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4. Зайдите на Web-сайт одной из маркетинговых фирм по проведению Internet-исследований (например, компании Greenfield Online Research Center, Inc. по адресу www.gfeenfieldonline.com). Определите, какой опрос сейчас проводится. Крити­чески проанализируйте анкету, используя материал данной главы.


1. Shari Sanders, "Kids & Teens Show Who's Boss in Purchasing Power", Discount Store News, April1995, p. 22-30.

2. "Channel 5 Scores with Child Viewers", Marketing Week, February 19, 1998, p. 14; Josep Rydholm, "Omnibus Study Talks to Kids", Quirk's Marketing Research Review, June—July 1991, p. 41-42.

3. S.L. Payne, The Art of Asking Questions (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1951).

4. Эти рекомендации взяты из нескольких книг по вопросам составления анкеты. Например, см. работы Howard Schuman, Stanley Presser, Questions & Answers in Attitude Survey (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1996); Arlene Fink, How to Ask Survey Questions (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995); Floyd J. Fowler, Jr., Improving Survey Questions (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995).

5. Howard Schuman, Stanley Presser, Questions & Answers in Attitude Survey (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1996); Jagdip Singh, Roy D. Howell, Gary K. Rhoads, "Adaptive Designs for Likert-Type Data: An Approach for Implementing Marketing Surveys", Journal of Marketing Research, August 1990, p. 304-321.

6. Linda B. Bourque, Eve P. Fielder, How to Conduct Self-Administered and Mail Surveys (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995); James H. Frey, Sabine M. Oishi, How to Conduct Interviews by Telephone and in Person (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995).

7. Thomas T. Semon, "Asking 'How Important' Is Not Enough", Marketing News, August 4, 1997, p. 19.

8. "Brand Imaging Drives Niketown", Chain Store Age, April 1996, p. 46—54.

9. Arthur Stemgold, Rex H. Warland, Robert O. Hermann, "Do Surveys Overstate Public Concerns?", Public Opinion Quarterly, Summer 1994, p. 255-263; D.I. Hawtans, K.A. Coney, "Uninformed Response Error in Survey Research", Journal of 'Marketing Research, August 1981, p. 373.

10. Jan Stapel, "Observations: A Brief Observation about Lika-bility and Interestingness of Advertising", Journal of Advertising Research, March-April 1994, p. 79-80; George F. Bishop, Robert W. Oldendick, Alfred J. Tuchfarber, "Effects of Filter Questions in Public Opinion Surveys", Public Opinion Quarterly, Spring 1982, p. 66—85.

11. Kenneth C. Schneider, James C. Johnson, "Link between Response-Inducing Strategies and Uninformed Response", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, January 1994, p. 29—36.

12. Solomon Dutka, Lester R. Frankel "Measuring Response Error", Journal of Advertising Research, January-February 1997, p. 33-39; Terry Haller, Danger: Marketing Researcher at Work (Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1983), p. 149.

13. Geeta Menon, Priya Raghubir, Norbert Schwarz, "Behavioral Frequency Judgments: An Accessibility Diagnosticity Framework", Journal of Consumer Research, September 1995, p. 212—

228; William A. Cook, "Telescoping and Memory's Other Tricks", Journal of Advertising Research, October-March 1987, p. 5-8.

14. R.P. Hill, "Researching Sensitive Topics in Marketing— The Special Case of Vulnerable Populations", Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Spring 1995, p. 143—148.

15. Roger Tourangeau, Tom W. Smith, "Asking Sensitive Questions: The Impact of Data Collection Mode, Question Format, and Question Context", Public Opinion Quarterly, Summer 1996, p. 275— 304; Kent H. Marquis et al., Response Errors in Sensitive Topic Survey: Estimates, Effects, and Correction Options (Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation, 1981).

16. Priya Raghubir, Geeta Menon, "Asking Sensitive Questions: The Effects of Type of Referent and Frequency Wording in Counterbiasing Methods", Psychology & Marketing, October 1996, p. 633-652.

17. Brian K. Burton, Janet P. Near, "Estimating the Incidence of Wrongdoing and Whistle-Blowing: Results of a Study Using Randomized Response Technique", Journal of Business Ethics, January 1995, p. 17-30.

18. P. Mukhopadhyay, "A Note on UMVU-Estimation under Randomized-Response Model", Communications in Statistics— Theory and Methods, October 1997, p. 2415-2420; D.E. Stem, Jr., R.K. Steinhorst, "Telephone Interview and Mail Questionnaire Applications of the Randomized Response Model", Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 1984, p. 555—564.

19. Lynn M. Newman, "That's a Good Question", American Demographics (Marketing Tools), June 1995, p. 10-13.

20. Serge Luyens, "Coding Verbatims by Computers", Marketing Research: A Magazine of Management & Applications, Spring 1995, p. 20—25.

21. Основано на исследованиях автора.

22. Kevin W. Mossholder, Randall P. Settoon, Stanley G. Harris, Achilles A. Armenakis, "Measuring Emotion in Open-Ended Survey Responses: An Application of Textual Data Analysis", Journal of Management, February 1995, p. 335—355.

23. Floyd J. Fowler, Jr., Improving Survey Questions (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995); Jon A. Krosnick, Duane F. Alwin, "An Evaluation of a Cognitive Theory of Response-Order Effects in Survey Measurement", Public Opinion Quarterly, Summer 1987, p. 201—219.

