The gradual growt of our knowledge


As long as 600 B.C. (до нашей эры) the Greek philosopher Thales knew that amber rubbed with fur or wool would attract small pieces of straw and other light materials. The Greek also knew that certain rocks of iron ore would attract small pieces of iron.

This was also known to the early Chinese who used this knowledge to make a magnetic compass — a special iron needle that is free to rotate in any horizontal direction. The needle is so attracted by the natural magnetism of the earth that it always turns to point with certain accuracy towards the north. The compass made navigation of the ocean simpler and safer. One of the first books showing the connection between magnetism and electricity, based upon actual experiments was written by Dr. William Gilbert in 1600. It was generally thought that there were two different kinds of electricity: frictional and static electricity — the kind you make when amber is rubbed with wool — and kind stored in a cell that can be changed into electric current. Now we know the two kinds are the same.

Lesson 11

Текст: Computer •Перевод отглагольного существительного. •Перевод конструкции с предлогом for.

Перевод отглагольного существительного

В английском языке отглагольное существительное (The Verbal Noun) по своей форме совпадает с Participle I и Gerund (окончание -ing прибавляется к основе инфинитива). Отглаголь­ное существительное можно определить по таким признакам:

1. Наличие артикля.

Many metal working processes include the melting or solidifying of metal.

Многие металлообрабатывающие процессы включают плавлениеили отвердениеметалла.

2. Наличие окончания множественного числа.

It was necessary to change temperature readings from one temperature scale to another.

Необходимо было изменить показателитемпературы с одной температурной шкалы на другую.

3. Определение стоит перед отглагольным существительным.

I like rapid reading.

Мне нравится быстрое чтение.

2.Определение с предлогом оf стоит после отглагольного существительного.

They started the loading of the ship.

Они начали загрузкукорабля.

Перевод конструкции с предлогом for

For употребляется как;

а) союз (так как, ибо):

We shall go to the lecture on mechanics, forit seems to be interesting.

Мы пойдем на лекцию по механике, так какона, ка­жется, будет интересной.

б) предлог (за, для, на, в течение, чтобы — инфинитивный оборот в с предлогом for):

The flare will burn forapproximately 3 minutes.

Сигнальная ракета будет гореть приблизительно в те­чениетрех минут.

Pistons forsmall engines are generally made of cast iron.

Поршни длямалогабаритных моторов обычно изготав­ливаются из чугуна.

The smallest electric voltage is sufficient forthe electrons to be set in motion.

Достаточно наименьшего электрического напряжения, чтобыэлектроны двигались.


Computers are well known to represent a completely new branch of science, the first of them having appeared less than 60 years ago. Although still new, these machines are already bringing about a real revolution in science, technology, statistics and automatic control.

The reason for this is in the fact that a mathematical formula can be found for almost of all scientific and technical problems. They can be solved without a computer but it would require millions of arithmetical operations. No Wonder that many problems of exceptional importance remained unsolved for a long time, the volume of the calculations required being above human possibilities,

Electronic computer with a high speed can carry out several thousand arithmetical operations in one second. A calculation, which would have taken several year of intense human work in the past, is now done in a few minutes or hours.

A number of various complicated problems have already been solved with the help of computers.

The principle of this wonderful machine lies in counting electric impulses. Numbers are represented as a sequence of such impulses, and a radio-technical scheme counts them carrying out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division all higher mathematical calculations being reduced to these four operations.

If we introduce into the scheme first one number and then another, the result will yield the sum of these two numbers. Subtraction is reduced to the addition of negative numbers. Multiplication is done by repeated addition the necessary number of times, a division — by repeated subtraction.

Electronic machines work according to a program prepared in advance, which determines the sequence of operations. They have a very efficient electronic "memory" which stores the initial date, the intermediate numbers and final results as well as working commands given to the machine.

The electronic machine can also be used for controlling automatic production. Signals given by measuring instruments and controlling devices into the machine send the necessary commands to the control panel according to the program.

This machine can also be used to make translations from one language into another by converting words into figures and vice versa.

All the instruments invented up to now hive served to save man's labour. But it is electronic computers the importance of which cannot be underestimated, that come to the help of the human brain, thus opening boundless possibilities.


Vocabulary notes

complicated - сложный

vice versa (лат.) — наоборот

to invent - изобретать, создавать

boundless - безграничный, беспредельный

addition - сложение

subtraction - вычитание

multiplication - умножение

to reduce- уменьшить

to yield - уступать

to underestimate - недооценивать


IV. Define the Verbal Noun and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. This splitting of the hydrogen molecule is attended by the absorption of a large amount of energy. 2. The breaking of the circuit causes the magnetic field to disappear. 3. We know that the conversion of heat into chemical energy is reversed when the burning of coal converts chemical energy into heat. 5. Inductance is provided with the silver coating and capacitance by the inner and outer surface of this silver with the porcelain as dielectric. 6. The original reactor worked successfully at 200 watts and the shielding was not sufficient to allow a higher power level.

V. Translate into Russian. Define the functions of the Participle, Gerund and Verbal Noun.

1. When translated, the article was typed. 2. The results obtained were of great importance. 3. While compressing the gas we can turn it into liquid. 4. We are proud of being students. 5. He went away without waiting for a reply. 6 I remember my having seen this film. 7. This is a most interesting book, beautifully written and splendidly translated. 8. The melting of copper, iron and cast iron requires a very high temperature. 9. The energy of a body is its capacity for doing work. 10. It is interested in collecting rare minerals. 11. This article is worth reading. 12. At the continued heating of a solid body the movement of its molecules becomes still faster.

VI. Define the functions of the Participle, Gerund and Verbal Noun. Translate into Russian.

1. The results obtained being of prime importance, engineers used them in their investigations. 2. Electrons are obtained by using a heated filament for the Negative electrode and protons are produced in a hydrogen-filled discharge tube from which ions pass to the main accelerating tube. 3. There are several types of microphones being used, the most important of these being the dynamic microphone, the velocity microphone and the crystal microphone. 4. Being built one the basis of transistors lasers are successfully used in technology. 5. The lead-acid battery employs a low-voltage constant potential charging arrangement, the lamps being connected in parallel. 6. The charge of the electron being determined, it was easy to calculate its mass, 7. The main advantage of this instrument over the moving coil type instrument is that it is capable of measuring both alternating current and direct current. 8. Obtaining new data on the device sensitivity will be of great help for designers. 9. The new, building housing the laboratory will be located at some distance from the main building of the plant. 10. The specific heat solid elements known, the approximate atomic weight can be easily calculated.


Our Sun, although it is not the largest star in our universe, is a gigantic body. If we make a non-stop flight around it in an airplane at a speed of about 300 km per hour, it will require 565 days to go around it at the equator. The diameter of the Sun is 1,391,000 km, that is, 19 times that of the Earth. The Sun has a surface temperature of about 6,000 °C.

Modern research into the atom indicated that under certain conditions the matter itself may be transformed into energy. It is now thought that the source of the sun's energy results from nuclear fissions and is practically unlimited.

Man has used and is still using solar energy through photo­synthesis as one of his sources of heat and power. Another way to use solar energy is in the solar machines , still another is the use of solar heat for cooking and house heating. The future will undoubtedly bring us a lot of new applications of solar energy.

Lesson 12

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