How is communication technology invading life?

Communication technology is precipitously invading our life. More and more people choose communicate via the Internet.

How does it affect young people?

Young people often have Facebook addiction. They don’t want to communicate to each other face to face.

Why are people afraid to communicate face to face? What do they miss out?

People are afraid to communicate face to face because they live in a virtual world. They miss a real emotions, relationship and friendship out.

Why are marriages breaking up?

Marriages are breaking up because couples don’t have the same interests. They prefer to meet their own friends in the social networks and spend free time in the Internet.

How has Facebook redefined privacy?

Many things become public because people share their own secrets with unknown persons. They leave the comments and give advises about life, children, husband, job, etc.

What is your personal opinion of the problem?

I think that social networks have good and bad sides. It is the only one way to communicate for people with impossibilities or woman with little babies. They give us a chance to know everything about our relatives when we travel. We can study many things staying at home and get a diploma. There are a lot of shops in the Internet with good sales.

But there are some problems. People with bad luck have an addiction from the Internet. They rise their self-estimations playing virtual games or giving a lot of different advises. Such people can hardly live in a real life. There are dangerous clubs in the Net, such as Suicides` clubs, drug shops that kill teenagers. Some people prefer to have a new meetings in spite of being married.

As for me Internet is very useful part of my life because I have friends all over the world and I`m a student.

Задание 3. Выпишите значения слов из словаря. Выучите слова.

1. invade - enter

2. via = by way of

3. consider = think, believe

4. addiction = if you want to do something all the time

5. youngsters = a young person

6. miss out on = to not have the chance to do something that might be good for you

7. break up = to leave each other and not live together any more

8. former = past, ex-

9. frequently = often

10. omnipresent = always here

Задание 4. В предложениях заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из задания 3, поставив их в правильную грамматическую форму.

1. Social networks are omnipresent

2. We can consider the fact that software developers and social network creators are , in real life, not really very social.

3. Psychologists have started to define terms like Facebook addiction in their reports.

4. When people communicate via Facebook they are missing out on their partner’s facial expressions or the gestures that the other makes.

5. Communication technology invading our life more than ever before.

6. Psychology experts have also noticed that more and more marriages breaking up.

7. Social media sites can be so addicting that people, especially youngster, do not want to spend time with anything else, they live their relationships in a virtual world.

8. Facebook makes it possible to communicate with old friends from high-school or former boy or girl friends.

9. People often choose to talk to each other Young people often have Facebook addiction. They don’t want to communicate to each other face to face. Young people often have Facebook addiction. They don’t want to communicate to each other face to face. Via mobile phone, Skype or communicate via Facebook because they may be afraid of getting to know each other.

10. Frequently, the couples do not argue about things in the usual way, they tend to carry out quarrels in public.

Задание 5.Посмотрите видео

1. Top 5 Ways to Meet Friends in College по ссылке:

Nathan shares his top 5 suggestions for how to get out and meet new friends at UW Oshkosh.

2. How to Make Friends in College | College Freshman Advice по ссылке:

Задание 6. Запишите советы, как найти друзей в университете и сравните их.

  Nathan BeautyShock15
Tip 1 Get to know yourself and be comfortable with who you are Talk to anyone and everyone
Tip 2 Get out of your room Not feel stuck into your roommate
Tip 3 Once out of your room, explore campus Go out
Tip 4 Don’t write off classes as a place to meet people Talk to your classmate
Tip 5 Be open to all people Join to organization

Задание 7. Ответьте на вопросы.

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