Exercise 1. Give the right form of the figures in brackets in letters.

1. My birthday is on ... of ... . 2. They got flat (40) on (5) floor in house (123). 3. Find file (11) and correct (2) sentence. 4. Catherine (2) put a monument to Peter (1) in St. Petersburg. 5. – What’s the date today? – It’s ... of ... today. 6. Read (3) paragraph. 7. My son is (21) today. 8. They are celebrating their (15) anniversary on 15 Exercise 1. Give the right form of the figures in brackets in letters. - student2.ru Saturday. 9. Take (1) turning to the right. 10. You’ll find text (12) on(30) page. 11. We live on (6) floor. 12. Is (2) o’clock all right with you? 13. There are more than (200) languages spoken in Nigeria. 14. A (1000) is a (1000) years. 15. In the jungle we were attacked by (1 000 000) of mosquitoes. 16. If you need money badly, we can give you a loan of (200) dollars. 17. Will you give me (2) chance? 18. (2) song will certainly become a hit. 19. Lie was said to have salted away (4 000 000) dollars. 20. There are (300) kinds of macaroni in Italy. 21. Statistics say that more than (4 000 000) adults in Britain have trouble with reading and writing.

Exercise 2. How do you say these numbers in English? Write your answers after each one.

462; 2 l/2; 2,345; 6.75; 0.25; 3¾ ;1,250,000; 10.04; 47 %; 10 September; 3 July; 602 477 (phone number); -5º Centigrade; in 1903; in 2001; 0.7.

Exercise 3. Insert the right article if necessary.

1. Today in court we are listening to ... case 243. 2. ... second part of the book was much more interesting than ... first one. 3. ... participle one is used for building up progressive tenses. 4. ... second participle is used to sharp. 6. The planes came again for ... second attack. 7. Let’s regard it as ... first step, just ... beginning. 8. It was ... first-night and the actors were nervous. 9. ... exercise 27 begins at ... page 44. 10. ... year passed, then ... second, and ... third, but there was still no news. 11. They agreed to meet on ... Fifth Avenue near ... building No. 112. 12. ... two years in Africa taught him a lot. 13. ... flat 55 is on ... fifth floor. 14. The room was at ... sixes and sevens. 15. This style was in fashion in ... eighties. 16. It was ... fifty-fifty deal. 17. She was ... third-year medical student.

Exercise 4. Write answers to these problems.

1. 23 and 36 is ... . 2. 24 times 8 is .... 3. 80 minus 20 is ... . 4. 65 divided by 13 is ... . 5. Add 10 and 6, multiply by 8, then subtract 40 and divide by 11. What have you got left? 6. Divide 33 by 11, multiply by 7 and subtract 16. What number is left?

Exercise 5. Answer these questions. Write your answers in words.

1. When were you born? 2. How much do you weigh? 3. What is the number of the flat or the house where you live? 4. Is that an odd or an even number? 5. What is the approximate population of your town? 6. What is the approximate population of your country? 7. What is the normal temperature of a healthy person? 8. How many kilometers are there in a mile? 9. How many years are there in a millennium?

Exercise 6. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the words in bold type.

1. She is a second cousin of Mark’s father. 2. He was quite certain she had no need or desire to meet with him a second time. 3. Edvina returned to her book without giving her mother a second glance or a second thought. 4. It’s said that everything goes in threes. 5. And then, to be a second wifewas so much more difficult than to be a first.6. I’m glad they’ve gone to Venice for a second honeymoon.7. He was heavily defeated in a second roundof local elections. 8. In the bookshop to his delight Maxim spotted a copy of «The Young Lions» by Irwin Shaw, his favourite writer. It was a firstedition, published in 1948. 9. Over the years I have acquired a sixth senseabout my mother’s mood. 10. Is it possible to find a second job?11. A third clerkleft her desk and prepared to leave. 12. Without a second thoughtBlackie said urgently, «I have a solution, Emma! Marry me!» 13. The boy slopped through the ledge on all fours.14. I thinkit’s better this way, that we go out in twosand threes – less noticeable, for one thing. 15. I was worried. Everything seemed to be at sixesand sevens.16. I began, as they say, to put twoand twotogether. 17. A first class collegeoffers you the highest standards of educating. 18. Elevensesis a light snack that you have in the middle of the morning.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Дом 92 на этой улице. 2. Третья комната ваша. 3. Мой брат родился 15 мая 1985 года, 4. Он приезжает 19 сентября. 5. Откройте книгу на странице 25. 6. Отсчитайте две страницы и на третьей начинайте писать. 7. Мы сделали упражнение 7 на странице 24. 8. Эта книга стоит 120 рублей. 9. Она встает в половине восьмого. 10. Я буду свободна после шестого урока. 11. Кошка поймала двух мышей. 12. Ее номер телефона- 231 657. 13. Номер ее комнаты в отеле - 503. 14. Ростов был основан в 1749 г. 15. Миллионы людей посмотрели фильм «Гарри Поттер».

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