Упаковка – Комментарий

Стоимость упаковки включается в цену товара и отдельно с Покупателя не взыскивается. Главные требования, предъявляемые к упаковке, - это обеспечение сохранности груза и предохранение его от воздействия внешней среды.

Как правило, данный пункт контракта включает в себя условия и положения, относящиеся к маркировке товаров.



1) Items under the present contract are to be shipped by railway as per instructions to the address of … . The lots of the goods are completed in accordance with the shipping instructions given by the Buyers.

The Sellers are to cable the Buyers of the readiness of the goods for shipment. Immediately upon shipment of the goods the Sellers are to cable the Buyers as following:

No. of rail wagon;

date of voyage;

No. of railway bill;

name of goods;

quantity of cases;

No. of Contract;

gross and net weights;

value of the goods.

The Sellers should secure dispatch by Master’s mail of two copies of the Bill of Lading and two specifications which are to be handed over at the port of destination.

Apart from the above the Sellers are to airmail to the Buyers’ address a copy of the invoice, specification and certificate of quality, duplicate of rail waybill.

2) The goods to be considered as delivered at the end of elevator spout or when grain passes vessel’s rail and risk shall pass from the Sellers to the Buyers at the same time.

Delivery of the goods to the Buyers’ tonnage in readiness to be loaded is effected by the Sellers.

The date of the Bill of Lading shall be sufficient evidence of the date of delivery. Data stated in the Bill of Lading are to be confirmed by the official weight certificate.

3) Transport. The Cement shall be shipped by vessels capable of carrying 15 to 40 thousand tons of Cement each, with a draft full laden at the port of Novorossijsk not exceeding 11.2 metres and an overall length of not more than 200 metres, and chartered by the Buyer at his risk and expense.

The Cement shall be loaded by the Seller by his means and at his expense according to a Cargo Plan to be established between the Master of the vessel, the Seller’s agent or the manufacturer of the Cement, and the authorities of the port of loading. The Seller shall not be obliged to load more than 4 hatches simultaneously.

The Buyer shall provide for the vessels to be fitted with openings in hatch covers for the connection of the Seller’s loading equipment.

The design of the openings and hatch covers should secure a complete tightness of the holds during the loading.

Should a vessel not be properly equipped, as above, the Seller shall have the right to reject the vessel, the Buyer being fully liable for any consequences.

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The vessel shall be admitted within the port, piloted and moored according to the customs of the port of Novorossijsk.

The Seller shall provide the vessel with a safe berth where she can be loaded always afloat, and shall load her at the rate of 4000 m/t per weather working day of 24 consecutive hours.

The laytime shall commence in accordance with the following provisions:

q upon receipt of the Free Pratique the Master shall deliver through his agent a written Notice of Readiness to the Seller’s agent during office hours, i.e. 08:00 to 16:55 Monday to Friday, excluding National Holidays.

q laytime shall commence at 13:00 on the same day if the Notice of Readiness is tendered before noon and at 08:00 on the following working day if the Notice is tendered in the afternoon.

q should the loading commence earlier than provided above, the laytime shall be reckoned from the moment of such commencement.

The first opening and the last closing of the hatch apertures shall be done by the vessel’s crew. The connection and disconnection of the loading equipment as well as the switching of the loading equipment from one hatch to another during the loading shall be done by the Seller’s means and at his expense.

4) Nomination of the Vessels and Notices of Vessel’s Arrival. Actual vessel’s name to be nominated by the Buyers minimum 10 days prior to ETA of each vessel.

The Buyers and/ or Master and/ or Owners’ Agent will tender via radio or phone or by telex or by telegraph 10-, 7-day Notices of preliminary ETA and 3-day definite Notice basis New Orlean, Baltimore and/ or other port as the case may be. For the vessels over 35,000 tons (DWTOL, DWTOL means dead weight cargo lifted) with 7-day Notice the master to include expected cargo lift, loa, height from waterline to top of hatch coaming or rail whichever is higher.

On receipt of 10-day preliminary Notice the Sellers will advise of loading range and on receipt of 7-day preliminary Notice the Sellers will nominate loadport in the loading range within 48 hours.

In case late nomination of the loading port results in vessel’s delay or deviation all expenses connected with such delay or deviation to be for the Sellers’ account.


The equipment is to be shipped in export sea packing suitable for the type of the equipment to be delivered. The equipment is to be packed in accordance with the loading gauge of the Russian railways. Packing is to protect the goods from any damage or corrosion during their transportation by sea, by rail and by any combination of transport facilities. Packing should also be suitable for transhipments in transit and long storage of the goods. Packing of the goods is to be suitable for cranage and/ or forklift-truck handling.

Before packing all the machined parts of the equipment are to be treated with special corrosion inhibitors, which may protect the equipment properly, from damage during transportation and storage…

Shipment of the outsize cases may be effected only after receipt of the Buyers’ approval.

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