Example : Я тебя люблю. I love you.

1. Мы видим его и его новую машину. 2. Он знает ее и ее семью. 3. Это ваш текст. Прочтите и переведите его! 4. Посмотри на мою собаку и ее щенка! 5. Расскажите ему новости! 6. Они живут рядом с нами. 7. Я думаю, он любит меня. 8. Присоединяйся к нему и его друзьям! 9. Иди со мной! 10. Он любит ее.


Verb ‘to be’. Present Simple (am, is, are).

(Глагол ‘to be’= быть. Настоящее простое.)

+ I am -I am not ? AmI?

He / She / It is He / She / It is not Is he / she / it?

We / You / Theyare We / You / They are not Are we / you / they?

Exercise 1. Putam, is, areinto the gaps.

1. I ____ from Novosibirsk. 2. Hе ____ 17 years old. 3. Mike ____ married. 4.She ____ a first-year student of the State University of Agriculture in Novosibirsk. 5. Peter and Clara ____ a sister and a brother. 6. We ____ not from Japan. 7. Hi! How ____ you? – I ____ fine, thanks. 8. Where ____ the stress? 9. I ____ sorry. I ____ not ready today. 10. That ____ all.

Exercise 2. Putam, is, areinto the gaps.

1. Here you ____. 2. I ____ not sure. 3. Sorry, we ____ late. 4. ____ this right? – No, it ____ wrong. 5. He ____ at school. 6. My mother ____ a housewife. My Dad ____ a doctor. 7. His brother ____ twenty-one years old. 8. I ____ Russian. 9. She ____ a very serious person. 10. It ____ rainy and cool. 11. Gold ____ a metal. 12. It ____ 10 o’clock now.

Verb ‘to be’. Past Simple (was, were).

(Глагол ‘to be’. Прошедшее простое. Был, была, были.)

+I / He / She / Itwas -I / He / She / ItIwas not ? Was I / he / she / it?

We / You / Theywere We / You / Theywere not Were we / you / they?

Verb ‘to be’. Future Simple (will be).

(Глагол ‘to be’. Будущее простое. Буду, будет, будем.)

+Подлежащееwill be -Подлежащееwon’t be ? Willподлежащееbe?

Exercise 3. Putwas, wereand will beinto the gaps.

1.You _____ a great computer operator one day.2.Dad _____back in an hour.3.Jill ____ two years old last month.4.I______at work next week.5.Kate ______ at Joan’s party yesterday. 6. It ____cold next weekend.7.______ you at the university two days ago? 8.Mr. Bush _____ here at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.

Exercise 4. Use the verbs in the correct form.

1. I (am, is, are) glad to meet you. 2. She (am, is, are) very old. 3. He (are, am, is) not old. 4. We (were, was) late yesterday. 5. That (is, am, are) bad. 6. Ann and Pete (is, am, are) late. 7. My pen and my pencil (are, am, is) in my bag. 8. (Is, Am, Are) this name nice? 9. (Is, Am, Are) they in Moscow?10.Where (was, were) Denis yesterday?11. My sister (weren’t, wasn’t) at the university two days ago.12.It (were, was, will be) very cool last week.13.It (was, is, will be) hot tomorrow.

Exercise 5. Use the verbs in the correct form.

1. She (is, was, will be) a great pianist one day. 2. Cordelia (am, is, are) from a very rich family.3. They (am, is, are) in their late fifties. 4. Bob (am, is, are) an ambitious young businessman.5. Children (was, were) very untidy.6. His flat (was, were) a financial investment. 7. Carol (am, is, are) a fashion designer.8. I (am, is, are) in my first year.9.David Beckham (was, were) born in London.10.My friend (am, is, are) not married.11.She (is, was, will be) famous oneday.12.I (am, was, will be) good at English at school.13.My brother (is, was, will be) fond of collecting stamps in his childhood.

Exercise 6. Make general questions.

