Silver, as he sat, took certain bearings with his compass.

2. 'There are three "tall trees" ' said he, 'about in the right line from Skeleton Island. "Spy-glass Shoulder," I take it, means that lower p'int there. It's child's play to find the stuff now. I've half a mind to dine first.'

3. 'I don't feel sharp,' growled Morgan. 'Thinkin' o' Flint — I think it were — as done me.'

Ah, well, my son, you praise your stars he's dead,' said Silver.

5. 'He were an ugly devil,' cried a third pirate, with a shudder; 'that blue in the face, too!'

1. 'That was how the rum took him (это так на него действовал ром),' added Merry (добавил Мерри). 'Blue (синий)! well, I reckon he was blue (полагаю, он был синим). That's a true word (это верное слово = именно так и было).'

2. Ever since they had found the skeleton and got upon this train of thought (с того времени, как они нашли скелет и стали следовать этому ходу мыслей), they had spoken lower and lower, and they had almost got to whispering by now (они говорили все тише и тише, и почти перешли на шепот теперь), so that the sound of their talk hardly interrupted the silence of the wood (так что звук их разговора едва нарушал тишину леса). All of a sudden, out of the middle of the trees in front of us (вдруг из гущи деревьев = из рощи перед нами), a thin, high, trembling voice struck up the well-known air and words (тонкий, высокий дрожащий голос затянул хорошо знакомую песню и /такие/ слова; to strike up — начинать(ся) /о музыке/; запеть; air — воздух; мелодия, песня): —

3. 'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest (пятнадцать человек на сундук мертвеца) —
You-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum (йо-хо-хо, и бутылка рому)!'

thought [TLt] whispering [`wIspqrIN] high [haI]

1. 'That was how the rum took him,' added Merry. 'Blue! well, I reckon he was blue. That's a true word.'

Ever since they had found the skeleton and got upon this train of thought, they had spoken lower and lower, and they had almost got to whispering by now, so that the sound of their talk hardly interrupted the silence of the wood. All of a sudden, out of the middle of the trees in front of us, a thin, high, trembling voice struck up the well-known air and words: —

3. 'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest —
You-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!'

1. I never have seen men more dreadfully affected than the pirates (я никогда не видел людей, ужаснее напуганных, чем эти пираты; to affect — действовать, влиять; волновать, поражать). The colour went from their six faces like enchantment (краска сошла с шести лиц = они все побледнели, словно по волшебству; to enchant — околдовывать, опутывать чарами); some leaped to their feet, some clawed hold of others (одни вскочили на ноги, другие вцепились друг в друга; to claw hold of — вцепиться, схватить когтями или лапами); Morgan grovelled on the ground (Морган распростерся на земле; to grovel — лежать ниц; пресмыкаться).

2. 'It's Flint, by — — (это Флинт, клянусь…)!' cried Merry (воскликнул Мерри).

3. The song had stopped as suddenly as it began (песня остановилась так же неожиданно, как и началась) — broken off, you would have said, in the middle of a note (оборвалась, можно сказать, на середине ноты), as though someone had laid his hand upon the singer's mouth (будто кто-то положил руку на = зажал рот певцу). Coming so far through the clear, sunny atmosphere among the green tree-tops (проносясь в прозрачном солнечном воздухе среди зеленых верхушек деревьев), I thought it had sounded airily and sweetly (по-моему, она /песня/ звучала весело и приятно; airily — грациозно, беспечно); and the effect on my companions was the stranger (но эффект, /произведенный/ на моих спутников, был странным).

4. 'Come (хватит),' said Silver, struggling with his ashen lips to get the word out (сказал Сильвер, стараясь своими мертвенно-бледными: «пепельными» губами произнести слово; to struggle — бороться; пытаться изо всех сил; ash — зола, пепел), 'this won't do (так не пойдет). Stand by to go about (приготовьтесь к маневру = давайте, бодрее). This is a rum start, and I can't name the voice (это странное явление, и я не могу назвать голос = понять, кто это): but it's someone skylarking — someone that's flesh and blood, and you may lay to that (но это кто-то дурачится — кто-то, кто имеет плоть и кровь, это точно; to skylark — проказничать, забавляться, шутить; skylark — жаворонок).'

еnchantment [In`tSRntmqnt] grovelled [`grOvqld] airily [`eqrIlI] skylarking [`skaIlRkIN]

I never have seen men more dreadfully affected than the pirates. The colour went from their six faces like enchantment; some leaped to their feet, some clawed hold of others; Morgan grovelled on the ground.

2. 'It's Flint, by — — !' cried Merry.

The song had stopped as suddenly as it began — broken off, you would have said, in the middle of a note, as though someone had laid his hand upon the singer's mouth. Coming so far through the clear, sunny atmosphere among the green tree-tops, I thought it had sounded airily and sweetly; and the effect on my companions was the stranger.

4. 'Come,' said Silver, struggling with his ashen lips to get the word out, 'this won't do. Stand by to go about. This is a rum start, and I can't name the voice: but it's someone skylarking — someone that's flesh and blood, and you may lay to that.'

1. His courage had come back as he spoke (его мужество вернулось, когда он говорил), and some of the colour to his face along with it (и немного цвета /вернулось/ к его лицо = лицо порозовело также; along with — вместе, помимо, как и). Already the others had begun to lend an ear to this encouragement (уже и другие начали прислушиваться: «давать ухо» к его приободрению), and were coming a little to themselves (и немного приходили в себя), when the same voice broke out again — not this time singing (когда тот же голос раздался снова — на этот раз не поющим), but in a fainter distant hail, that echoed yet faint among the clefts of the Spy-glass (а доносящимся слабым далеким окриком, который отразился эхом еще слабо в расселинах Подзорной Трубы).

2. 'Darby M'Graw (Дарби Макгроу),' it wailed (завывал он; to wail — вопить, причитать, выть) — for that is the word that best describes the sound (потому что это слово лучше всего описывает тот звук) — 'Darby M'Graw (Дарби Макгроу)! Darby M'Graw (Дарби Макгроу)!' again and again and again (снова, и снова, и снова); and then rising a little higher, and with an oath that I leave out (затем стал немного громче, и с ругательством, которое я опускаю, /произнес/), 'Fetch aft the rum, Darby (сходи за ромом, Дарби)!'

3. The buccaneers remained rooted to the ground (пираты так и остались /стоять/, /словно/ приросли к земле; to root — пускать корни; укореняться, приковать), their eyes starting from their heads (/при этом/ их глаза вылезли из головы = на лоб полезли). Long after the voice had died away they still stared in silence, dreadfully, before them (долго после того, как голос замолк, они еще глядели молча, /объятые/ ужасом, вперед; to die away — гаснуть, замолкать, замирать).

courage [`kArIG] describes [dIs`kraIbz] dreadfully [`dredfulI]

His courage had come back as he spoke, and some of the colour to his face along with it. Already the others had begun to lend an ear to this encouragement, and were coming a little to themselves, when the same voice broke out again — not this time singing, but in a fainter distant hail, that echoed yet faint among the clefts of the Spy-glass.

2. 'Darby M'Graw,' it wailed — for that is the word that best describes the sound — 'Darby M'Graw! Darby M'Graw!' again and again and again; and then rising a little higher, and with an oath that I leave out, 'Fetch aft the rum, Darby!'

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