Истинно высказывание или ложно?

1) The ancient Greeks liked to paint pictures of their life after death.

2) The Greeks like the ancient Egyptians decorated the walls of temples.

3) Because of their proximity to the ocean, the Greeks depicted many see creatures.

4) Early Greek artists explored Geometric art on ceramics.

5) The Greeks believed that their gods lived in the sky.

6) Zeus and Hera were husband and wife.

7) The ancient Greeks invented many stories about their gods.

8) The Greeks made their stories famous around the world.

Опишите разницу между древнеегипетским и древнегреческим искусством.



During the period of the Roman occupation of Judea many Jewish families lived quietly and devoutly, attending the synagogue and bringing up their children to know the Jewish law and the writings of the prophets.

Jesus the Messiah

Little is known of Jesus’s childhood and youth. The story of His visit to the temple in Jerusalem when He was aged twelve shows His interest in religious matters, even at such a young age. When He was about thirty He went to the banks of the River Jordan to receive baptism, a symbol of repentance, from John the Baptist. As He came out of the water He had a pro­foundly moving experience of the Spirit of God coming down upon Him and there was the Voice of God claiming that Jesus was His Son.

After retiring to the desert for some weeks He returned to His home province of Galilee and began to announce that the coming of God’s kingdom was near. As a sign of this He healed many sick people and exorcised those who were possessed by demons. He gathered round Him a group of dis­ciples, of whom twelve were especially close to Him. He taught great crowds about the nature of God’s kingdom and about the conduct and spirit re­quired from those who wished to enter it.

At first the crowds seem to have listened gladly to Jesus, but later they began to fall away. There was much opposition to His teaching from the Jewish leaders, who mistrusted the authority with which He inter­preted the Jewish law without respect­ing Jewish tradition. He was the Messiah, and Peter, leader of the twelve, acknowledged Him to be so. Neither the common people nor the Jewish leaders accepted this claim. When Jesus went to Jerusalem He gave a final challenge to the leaders by clearing the money changers out of the temple, demonstrating again that He believed His own inner conviction and authority to be superior to the Jewish tradition. The Jewish leaders re­solved that He must be executed and had Him arrested. The Roman gover­nor Pontius Pilate was persuaded to agree to the execution and Jesus was crucified, the usual Roman method of punishing criminals.

The Early Church

On the third day His disciples learnt that He was alive again, because He had risen from death and later appeared to them.

At the Jewish feast of Pentecost the disciples had an experience of power filling them. They described it as like a violent blast of wind and tongues of flame. They interpreted it as the Spirit of God filling them. From that moment onwards they took courage and began to proclaim that Jesus was the Messiah, or Christ. Like their Master they suffered a good deal of persecution. When one of their num­ber, Stephen, was stoned to death by the Jews, many of the little community of Jesus’s followers left Jerusalem and were scattered over Samaria and Judea.

This was the beginning of a division within the Christian movement. On the one side there were those who believed that the new movement ought to remain obedient to the Jewish law. The other side, led by a convert from Judaism named Paul, believed that the new movement ought to be open to all, whether they observed the Jewish regulations or not. Paul was respon­sible for establishing Christian con­gregations in Asia Minor and Greece, and finally his view triumphed. The Christian movement began its history as a world-wide community embrac­ing many nations and races.

As the Church spread it developed a distinctive worship and organisation. From the beginning in Jerusalem there had been meetings on the model of the synagogue services at which there was prayer, preaching and the singing of psalms. There was also the Eucharist,the sacrament based on the Last Supper eaten by Jesus with his disciples before his death. This was linked to the belief that by his death Jesus had enabled God to achieve an act of rescue similar to the deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptians. But this Christian deliverance was not from human enemies but from spiritual ones. By the death of Jesus the Christian was saved from sin and from the power of evilbeings. The way of entering the Christian community was by baptism, which was interpreted as being a sharing of the death of Jesus so that one could rise to life as He had done.

The organisation of the Church slowly became more rigid, and by the beginning of the 2nd century ad each congregation was led by a bishop, assisted by elders and deacons.


1. Дайтерусскиеэквивалентысловаминтернациональногокорняиопределите, ккакойчастиречиониотносятся: occupation,family, demonstrate, problem, brother, cousin, story, interest, religious, baptism, symbol, special, demons, group, nature, opposition, authority, interpret, repeat, tradition, Messiah, leader, final, arrest, governor, method, criminals, master, climax, courage, community, division, Christian, regulation, congregation, triumph, history, nation, race, discriminative, organization, meetings, model, psalm, ceremonial, base, human, assist, deacon.

2. Найдитевтекстесинонимыкследующимсловам: time, calmly, adolescence, visit, evidently, recognize, problem, get, belief, native, treat, ill, pupils, want, ordinary, decide, technique, law-breaker, depict, powerful, explain, announce, start, connect, help.

3. Найдитевтекстеантонимыкследующимсловам:forget, small, old, far, earlier, unification, trust, initial, outer, a few, above, angels, enemy, at last, neglect, both… and, opponents, inferior, relieve, unusual, law-obedient people, fail, friends, good, death.

4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) Who occupied the Jewish land in the history told in the story?

2) In what way did the Jewish families live at that time?

3) In what river was Jesus baptized?

4) What was the essence of His teaching?

5) How many pupils did Jesus have?

6) Why did the Roman governor decide to execute Christ?

7) What were the miracles that Jesus showed?

8) What is the only way of entering the Christian community?

Истинно это или ложно?

1) Little is known about Jesus` childhood and youth.

2) Jesus showed His interest in religious matters at a young age.

3) When Jesus came into the water while being baptized He there was the Spirit of God coming down upon Him.

4) After returning to His home province Jesus announced that coming of the God`s Kingdom was near.

5) Jesus` pupil Peter was the first to acknowledge Him as a Messiah.

6) The Roman governor Pontius Pilate had some time to be persuaded that Jesus was to be crucified.

7) The Christian movement made his way in the whole world.

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