1. They were at the cinema yesterday. ______________________

2. These books are thin. _________________________________

3. It is far from the city. _________________________________

4. This girl will be at the bar tomorrow. ____________________

5. His name is Dima. ___________________________________

6. My parents are in the park. ____________________________

7. The shelf is on the wall. _______________________________

8. They were married. ___________________________________

9. We will be here at 5 o’clock tomorrow. __________________

10. She will be here tomorrow. _________________________

Exercise 7.Translate from Russian into English. Use the verb ‘to be’ in the Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple.

1.Он был в институте вчера? 2.Дважды два четыре.3.Твой брат будет менеджером? – Да. 4.Он очень высокий.5.Нас не было дома вчера, а он был. 6.Его глаза – голубые, а волосы – черные. 7.Мои родители на работе.


Verb ‘Have / have got’

(Глагол ‘to have’= иметь)

Present Simple (I have… = У меня есть…)

Have (possession& activities) Have got (possession)

+ I / We / You / Theyhave + I / We / You / Theyhave got

He / She / It has He / She / It has got

- I / We / You / They don’thave - I / We / You / Theyhave notgot

He / She / It does nothaveHe / She / It has notgot

? Do I / we / you / they have?? Have I / we / you / they got?

Does he/ she/ it have?Has he/ she/ it got?

Past Simple Future Simple

(I had… = У меня был…) (I will have… = У меня будет…)

+Подлежащееhad+ Подлежащееwill have

-Подлежащееdid nothave - Подлежащееwon’t (will not) have

? Did подлежащее have? ? Willподлежащее have?

Exercise 1. Translate these sentences from English into Russian.

1. Today I have an English lesson. 2. Students have lectures or seminars every day. 3. Our institute has a very good library. 4. I had a chance to buy a new mobile phone the other day. 5. We will have a chance to go to the cinema tomorrow evening. 6. Peter and Ellen haven’t got a Rolls-Royce. 7. My boss has got a lot of houses. 8. We have lunch at the café. 9. I didn’t have a car two years ago. 10. Tim won’t have time to go shopping tomorrow. 11. She will have a part-time job next summer. 12. Have you got any friends? – Yes, I have. 13. My family will have a modern flat next year.

Exercise 2. Complete the gaps using have/hasorhad.

Example:London has a lot of parks.

1. I ___ a lot of homework tonight. 2. Our university ___ a library, but it ___ not got many computers. 3. My cousin ___ a dog in his childhood. 4. I ___ not got a Walkman. 5. She ___ English lessons yesterday.6. My friends ___ got CD players.

Exercise 3. Complete the gaps using do/does ordid.

Example:I do not have much money.

1. ‘___ you have any children?’ - ‘Yes, I do.’ 2. We ___ not have a party last Monday. 3. ‘___ you have a dog?’ - ‘No, I don’t.’ 4. I ___ not have a big house ten years ago. 5. ‘___ your house have a garden?’ - ‘Yes, it does.’ 6. My friends ___ not have an English lesson three days ago. 7. He ___ not have Higher Mathematics on Wednesdays. 8. ___ Mary have a flat?

Exercise 4.Read and correct the sentences.

1. Does she has a car? 2. I does not have a flat. 3. Will they has this house? 4. Have Dan got a test? 5. Does my friends have children? 6. Have he got a cold? 7. Will have they books? 8. Did you got this task last time? 9. Do Denis have a computer? 10. They have got not a camera. 11. Does you have a copy of the lecture? 12. She and I has new discs.

Exercise 5.Translate from Russian into English.

1. У кошки были котята? 2. У нас будет машина. 3. У вас был английский на прошлой неделе? 4. У вас есть ручка? – Возьмите, пожалуйста. 5. У него хороший дом. 6. У меня есть 2-комнатная квартира. 7. У Сергея нет девушки. 8. Дома у моих родителей есть большая библиотека. 9. У нашего соседа красивая жена. 10. У них много друзей. 11. У Машиного брата 2 детей. 12. У меня занятия по английскому языку 2 раза в неделю.




