Write the opposite. Use comparatives.

Example: Cheaper – more expensive

1) Colder

2) Worse

3) Younger

4) Safer

5) More difficult

6) Taller

7) Earlier

Complete the conversations with the correct form of the adjectives.

Example: A Life in the country is slower than city life.

BYes, the city’s much faster.

1. A New York is ____ ____ London. (safe)

BNo, it isn’t. New York is much ____ ____. (dangerous)

2. AParis is ___ ___ Madrid. (big)

B No, it isn’t! It’s much ____. (small)

3. AMadrid is ____ ____ ____ Rome. (expensive)

BNo, it isn’t. Madrid is much ____. (cheap)

4. A The Underground in London is ____ ____ the Metro in Paris. (good)

B No! The Underground is much ____. (bad)

Practise the conversations with your group-mate. Compare two towns or cities that you both know.

Complete the questions with superlative adjectives. Choose the answers.

1) Where is ______ (tall) hotel in the world?

a Dubai b Bangkok c Hong Kong

2) Who is ______ (rich) person in the world?

a Bill Gates b The Sultan of Brunei c Ingvar Kamprad, head of IKEA

3) Which is ______ (expensive) city in the world to buy a house or flat?

a Tokio b London c Vienna

4) Where is ______ (old) university in the world?

a Bologna b Karueein c Oxford

5) What was ______ (successful) European football club in the twentieth century?

a Bayern Munich b Real Madrid c Manchester United

6) Where is ______ (high) town or city in the world?

a Cuzco, in Peru b La Paz, in Bolivia c Lhasa, in Tibet

7) What is ______ (common) word in the English language?

a to b a c the

8) Who were ______ (popular) group in the twentieth century?

a the Rolling Stones b the Eagles c the Beatles

Write the superlative form and complete the sentences to make them true for you.

Example: The busiest (busy) month of the year is December.

1) The ____ (good) day of the week is …

2) The ____ (bad) day of the week is …

3) The ____ (interesting) book I know is …

4) The ____ (sad) film I know is …

5) The ____ (beautiful) country I know is…

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions.

1) Family/ the/ am/ my/ in/ I/ oldest.

2) Sister/ me/ my/ than/ younger/ is.

3) Class/ who/ tallest/ the/ the/ in/ is?

4) Book/ interesting/ than/ my/ your/ more/ is/ book.

5) Difficult/ German/ English/ is/ than/ more/ much.

6) Weather/ better/ today/ than/ much/ is/ yesterday/ the.

Get ready to speak about Belarus.

УЭ – 7


Look around. Are there any people nearby? What are they doing? Who is smiling? Who is talking? Who is writing? Who is reading?

Example: My teacher is writing on the board.

Olga is sitting near the window.

What are the people wearing? What are you wearing?

Example:My teacher is wearing a dress.

I’m wearing blue jeans and a white jumper.

Find all the verbs in the sentences. Can you translate them?

All these verbs are in the Present Continuous tense.

We use this tense for actions happening now or aroundnow.

Study the rule.


I am working.
He She It is
We You They are


I am not working
He She It is
We You They are


Am I working?
I he she it
Are we you they

Short answers

Yes, I am. Yes, he/ she/ it is. Yes, we/ you/ they are. No, I’m not. No, he/ she/ it isn’t. No, we/ you/ they aren’t.

Look at the spelling rules for the –ing form.

1) Most verbs add –ing.

Wear – wearing

Talk - talking

2) Verbs ending with –e take away the –e.

Write – writing

Live – living

3) Verbs ending with consonant + vowel + consonant double the final consonant.

Sit – sitting

Run – running

Make true sentences for you. Positive or negative.

Example: I (eat) an apple. I’m not eating an apple.

1) I (wear) jeans.

2) I (chew) gum.

3) We (listen) to music.

4) Our teacher (explain) the rule.

5) I (stand up).

6) I (sit) near the door.

7) We (work) hard today.

8) I (smoke) a cigarette.

9) We (do) our homework.

Give positive or negative short answers.

1) Are you watching TV?

2) Are you wearing shoes?

3) It is raining?

4) Are you feeling well?

5) Is the sun shining?

6) Are you working hard today?

7) Is your teacher looking at you?

8) Are your group-mates listening to you?

9) Is it snowing?

10) Are you wearing make-up?

Put the words in the correct order to make questions in the Present Continues.

1) You/ what/ are/ doing?

2) Cooking/ are/ you/ what?

3) Crying/ daughter/ why/ is/ your?

4) It/ raining/ now/ is?

5) Sally/ wearing/ clothes/ best/ why/ is/ her?

6) You/ going/ are/ where?

7) Having/ at/ shower/ moment/ you/ the/ are/ a?

Compare the sentences.

Take an umbrella. It’s raining. Please be quiet. I’m working.   What are you doing at the moment? It rains a lot in October. I work every day from 9 o’clock until 5 o’clock. What do you usually do at the weekend?

What is the difference?

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