Exercise 37. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Где ты был вчера вечером?
  2. Твои родители когда-нибудь ездили за границу?
  3. Я недавно прочитал очень интересную статью.
  4. Мы всё сделали.
  5. Думаю, это лучший фильм из всех, что я видел.
  6. Мы на днях ходили в библиотеку.
  7. Когда Вы сняли свой первый фильм?
  8. Сколько Вы уже сняли фильмов?
  9. В котором часу они вернулись?
  10. У него последнее время было много проблем.
  11. Они только что закончили съёмки.
  12. Я об этом что-то слышал, но не помню, что.
  13. Я забыл, как её зовут.
  14. Где Вы родились?

Exercise 38. Put the verb in brackets in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. - … (you / meet) Roy’s girlfriend?

- Actually, I … (see) her a couple of times but I … (never /

talk) to her. … (you / ever / speak) to her?

- Yes. I … (meet) her at a party the other week. She’s really nice and friendly.

2. - Hello! I … (not / see) you for ages! You look wonderful! …

(you / be) away?

- Yes, I … (go) to the South of France.

- Really? … (you / have) a good time?

- Yeah, it … (be) great! I … (do) a bit of sightseeing of course, but

mainly I just … (chill out).

- Lucky you!

3. A lot … (change) since computers … (become) part of our daily lives. People who … (spend) all day copying and checking calculations don’t have to do these boring tasks any more. Jobs that … (take) days or even weeks to do in the past are now done in minutes. In offices computers … (replace) typewriters. Even children … (become) familiar with hardware and software. Computerisation of public records … (enable) civil servants to analize the needs of citizens in detail. However, … (life / improve) as a result of all these changes? For example, a lot of jobs … (disappear) when computers … (take) over the work. People … (start) being dependent on calculators and can’t do simple arithmetic. There are fears that governments … (not do) enough to ensure that personal information is really kept secret. Some people, especially teenagers, … (develop) psychological problems. It isn’t surprising that many people are now wondering whether the spread of computers … (bring) us as many problems as it … (solve). Are computers a blessing or a curse?

Exercise 39. Write true sentences (positive or negative) with Present Perfect or Past Simple. You can come up with your own ideas or use these.

Take a driving test eat a birthday cake write an email play cards

Play the guitar eat caviar ride a bike have some friends round

Go clubbing buy a new gadget do yoga bite nails see an elephant

1. I … since last year.

2. The other week I …

3. A friend of mine … recently.

4. This month I …

5. I … since I left school.

6. Last night I …

7. I … over the last six months or so.

8. I … so far.

9. A couple of days ago a friend of mine …

Exercise 40. Say if you have ever done these things and if you have add one more phrase

Using Past Simple for details.

read English books in the original

go abroad

lose a key

fail an exam


win the lottery

give money to charity

skip classes

Exercise 41. STUDENT A:

Complete using the correct verb form.

Ask your partner the questions. After each question ask them for more information using Past Simple. Decide if your partner is telling the truth.

Answer B’s questions. Say “Yes, I have, actually”, and give more information

Using Past Simple. If you have really done it, tell the truth. If you haven’t, invent

The details.

1. … (you / ever / meet) a famous person?

2. … (you / ever / sell) anything on the Internet?

3. … (you / ever / study) all night?

4. … (you / ever / have) a dream which came true?

5. … (you / ever / sing) in public?


Complete using the correct verb form.

2) Answer A’s questions. Say “Yes, I have, actually”, and give more information using

Past Simple.If you have really done it, tell the truth. If you haven’t, invent the details.

Ask your partner the questions. After each question ask them for more information

using Past Simple. Decide if your partner is telling the truth.

1. … (you / ever / make) a speech in public?

2. … (you / ever / be) in the newspaper or on TV?

3. … (you / ever / buy) something you’ve never used?

4. … (you / ever / leave) something in a taxi or on a bus?

5. … (you / ever / lend) something to a friend and never got it back?

Exercise 42. a) Look at the facts about Hitchcock’s life.

What tense are all the verbs? Why?

b) Look at the facts about Steel’s life.

What tenses are there? Why?

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was an English film director and producer. He introduced many techniques in the “suspense” and “psychological thriller” genres.

Hitchcock was born in London in 1899. He went to school in London and later studied art at the University of London. After a successful career in British cinema in both silent films and early talkies, Hitchcock moved to Hollywood.

Hitchcock wasmarried and he shot his daughter Patricia in several of his films. He himself appearedin supporting roles in almost all of his films. His muse was Grace Kelly (later Princess Grace of Monaco), who he directed in several of his most successful pictures. However, he was famous for not liking actors. He once said “all actors are children and should be treated like cattle”.

Hitchcock died in 1980 at the age of 80.

Over his long film career Hitchcock directed more than 50 feature films. He never wonan Oscar for the best directing, although he was nominated five times. When the Academy finally gave him an honorary Oscar he received a standing ovation. He just said “Thank you” and leftthe stage. The magazine “MovieMaker” has described him as the most influential filmmaker of all time.

Andrew Steel

Andrew Steel is a promising British film director. He isstill young but he hasalready introducedseveral new techniques.

Steel was born in York. He wentto school in York and later studiedart at the University of York. He beganhis career as an actor. When he was still a student he appeared in supporting roles in two TV soaps. When Steel got his degree he movedto London and started directing. He says he has lovedcinema ever since he can remember.

Andrew Steel is married and he has shothis baby son in one of his pictures. Over his film career Andrew Steel has directed one music video, two feature films and several shorts. He has travelled a lot and he has once filmeda documentary as well. He hasnever won an Oscar for the best directing, but he has received several national awards for the best short film, the best newcomer and the best directing, as well as special audience awards. The magazine “MovieMaker” has describedhim as one of the most promising movie directors.

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