Неопределенный артикль a / an + имя существительное - в ед. числе, исчисляемое, при первом упоминании We have a cat and a dog.     - обозначающее профессию, род деятельности I’m a student. She’s an artist.   a / an - в выражениях количества:a couple of ( minutes ), a pair of (shoes), a little, a few,a hundred, a thousand, three times a day, once a week, twice a year, forty miles an hour.     Определенный артикль The + имя существительное - в ед. и мн. числе, исчисляемое или неисчисляемое, при втором упоминании или когда говорящие знают, о чем идет речь: We have a cat and a dog. The cat is old, but the dog is just a puppy. I’m going to the supermarket. Do you need anything? - обозначающее уникальный предмет: the earth, the sky, the sun, etc. - обозначающее название реки, моря, океана, горной цепи, пустыни, группы островов, гостиницы, театра, кинотеатра, корабля, газеты, музея, сложное название страны со словами state, kingdom - обозначающее музыкальный инструмент (после глагола play): play the guitar - обозначающее часть дня: in the morning,in the afternoon, in the evening.   The + - прилагательное в превосходной степени: He’s the richest man in the world. - фамилия (вся семья), национальность (весь народ):the Taylors, the Beckhams, the Russians,the French - титул, должность (без имени)the Queen
Артикль не нужен - с существительными во множественном числе, неисчисляемыми, когда говорим о чем-либо в общем:Elephants live in jungle. I like potatoes. Milk is good for you. - с именами собственными: This is Helen. - с названиями стран, городов, улиц, парков, гор, островов, озер, континентов, трапез (breakfast, lunch, dinner), спортивных игр, видов спорта - если перед существительным есть местоимения: these, this, those, that, my, your, her, its, his, our, their: I likethis bag. That isn’t my car. - с титулом, должностью (c именем): Queen Elizabeth - со словами school, bed, hospital, home, work, church, prison (если они используются по назначению) : a) Mary goesto school at 8.30 in the morning. Mary’s mother went tothe school to get Mary’s school report. b) Grandpa is in hospital. Grandma went to thehospital to see Grandpa. - в выражениях, обозначающих способ передвижения: by bus, by plane, by car, by train, on foot: She goes to work by bus.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with aor an.

Example: a mechanic, an economist

1_________ancient city 6__________interesting book

2_________woman 7__________rose

3_________old building 8 __________August evening

4 _________zebra 9__________ owl

5_________vet 10__________businessman

Exercise 2. Fill inthe where necessary.

Example: the Atlantic, - tennis

1.___Amazon 2. to play ___ guitar 3. ___ Turks 4. ___ Sahara 5. ____earth 6. ___sky 7. to have ___ lunch 8. ___UK 9.___book in the picture is red. 10. ___sea is blue.

Exercise 3. Fill inthe where necessary.

1. ___Mike is a good student. 2. ___Mississippi is a long river in America. 3. ___ basketball is an exciting game. 4. Have ___ Browns gone on holiday? 5. I think this bag is ___ Brenda’s. 6. The hotel is called ___ Park Hotel. 7. Come on, Ben, ___ dinner is ready! 8. Let’s play ___ football on Saturday. 9. I’m going to ___ hospital to visit my aunt. 10. ___ new shopping centre was opened by ___ Queen.

Exercise 4. Fill in a/anorthewhere necessary.

Example: The Acropolis is in - Athens.

1. I have got ___ umbrella. 2. ___ Sophia is from ___ Italy. ___ Italians are nice people. 3. Mr Smith is ___ teacher. He is in ___ classroom. 4. ___ Sally is ___ good actress. 5. ___ New York is in ___ USA.

Exercise 5. Underline the correct form.

Example: Thompsons / The Thompsons live on a farm.

1. This is my friend, the Melanie/ Melanie. 2. We went on a tour of Europe / the Europe last summer. 3. The President Medvedev / President Medvedev made an interesting speech. 4. John is staying athome / the home tonight. 5. The new library was opened by Mayor / the Mayor. 6. The baby sleeps in the afternoon / afternoon. 7. Thatcat / the cat belongs to my sister. 8. Do you know how to play violin / the violin? 9. The swimming / swimming is my favourite sport. 10. When we went to London, we visited Tower / the Tower. 11. They stayed at the Brigeford Hotel / Bridgeford Hotel.

