Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room

"Michael and I never eat bread (Майкл и я никогда не едим хлеб). It was stupid

of Jevons (это было глупо со стороны Джевонса) not to realize that you might

want some (не понять, что вам может понадобится немного /хлеба/)."

"Of course bread is only a habit (конечно же хлеб — это просто привычка),"

said Michael (сказал Майкл). 'It's wonderful (удивительно) how soon you can

break yourself of it (как быстро можно отучиться от нее: «как скоро вы можете

оторваться от нее») if you set your mind to it (если сосредоточится на этой

идее; to set one's mind on smth. — очень хотеть чего-либо, сосредоточить все

свои мысли на чем-либо, поставить себе цель)."

"The poor lamb's as thin as a rail, Michael (бедный ягненок, он худой, как

щепка, Майкл; rail — перила; рельсы)."

"I don't not eat bread because I'm afraid of getting fat (я не ем хлеб не потому,

что я боюсь набрать вес: «стать толстым»). I don't eat it (я не ем его) because I

Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru

see no point in it (потому, что я не вижу в этом смысла; point — точка, смысл,

позиция, точка зрения). After all (кроме того), with the exercise I take (с теми

упражнениями, которые я выполняю) I can eat anything I like (я могу есть все,

что хочу)."

He still had at fifty-two a very good figure (в его пятьдесят два, у него была

очень хорошая фигура: «он все еще имел в пятьдесят два очень хорошую

фигуру»). As a young man (когда он был молодым: «как молодой человек»),

with a great mass of curling chestnut hair (с великолепной гривой: «массой»

вьющихся каштановых волос; curling — вьющийся, волнистый), with a

wonderful skin (с прекрасной кожей) and large deep blue eyes (и большими

глубокими синими глазами), a straight nose (прямым носом) and small ears (и

маленькими ушами), he had been the best-looking actor on the English stage (он

был самым красивым актером на английской сцене).

break [breIk] exercise ['eksqsaIz] figure ['fIgq]

"Michael and I never eat bread. It was stupid of Jevons not to realize that you

might want some."

"Of course bread is only a habit," said Michael. "It's wonderful how soon you

can break yourself of it if you set your mind to it."

"The poor lamb's as thin as a rail, Michael."

"I don't not eat bread because I'm afraid of getting fat. I don't eat it because I

see no point in it. After all, with the exercise I take I can eat anything I like."

He still had at fifty-two a very good figure. As a young man, with a great mass

Of curling chestnut hair, with a wonderful skin and large deep blue eyes, a

Straight nose and small ears, he had been the best-looking actor on the English


The only thing that slightly spoiled him (единственное: «единственная вещь,

которая» что слегка портило его; to spoil — портить) was the thinness of his

Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru

mouth (так это /был/ тонкий рот: «тонкость его рта»). He was just six foot tall

(он был всего шести футов ростом; foot — зд. фут — мера длины, равная

30,48 см) and he had a gallant bearing (и у него была великолепная осанка;

bearing — поведение, манера держаться, осанка, выправка). It was his

obvious beauty (именно его очевидная красота) that had engaged him to go on

the stage (побудила его пойти в актеры: «пойти на сцену»; to engage — зд.

разг. побеждать, убеждать, склонять) rather than to become a soldier (вместо

того, что бы стать военным: «солдатом») like his father (как его отец). Now his

chestnut hair was very grey (сейчас его каштановые волосы были совершенно:

«очень» седыми; grey — серый, седой, землистого цвета), and he wore it much

shorter (и он носил их гораздо короче); his face had broadened (его лицо

расширилось = расплылось) and was a good deal lined (и было достаточно

сильно покрыто морщинами); his skin no longer had the soft bloom of a peach

(его кожа больше не напоминала мягкий плод персика; bloom — цветение,

цветок, пушок на плодах; здоровый румянец) and his colour was high (и лицо

его было красным; high color — яркий румянец, краснота). But with his

splendid eyes (но, с его великолепными глазами) and his fine figure (и его

прекрасной фигурой) he was still a very handsome man (он все еще оставался

очень красивым мужчиной). Since his five years at the war (со времени /его/

пяти лет /проведенных/ на войне) he had adopted a military bearing (он

приобрел военную выправку; to adopt — усыновлять, удочерять;

перенимать, усваивать), so that if you had not known who he was (так, что

если вы не знали, кем: «кто» он был) (which was scarcely possible (что /было/

вряд ли возможно), for in one way and another (так как по тому или иному

поводу: «одним путем или другим») his photograph was always appearing in the

illustrated papers (его фотография всегда появлялась в иллюстрированных

изданиях: «газетах»; to appear — появляться, показываться)) you might have

taken him (вы могли бы принять его; to take smb. for smb — принимать кого-

либо за кого-либо) for an officer of high rank (за офицера высокого чина). He

boasted (он хвастался /тем/) that his weight (что его вес) had not changed since

Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room - student2.ru

he was twenty (не изменился с того момента, когда ему было двадцать /лет/),

and for years (и многие годы), wet or fine (/неважно/, в мокрую или ясную

/погоду/), he had got up every morning at eight (он вставал каждое утро в

восемь часов) to put on shorts and a sweater (чтобы надеть шорты и свитер) and

have a run round Regent's Park (и пробежаться вокруг Риджент Парка).

gallant ['gxlqnt] obvious ['ObvIqs] scarcely ['skεqslI] weight [weIt]

sweater ['swetq]

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