It took Julia a second or two to understand what he meant.

"D'you mean to say, get married now?"

"Of course it's a risk, without anything in prospect, but one has to take a risk

sometimes." Julia took his head in both her hands and pressed his lips with

Hers. Then she gave a sigh.

"Darling, you're wonderful (дорогой, ты такой удивительный) and you're as

beautiful as a Greek god (и ты такой красивый, как греческий бог), but you're

the biggest damned fool (но ты и самый большой дурак) I've ever known in my

life (которого я только знала за всю свою жизнь)."

They went to a theatre that night (они отправились в театр /тем/ вечером) and at

supper drank champagne (и за ужином пили шампанское) to celebrate their

reunion (чтобы отпраздновать их воссоединение) and toast their future (и

подняли тост за свое будущее). When Michael accompanied her to her room

(когда Майкл проводил ее до ее комнаты) she held up her face to his (она

подняла свое лицо к его лицу).

"D'you want me to say good night to you in the passage (ты же не хочешь, чтобы

я желал тебе спокойной ночи в коридоре)? I'll just come in for a minute (я

зайду только на минутку)."

"Better not, darling (лучше не надо, дорогой)," she said with quiet dignity

(сказала она со спокойным достоинством).

Greek [gri:k] damned [dxmd] champagne [Sxm'peIn] dignity ['dIgnItI]

"Darling, you're wonderful and you're as beautiful as a Greek god, but you're

the biggest damned fool I've ever known in my life."

They went to a theatre that night and at supper drank champagne to

Celebrate their reunion and toast their future. When Michael accompanied

Her to her room she held up her face to his.

"D'you want me to say good night to you in the passage? I'll just come in for a


"Better not, darling," she said with quiet dignity.

She felt like a high-born damsel (она чувствовала себя знатной:

«высокородной» девицей), with all the traditions of a great and ancient family (с

традициями великой и древней семьи) to keep up (/которые она должна была/

блюсти; to keep up — держать на прежнем уровне, придерживаться, не

нарушать); her purity (ее непорочность; purity — чистота, правильность)

was a pearl of great price (была драгоценной жемчужиной: «жемчужиной

высокой цены); she also felt (она также чувствовала) that she was making a

wonderfully good impression (что она производила удивительно хорошее

впечатление /своим поступком/): of course he was a great gentleman (конечно

же, он был благородный джентльмен), and "damn it all" (и, «черт побери») it

behoved her to be a great lady (ей пристало быть благородной дамой; to behove

— /книжн./ надлежать, приличествовать). She was so pleased with her

performance (она была так довольна своим представлением) that when she had

got into her room (что когда она вошла в свою комнату) and somewhat noisily

locked the door (и как-то слишком громко закрыла на замок свою дверь; noise

— шум, гам, крик, галдеж), she paraded up and down (она гордо прошлась /по

комнате/ взад и вперед; up and down — вверх и вниз, взад и вперед, туда и

сюда) bowing right and left graciously (грациозно кивая головой налево и

направо; to bow — кланяться, кивнуть) to her obsequious retainers (своим

подобострастным вассалам). She stretched out (она протянула) her lily white

hand (свою лилейную руку; lily white — белый, как лилия, чистый,

безупречный) for the trembling old steward (старому трясущемуся слуге) to kiss

(для поцелуя) (as a baby (когда она была младенцем) he had often dandled her

on his knee (он частенько качал ее на ноге; to dandle a child on one's knee —

качать ребенка на колене), and when he pressed it with his pallid lips (и когда

он прижался к ней своими старческими: «слабыми, мертвенно-бледными»

губами) she felt something fall upon it (она почувствовала, как что-то упало на

нее /руку/). A tear (слеза).

damsel ['dxmz(q)l] ancient ['eInS(q)nt] pearl [pq:l] behove [bI'hqVv]

obsequious [qb'si:kwIqs]

She felt like a high-born damsel, with all the traditions of a great and ancient

Family to keep up; her purity was a pearl of great price; she also felt that she

Was making a wonderfully good impression: of course he was a great

gentleman, and "damn it all" it behoved her to be a great lady. She was so

Pleased with her performance that when she had got into her room and

Somewhat noisily locked the door, she paraded up and down bowing right and

Left graciously to her obsequious retainers. She stretched out her lily white

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