Match the translation from column B with word-combinations from column A. A B government agencies представитель шоу бизнеса по связям с общественностью public relations advertising добиваться

government agencies представитель шоу бизнеса по связям с общественностью
public relations advertising добиваться общественного расположения
motion picture объявление социальной рекламы
the show-business press agent кинофильм
public service announcements правительственные учреждения
to seek public goodwill имиджевая (престижная) реклама

6. Find English equivalents of the following word-combinations in the Dictionary of Contemporary English?

a precise definition ; to fit all situations; to carry out; to convey a message; occur; deal with; to benefit from; well-being; overcome; beget; denounce

Define what parts of speech the underlined words are.

Define the tense-forms of the verbs in bold type.

Try to point out the main problem of the text.

10. How many parts would you divide the text into?

Title each part. Give their main ideas.

12. Summarize the ideas according to the given scheme. Your report should consist of 3 parts:

I. Introduction – mention the title of the text and problems the text deals with

II. Body – express the main ideas you have already underlined in ex.9.

III. Conclusion – combine the ideas in one thought and express your own feelings or attitude towards problems introduced in the text.

A. The following words and expressions can be used as helps for your outline:

I. The text/it/article/ story under studying is called.... The title of the article is…

The article is entitled…

The article is taken from…

II. The text/it/ article/storydeals with/touches upon/ is connected with/ is devoted to/ the

problem of….

III.To begin with, …

Speaking of ….it is necessary to note that….

The author points out/ marks/ shows that …

There is every reason to believe that …

It is an open secret that…

It is likely/ unlikely…

It is stressed/ underlined/ noted/ marked/ emphasized that…

The author goes on saying/ showing/ proving the fact that…

There is a general feeling that…

IV. That brings me to the end of my report.

In conclusion, the author points out/ I’d like to say/ add that …

That’s about all I wanted to say.

B. When giving a summary of the text you may also use the following vocabulary:

I. In the first abstract (part) of the article the author: States (Says) Argues Thinks Believes Puts forward (advances) the idea Declares Introduces the notion of… Propounds a notion (a theory)… Sets out a doctrine (theory)..   II. In the second part (abstract) (then) the author… (re)formulates a hypothesis/ identifies the problems of… highlights …/ specifies../ justifies…/ rejects…/ makes an assumption about smth./ rests his argument on…/ recognizes the merit of… grounds his argument on… accepts (denies) the validity of … advocates…/ argues for/against smth. focuses on…/ pays attention to… draws our attention to… /tends to agree… points out flaws (in the argument)…/ accepts… explores, studies, investigates…/ appraises smth… shares views (assumptions)…/ recognizes… affirms…/ asserts…/ acknowledges…/ notes… assumes…/ implies…/ emphasizes…/ rejects… claims…/ enumerates…/ gives examples…/ proves… classifies…/ passes over to…/ outlines  
III. At the end the author: arrives at a conclusion (solution)…/ concludes (comes to a conclusion)… sums up…/ offers a criterion for…/ summarizes with…  

Text 3.

1. Look up the meanings of the following words and word-combinations in the dictionary and memorize them:

to create good publicity; to handle complaints; press agents; consumer affairs bureaus; to conduct a national campaign; consumer affairs

2. Insert the words and phrases from exercise 1 into the following sentences:

1) Other PR activities are carried out by lobbyists, ___________ _____________ ___________, community relations experts, media consultants, and more.

2) In addition to the many organizations that specialize in consumerism, corporations also usually have departments of _________ ___________ to handle complaints and deal with other matters such as product defects.

3) The use of publicity and ________ ________ in the 19th century might never have merged into public relations had it not been for American corporations.

4) During the next few years several more organizations were founded simply to ____________ ________ __________ for corporations.

5) At a time when there was no radio or television, the committee ________ ________ _______ to mobilize public support for the war,…

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