Had better , would rather , would sooner, cannot but , nothing but

* You`d better go to bed.

* I would rather not speak upon this subject.

* I would sooner die than marry such a person.

* I cannot but think so.

* There was nothing left for him to dobut watch and wait.

7. in questions of special type (infinitive sentences beginning with “why“)

* Why not go to the Zoo?

V. Particle «to» instead of the Infinitive

1. Particle «to» may be used so that to avoid the whole infinitive construction.

* I went there because I wanted to ( = because I wanted to go there). –

Я пошел туда потому, что мне так хотелось.

2. Particle «to» may be omitted after nouns, adjectives and some verbs.

* He`ll never leave home: he hasn`t got the courage (to). –

Он никогда не уедет из дома: у него не хватит смелости (сделать это).

* I think he should get a job, but you can`t force him to if he isn`t ready (to). – Я думаю, что ему следует взяться за работу, но его никто не сможет заставить это сделать, если он не готов к этому.

* - Can you drive the car? – Ты умеешь водить машину?

- O.K., I`ll try. – О.к. Я постараюсь.

3. Particle «to» can`t be omitted after want and would like:

* -Are you interested in entering the University? – Ты заинтересован в том, чтобы поступить в университет?

- Yes, I`d like to (Not: I would like). – Да, мне бы этого хотелось.

But:Particle «to» is often omitted after want and would like in subordinate clauses:

* Come when you want. – Приходи, когда захочешь.

* I`ve decided to do what I like. – Я решил делать, что мне хочется.

VI. Split Infinitive

Split Infinitive – is the construction where an adverb is used between the particle «to» and the verb.

* He began to slowly get up off the floor. – Он начал медленно вставать с пола.

The Functions of the Infinitive in the Sentence

The Subject


to do sth is (was, will be) necessary

would be impossible

means (meant) a mistake

to do smth

* To get angry was stupid.

* To translate the article was a difficult task.

2 .

The infinitive is used as the subject when the sentence opens with the introductory itwhich serves as introductory subject .


is important to do smth

it was interesting to be done

will be easy to be doing smth



* It is useless to discuss this question.

The Predicative

1 .

-------- is

-------- was to do smth

-------- will be to be done

* What I want is to be left alone.

* His hobby is to collect stamps.

2 .


smb is hard

smth was difficult to do (at, with)



* She is nice to work with.

* The house was not easy to find.

Part of a Compound Verbal Predicate (Modal and Aspect).

1. With modal verbs, modal expressions, and verbs expressing modality the infinitive forms part of a Compound Verbal Modal Predicate.

* We mustn`t leave him by himself.

2. With verbs denoting the beginning, duration or end of the action the infinitive forms part of a Compound Verbal Aspect Predicate.

* He began to read this book two days ago.

The Object

1 . promise



forget to do smth

agree to be doing smth

decide to be done




* Helen learned to dance at school.

* We agreed to differ.

2. be glad to do smth

pleased to be doing

astonished to have done

angry to have been doing

delighted to be done

afraid to have been done

* She was pleased to see me.

* They were angry not to have found me there.

* The girl was delighted to have been dancing the whole evening .

The Attribute

The use of the infinitive as an attribute is far more extensive in English than in Russian. In Russian it modifies only abstract nouns, whereas in English it modifies:

1. ordinal numerals

the first

last to do smth


* She was the lastto take the exam.

* She was the first to see the danger.

* He was the second to cross the finish line.

2. indefinite pronouns


nobody to do smth



* I have nobody to say a kind word to me.

* I have nothing to give to you.

* Have you anything else to say?

3. class nouns


place to do smth



* She wasn`t a woman to suffer in silence.

* I haven` t got any time to examine this room.

* It`s just the book to read in the train.

NOTE : The passive infinitive is seldom used in the attributive function . This is why we say “ it is a book to read “ and not “ to be read ”.

Exceptions : there is nothing to be done and nothing to do ; there is something to be said and something to say

NOTE : The attribute passive infinitive may have a future meaning.

* The houses to be built here will be of the same type.

The Adverbial Modifier

1. of Purpose

(in order) to get smth

to do smth (so as) to be given smth

* I have come here to speak to you.

* Sometimes you retreat in order to advance.

2. of Result (after the adverbs too, enough)

old to do smth

( too ) young ( enough ) to be done

easy to have done

difficult to have been done

* I was too busy to see anyone.

* She is old enough to be taken for his mother.

* That girl is stupid enough to have believed every word he said.

3. of Comparison or Manner (after as if, as though)

* He moved his hands towards his lips as if to stop her.

4. of Attendant Circumstances

* I` m sorry to have raised your expectations only to disappoint them.

The infinitive as Parenthesis

* To speak the truth I was troubled.

* He was rude, to say the least of it.

* To cut a long story short ...(Короче говоря ...)

* To say nothing ... (Не говоря уже ...)

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