Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее слово.

1. What do you suggest … him as a birthday present?( giving / give) 2 If you don’t mind … stuck in a traffic jam, try … to Moscow by car. (getting / get), ( going / go) 3. He is afraid of … to the cave alone and getting / get lost.( going / go), ( getting / get) 4. They are interested in … him to the conference. (sending / send) 5. He remembered … read the article in some paper. (having / have) 6. I don’t fancy … all that distance. We’d better catch a taxi. (walking / walked)

Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее слово.

1. I hate … told lies.( being / be) 2. Max doesn’t want his dad to come in when he’s got friends in his room. He likes … left on his own.( being / be) 3. He likes … invited by his friends. (being / be) invited 4. She avoided him.( meeting / meet )5. He objected to … sent there.( being / was) 6. The children like … told the fairy tales.( being / be ) 7. They enjoy … invited to the party. (being / be) 8. Would you mind … asked such questions? (being / be) 9. He didn’t mind … left alone. (being/be) 10. The client demanded … given back all the documents.( being / be)

6.4.8. Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее слово.(Используйте таблицу «The Gerund» на странице 108.)

She enjoys … to the party by her friends. (inviting/ being invited) She enjoys being invited to the party by her friends.
They enjoy … friends to their house. (inviting/ being invited) They enjoy inviting friends to their house.

1. He has not forgotten to return the client’s call but he avoids … so. (doing being done) 2. You cannot help … at it. (laughing/ being laughed) 3. Ann complained of … the documents by the managers when it was too late. (giving/ being given) 4. Would you mind … by this doctor? (examining/ being examined) 5. The client demanded … the supervisor and complained loudly. (seeing/ being seen) 6. You should not risk … the roses so early. (planting/ being planted) 7. I felt something was wrong because he avoided … about his family. (asked/ being asked) 8. He is very busy at the moment and objects to … to this conference. (sending/ being sent) 9. The company have decided to cancel a failing research project to avoid … money. (wasting/ being wasted) 10. Would you mind … them at the station?(meeting/being met)

Прочитайте данные фразы, используя слова в соответствующей форме.

Thank you for … to the party. (to come) Thank you for coming to the party.

1) prevent from … her studies.(to give up)

2) think of…to the capital city. (to move)

3) succeed in … through the exams. (to go)

4) agree to… with us. (to come)

5) do without … rush decisions.(to take)

6) can’ t help … at this joke.(to laugh)

7) thank you for… a lift. (to give)

8) be surprised at… you here. (to see)

9) get used to … early. (to get up)

10) have difficulty in… children. (to bring up)

Заполните таблицу, пользуясь словарем.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
note note notable notably
rise     -
  - particular  

Блок VII

Грамматика: The Infinitive.


Тема: Some Facts about the United Kingdom

Раздел 7.1.

Отработайте произношение данных слов, уточнив их транскрипцию по словарю.

unique adj unified adj note v fix v term n replace v consider v source n sense n ancient adj obvious adj demand n fair adj complicated adj self-governance n pointless adj set off v complain v significant adj relate to v border n plot n amongst prep rhetorical adj tribe n settle v ancestor n inhabitant n pure-bred adj renowned adj expansive adj meadow n merge v identity n noticeable adj precisely adv inseparable adj certain adj for certain abundance n fowl n burden v единственный в своём роде, уникальный объединённый замечать, записывать устанавливать, определять термин заменять рассматривать, считать источник чувство, смысл, значение древний очевидный спрос справедливый, порядочный сложный самоуправление бессмысленный отправиться (в путь) жаловаться значительный иметь отношение к граница участок между, среди риторический род, племя поселяться, заселять предок житель чистокровный, породистый знаменитый, прославленный обширный луг сливать, соединять (ся) тождественность заметный, достойный внимания точно неотделимый, неразлучный определенный наверняка изобилие домашняя птица нагружать, обременять

7.1.2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на данные вопросы: “What constitutes the United Kingdom?”, “What peoples inhabit the United Kingdom?”, “What is the ideal of the English?”

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