Exercise 6. Fill inthe where necessary.

Example: - lions are wild animals.

1.___ horses are lovely animals. 2. ___ cheese is in ___ fridge. 3. We usually go to ___ Spain for our summer holidays. - Really? We like to stay in ___ England. 4. ___ water is very dirty. You can’t swim here. 5. Where are ___ children? - They are playing in ___ garden.

Exercise 7. Fill in a, an, or the where necessary.

A. Jim is from 1) ___Scotland. He’s got 2) ___two brothers and 3) ___ sister. They live with their mother and father in 4) ___ big house in 5) ___ countryside. Jim has lots of hobbies. He likes 6) ___ football and he plays 7) ___ piano. He has got 8)___ red bicycle. Every day he takes his dog for 9) ___ walk in 10)___ park. His dog’s name is 11) ___Spot.

B. Clare lives in 1) ___Liverpool. She is 2) ___secretary. She works in 3) ___ office. She goes to work in 4) ___morning. She starts work at 9.00 and she goes 5) ___home at 5.00 in 6) ___ evening. She likes her job because her boss is 7) ___ kind man.

Exercise 8. Correct the mistakes.

1. Jane is an painter.

2. I have got an uniform.

3. Helen isn’t at the home.

4. The Pyramids are in the Egypt.

5. The Mike is a second-year student.

6. I have got a milk.

7. It is an house.

8. An earth is a planet.

9. They have got a old car.

10. We go to the bed at 9 o’clock every night.

11. Can I go out for the moment, please?

12. Uncle Peter gave me the pair of gloves for my birthday.

13. They play golf once the week.

14. Could you tell us little bit about yourself?


Adjectives and adverbs

(Имена прилагательные и наречия)

Adjective + noun: a beautifulgirl

to be, feel, look, smell, sound, taste + adjective: Jack is tall. You look sad.

Adverbs: He drivescarefully. He walks slowly.

Adjective + ly = adverb

dangerous – dangerously

quick – quickly

gentle - gently (le, -e changes to –y)

horrible - horribly

easy – easily (consonant +y, the–y changes to –ily)

lazy- lazily

wonderful – wonderfully (final –ldoubles)

Irregular adjectives & adverbs:

Adjective Adverb

good well

fast fast

hard hard

early early

late late

Exercise 1. Put the words from the list below into the correct column.

Good, nicely, well, monthly, sadly, cheap, tall, strongly, fast, cold, early, softly, wide, carefully, late, pretty, loudly, hard

Adjective Adverb Adjective and adverb

Exercise 2. Write the adverbs.

Example: polite – politely

1. nice _________________ 10. beautiful_____________

2. easy_________________ 11. soft_________________

3. dangerous____________ 12. early________________

4. good ________________ 13. noisy _______________

5. cheap ________________ 14. careful ______________

6. safe _________________ 15. happy ______________

7. hard _________________ 16. terrible ______________

8. comfortable ___________ 17. awful _______________

9. fast __________________ 18. fluent ______________

Exercise 3. Is the word in bold an adjective or an adverb?

Example: He is a good student. Adjective (adj.) прилагательное

She speaks loudly. Adverb (adv.) наречие

1. They arrived early._________ 2. He works hard._________

3. She is a pretty girl._________4. He drives carefully.________ 5. You dance very well. _______6. She learns quickly.________ 7.The film was sad._______ 8. She always looked miserable. ______ 9.It was an easyexam._______

Exercise 4. Underline the correct word.

Example: My bedroom is tidy / tidily.

1. It is snowing heavy / heavily. 2. Cross the road carefully / careful. 3. My father was angry / angrily yesterday. 4. Get ready for school quick / quickly. 5. The test was very easy / easily. 6. Your perfume smells nice / nicely. 7. Susan is smiling happy / happily. 8. He sings beautiful / beautifully. 9. It is very warm / warmly today. 10. She looks beautiful / beautifully tonight. 11. My boss is in a very bad / badly mood all day.


Degrees of comparison

(Степени сравнения имен прилагательных и наречий)

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