Упр. 228. Поставьте местоимения в скобках в нужную форму

1. Susan hates (he) to know her secrets. 2. The teacher let (we) use a dictionary. 3. We didn’t want (she) to become an actress. 4.The manager advised (I) to change my credit card. 5. She likes (everything) to be done in time.6.What makes (you) be so careless? 7. This story made (they) laugh. 8. I believe (it) to be rude to speak in such manner. 9. Don’t make (I) tell a lie, I can’t speak about it. 10.The old lady likes (we) to visit her. 11. The witness saw (he) steal a watch. 12. The jury believed (she) to be innocent. 13. I’ve never heard (they) speak any foreign language. 14. Nobody expected (you) to become so angry.

Упр. 229. Поставьте, где необходимо, частицу to.

1.All parents want their children … be happy. 2. I hate my son … leave his keys at home. 3. Everybody knows you … be a reliable person. 4. Nothing can make him … change his opinion.5.We couldn’t imagine them … be so hospitable. 6. We don’ let anybody … spoil the classroom furniture. 7. Have you noticed him … give a smile? 8. I couldn’t see the boys … run to the river.9. We didn’t ask for the plants … be watered so often. 10. Father lets me … drive his car. 11. I‘d like them … keep their promise. 12.Nobody expected the negotiations … go wrong. 13. Why didn’t you make them … go? 14. Would you like us … come at 7 o’clock? 15.The rain made them … return home. 16. I felt the doctor … take my pulse.

Упр. 230. Перепишите предложения, употребив сложное дополнение:

А) вместо придаточных дополнительных предложений.

Например: I know that they work hard.

I know them to work hard.

1ребляя.Ancient people believed that the Earth was flat (плоская). 2. We expect that she will arrive later today. 3.Everybody knows that Charlie Chaplin was a great comic. 4. Professor thinks that she is interested in this research. 5. The police knew that he was a dangerous criminal. 6. I didn’t expect that you would forget to send her a birthday card. 7. Scientists consider that these experiments are dangerous. 8. We thought that he was a very brave man.

Б) после глаголов восприятия.

Например: He slipped and fell. I saw it.

I saw him slip and fall.

1. He called my name. I heard it. 2.They approached the house. We saw them. 3. The weather changed. He observed it. 4.They began to laugh. She heard it. 5.Her voice trembled. He felt it. 6.The telephone rang. The old man didn’t hear it. 7. The shoplifter stole a ring. The security guard noticed it. 8. The animal’s behaviour became dangerous. They felt it. 9. Pele played football. I was too young to see it. 10. The teacher frowned. The children noticed it.

Упр. 231. Переведите на английский язык, употребив сложное дополнение с инфинитивом.

1.Я хочу, чтобы он закончил эту работу к июлю. 2. Отец заставил их помыть машину. 3. Потерпевшие полагают, что этот человек – квартирный вор. 4. Все знают, что солнце всходит на востоке. 5. Офицер приказал, чтобы солдаты почистили свое оружие. 6. Грабитель заставил нас лечь на пол. 7.Почему ты позволяешь ребенку рисовать на стенах? 8. Мы хотим, чтобы клиентов обслуживали профессионалы. 9. Питер хотел, чтобы его друг пошел с ним. 10. Мы считаем, что этот мальчик очень талантлив. 11. Они хотят, чтобы эта женщина обучала их детей английскому языку. 12. Я бы не хотел, чтобы вы потеряли мою книгу. 13.Я рассчитываю, что письмо придет завтра. 14. Он терпеть не может, когда я опаздываю. 15. Я не могу заставить своего сына сказать неправду. 16. Его родители хотели бы, чтобы он стал музыкантом.

Упр. 232. Переведите, обращая внимание на оттенки значений сложного дополнения в зависимости от того, выражена ли его вторая часть инфинитивом или причастием.

1.I saw Joe leave the club half an hour ago. 2. We saw him leaving the office. 3. She likes to smell pinewood burning in her fire. 4. Nobody noticed the widow come into the church. 5. They felt the ground moving under their feet. 6. Did you hear a dog bark? 7. I heard that dog barking all night. 8. The children are outside. I can see them playing. 9. Have you ever seen her play chess? 10. I think I can smell somebody smoking in the next room. Could you close the door, please? 11. Mother didn’t notice her child fall asleep. 12. There must be someone at home, I can hear people talking. 13. We watched the birds circling above us. 14. She heard somebody walk up to her door. 15. I’ve never seen her dance. 16.Have you ever heard the Niagara Falls roaring? 17. She felt something warm running down her arm and realized it was blood.

Упр. 233. Перефразируйте предложения, используя сложное дополнение с причастием.

1.The secretary was typing a letter. I watched her. 2.Two men were laughing at him. He noticed it. 3. An insect was crawling up my leg. I felt it. 4. A baby is crying. Can you hear it? 5. I can see the bus. It is coming. 5. His friend was climbing up a dangerous rock. Alec watched him. 6. The homeless child was trembling with cold. Michael could feel it. 7. My grandmother was sitting in the arm-chair. I saw her. 8. She watched the rain. It was beating down her lovely roses in the garden. 9. Bill heard his sister. She was playing the guitar. 10. They were dancing waltz. We have never seen it. 11.The garden was blooming. At midnight I opened the window and could smell it. 12. He was trying to catch the train. The passangers watched it. 13. The wind is getting stronger. They feel it. 14.Nina is wearing a new perfume today. I can smell it. 15. They were going home and singing. I saw them. 16.The snow is falling down. Do you like to watch it?

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