription, please?

- Certainly. What would you like in it?

- Here you are.

- Can you deliver it?

1 A: I'd like to order a bouquet of flowers, please.

B: .......................................................………..

A: Roses, please, and perhaps some lilies.


B: Yes, if it's local.

2 A: .........................................................................

B: Certainly. That will be £5, please.

A: ..........................................................................

B: Thank you. Remember to take the tablets twice a day after meals.

18c. Complete the dialogues with the sentences in the list, then act out similar dialogues in pairs. In which shop could you hear these dialogues?

- Would you like anything written on it?

- Certainly. How much would you like?

- I think a chocolate one will be fine.

- Two loaves, please.

1. A: I’d like some bread, please.

B: …………………………………………….

A: …………………………………………….

B: Here you are.

2. A: I’d like to order a birthday cake, please.

B: Of course. What type of cake would you like?

A: ………………………………………………

B: ………………………………………………

A: Yes. ‘Happy Birthday, Elaine’

A. Listen and match the number of the dialogue to the shops.

department store  

B. In pairs, choose two of the shops from the list above and act out a suitable dialogue for each shop.

C. Interview another student with the questionnaire. Ask for more information.

The Shopping Questionnaire

What kind of small shops are there near where you live? How often do you go shopping?
What kind of shops do you most like going to? Do you prefer shopping by yourself or with somebody?
What are you favourite shops for……..? What do you enjoy buying?
a clothes c books and music
b shoes d presents
Do you ever shop in………?   What do you hate buying?
a street market   Do you like shopping in the sales? What do you usually buy?
b supermarkets   Where do you go if you want to find a bargain?
c shopping centres Do you ever shop online? What for?

Vocabulary Revision Game

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