For more information turn to Grammar reference section. UNIT 3.2 Entry Limitations and Customs Restrictions

UNIT 3.2 Entry Limitations and Customs Restrictions

Starting Up

Exercise 1.Answer the following questions:

1. Why do all the countries introduce entry limitations?

2. Customs restrictions help regulate foreign trade, don’t they?

3. What goods are usually subject to Customs restrictions?

Word Study

Exercise 2.Match left and right.

1) Customs restrictions a) телекоммуникационные устройства
2) detained articles b) радиоактивные материалы
3) items for commercial activity c) под угрозой исчезновения
4) psychotropic medicines d) таможенные ограничения
5) items of cultural value e) сильные седативные средства[4]
6) in a danger of disappearance f) предметы коммерческой деятельности
7) merchandise g) психотропные лекарственные средства
8) radioactive materials h) предметы, имеющие культурную ценность
9) strong sedatives i) товар
10) telecommunication devices j) задержанные (конфискованные) предметы

Exercise 3.Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

to be subject ________ special permission

entry _______ Russia

_______ sale

to go up _____ 30%

to be determined ________ Customs officials

amount _____ the items

to go ______ green/red channel

4EUR ________ kilogramme

_____ professional use

to pay tax _______ value

to get a paper _____ the Customs

to leave item _____ the border

Exercise 4.Translate into Russian.

items brought permanently; the total weight/price; minimum salary; approximately; stocks; securities; the allowed amount of money; special permission; anesthesia’s and sleeping pills; guns; explosives; wild flora and fauna; printed materials; at the point of sale; to avoid illegal import; to determine; to get the latest information; to bring in; to oblige to pay; extra money.

Exercise 5.Match the verbs from the text below with nouns and expressions.

1. to declare a) detention, arrest, fines
2. to submit b) to the Russian police
3. to export c) receipts for all high-value items
4. to receive d) cultural value
5. to cause e) in limited amount
6. to report f) for the export of articles
7. to appeal g) a Customs declaration
8. to face h) in Russia
9. to obtain i ) a stamp on the Customs declaration
10. to have j) to the higher Customs body
11. to present k) all items of value
12. to be granted l) to Customs official
13. to arrive m) criminal responsibility

Reading and Speaking

Exercise 6.Read the text to answer the following questions:

1. What items are duty free when travellers enter Russia?

2. What is the maximum amount of cash the passenger can take into Russia?

3. How many dollars may travellers have when entering or leaving Russia?

4. What items may be exported duty free in limited amounts?

Text 1

Customs Restrictions

Every country has certain rules about Customs restrictions. It is usually determined by the Customs officials what items brought for sale or commercial use may incur (подвергаться) Customs tax, which can go up to 30 % of the total price. In Russia for example these items are:

· Cash foreign currencies (if equivalent or more than $3000 US) or rubles (if more than 500 minimum salaries, equals approximately 75,000 rubles which is approximately $2500 at today’s rate);

· Stocks and securities, including travellers’ checks;

· Alcohol (if more than 2 liters);

· Cigarettes (if more than 100), tobacco (if more than 250 grams), cigars (in more than 50);

· Caviar (икра) (if more than 250 grams), sturgeon (осетр) (if more than 250 gm);

· Items for commercial activity (including advertising materials);

· A reasonable quantity of perfume for personal use;

· Gifts up to the value of US$10,000.

If the passenger has less than the allowed amount of the items listed above (e.g. $2000 US in currency, 100 gm of caviar, 1 bottle of vodka etc.), then he does not need to declare it when he comes into/leaves Russia. He just goes through the ‘green corridor’ (channel).

It is allowed to bring in between $3000 and $10000 (or equivalent), but if the traveller has more than $3000, he is to declare it. It is better to bring the money on credit cards to avoid going through the ‘red corridor’ (channel).

There are some other items which are to be declared and subject to special permission; jewellery (украшения), musical instruments, guns, explosives, ammunition, strong medicines (anesthesia’s, sleeping pills, etc.), psychotropic medicines, items, that have cultural value for Russia (usually, more than 70 years old), poisons (яды), strong sedatives, radioactive materials, wild flora and fauna that is in a danger of disappearance, technical telecommunication devices (radio phones, stations, cable TVs with a frequency more than 900Ghz (except cell phones), printed materials (of fascist, racial, pornographic content), merchandise for production or commercial activities.

If the person has any of the items above that he needs to take out from Russia, he should seek to obtain the special permission at the point of sale or through the appropriate (соответствующий) Ministry (e.g. Ministry of Culture for items of cultural value).

In case the passenger does not want to pay the Customs tax, he can leave the item at the border and take it back when leaving the country. In this case he will need to get an official paper from the Customs which describes exactly what item was taken, its value, and the reason for its being ‘detained’ at the border.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences by matching left and right.

1) Stocks and securities, including travellers’ checks ... a) ...which can go up to 30% of the total price.
2) Items brought for sale or commercial use may incur Customs tax... b) ... he does not need to declare it when he comes into / leaves Russia.
3) Wild flora and fauna that is in a danger of disappearance... c) ... prohibited to be brought in into Russia.
4) If the person has any items of cultural value...   d) ... can be subject to Customs tax.
5) Printed materials of fascist, racial, pornographic content are... e) ... to avoid going through the ‘red corridor’ (channel).
6) In case the passenger does not want to pay the Customs tax... f) ... are to be declared and subject to special permission.
7) If the passenger has less than the allowed amount of such items as $2000 US in currency, 100 gm of caviar... g) ... he should obtain the special permission from the Russian Ministry of Culture.
8) It is better to bring the money on credit cards ... h) ... he can leave the item at the border and take it back when leaving the country.

Exercise 6.Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions, if necessary. Find false statements and correct them.

1. When arriving __ Russia travellers must declare all items __value __ a Customs form.

2. Lost or stolen Customs forms should be reported __ the Russian Ministry of Culture.

3. It is illegal to remove valuable items __ Russia __ permanent dwelling.

4. Travellers should be sure to declare all such items __ arrival and receive a stamp __ an entry visa.

5. In case the passenger does not want to pay the Customs tax, he can leave ___ the item ___ the border and take it ___ when leaving the country.

6. Travellers may enter Russia __ __ __ 10,000 U.S. dollars __ implementing international cooperation.

7. Travellers attempting to depart Russia ___ more money than allowed ___ Customs regulations face immediate exportation of goods.

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into Russian in writing. Use the dictionary if it is necessary.

1. All antiques or icons should come with a certificate from the Ministry of Culture allowing export.

2. It’s illegal to take any meat, meat products, milk and dairy products abroad from animals that are susceptible to foot and mouth disease.

3. Prohibited items include unlicensed drugs, offensive weapons, indecent and obscene material featuring children, counterfeit and pirated goods.

4. Weapons and ammunition, radio electrical equipment, narcotics, fruit, vegetables, sturgeon of any species or sturgeon products, and live animals unless with a special permit are prohibited to be taken out of Russia.

5. Restricted items include firearms, explosives and ammunition, live animals, endangered species, certain plants and their produce and radio transmitters.

6. This ban includes sandwiches, packed lunches, and food for self-catering holidays, and includes fresh, chilled, frozen, tinned, preserved and processed products.

7. The import of articles intended for personal use, including currency and valuables, must be registered on the declaration form.

Exercise 8.Read Texts 2-3 and compare Russian and British Customs Regulations (list of prohibited and restricted goods).

Common Features Differences
1. ______________ 1. ______________
2.______________ 2.______________
3.______________ 3.______________
______________ ______________

Text 2

Наши рекомендации