24. Niels J. Blunch, "Position Bias in Multiple-Choice Questions", Journal of Marketing Research, May 1984, p. 216—220. Автор утверждает, что ошибку расположения в многовариантных вопросах нельзя исключить, изменив порядок расположения вариантов ответа. Эта точка зрения противоречит общепринятой.

25. Howard Schuman, Stanley Presser, Questions & Answers in Attitude Survey (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1996).

26. Joseph A. Herriges, Jason F. Shogren, "Starting Point Bias in Dichotomous Choice Valuation with Follow-up Questioning", Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, January 1996, p. 112— 131; R.W. Mizerski, J.B. Freiden, R.C. Green Jr., "The Effect of the 'Don't Know1 Option on TV Ad Claim Recognition Tests", in Advances in Consumer Research (Association for Consumer Research, 1983), p. 283-287.

27. Michael McBumett, "Wording of Questions Affects Responses to Gun Control Issue", Marketing News, January 6, 1997, p. 12; M. Wanke, N. Schwarz, E. Noelle-Neumann, "Asking Comparative Questions: The Impact of the Direction of Comparison", Public Opinion Quarterly, Fall 1995, p. 347-372.

28. J.F. Etter, T.V. Pemeger, "Analysis of Nonresponse Bias in a Mailed Health Survey", Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, October 1997, p. 1123-1128; G.S. Omura, "Correlates of Item Nonresponse", Journal of the Market Research Society, October 1983, p. 321-330; S. Presser, "Is Inaccuracy on Factual Survey Items Item-Specific or Respondent-Specifier", Public Opinion Quarterly, Spring 1984, p. 344-355.

29. Nancy Johnson Stout, "Questionnaire Design Workshop Helps Market Researchers Build Better Surveys", Health Care Strategic Management', July 1994, p. 10—11.

30. Lida C. Saltz, "How to Get Your News Release Published", Journal of Accountancy, November 1996, p. 89-91.

31. Brad Edmondson, "How to Spot a Bogus Poll", American Demographics, October 1996, p. 10—15; John O'Brien, "How Do Market Researchers Ask Questions?", Journal of the Market Research Society, April 1984, p. 93-107.

32. Thomas T. Semon, "Ask Simple Question to Improve Analysis of Value Perception", Marketing j News, February 27,1995, p. 32.

33. Paul R. Abramson, Charles W. Ostrom, "Question Wording and Partisanship", Public Opinion Quarterly, Spring 1994, p. 21-48.

34. "Don't Lead: You May Skew Poll Results", Marketing News, June 3, 1996, p. H37.

35. Raymond J. Adamek, "Public Opinion and Roe versus Wade: Measurement Difficulties", Public Opinion Quarterl, Fall 1994, p. 409—418; E. Noelle-Neumann, B. Worcester, "International Opinion Research", European Research, July 1984, p. 124—131.

36. Jacob Jacoby, George J. Szybillo, "Consumer Research in FTC versus Kraft (1991): A Case of Heads We Win, Tails You Lose?", Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Spring 1995, p. 1-14; E.D. JafTe, I.D. Nebenzahl, "Alternative Questionnaire Formats for Country Image Studies", Journal of Marketing Research, November 1984, p. 463—471.

37. Howard Schuman, Stanley Presser, Questions & Answers in Attitude Survey (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1996); Jon A. Krosnick, Duane F. Alwin, "An Evaluation of a Cognitive Theory of Response-Order Effects in Survey Measurement", Public Opinion Quarterly, Summer 1987, p. 201-129.

38. Barbara A. Bickart, "Carryover and Backfire Effects in Marketing Research", Journal of Marketing Research, February 1993, p. 52—62. См. также статью Ian McAllister, Martin P. Wattenberg, "Measuring Levels of Party Identification: Does Question Order Matter?", Public Opinion Quarterly, Summer 1995, p. 259-268.

39. Fern K. Willits, Bin Ke, "Part-Whole Question Order Effects: Views of Rurality", Public Opinion Quarterly, Fall 1995, p. 392-403; Donald J. Messmer, Daniel J. Seymour, "The Effects of Branching on Item Nonre-sponse", Public Opinion Quarterly, Summer 1982, p. 270—277.

40. George R. Milne, "Consumer Participation in Mailing Lists: A Field Experiment", Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Fall 1997, p. 298-309.

41. Linda Friedman, Hershey H. Friedman, "A Comparison of Vertical and Horizontal Rating Scales", Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, March 1994, p. 107-111.

42. "A World Press Model Debuts", Graphic Arts Monthly, June 1994, p. 66.

43. E. Martin, A.E. Polivka, "Diagnostics for Redesigning Survey Questionnaires — Measuring Work in the Current Population Survey", Public Opinion Quarterly, Winter 1995, p. 547-567.

44. M.G. Mohrle, "Empirical Testing of a Computer-Based Dialog Questionnaire— 11 Design Rules for Successful Usage", Wirtschaftsinformatik, October 1997, p. 461.

45. Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Nina Reynolds, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, "Pretesting in Questionnaire Design: The Impact of Respondent Characteristics on Error Detection", Journal of the Market Research Society, October 1994, p. 295-314.

46. Nina Reynolds, Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, "Pretesting in Questionnaire Design: A Review of the Literature and Suggestions for Further Research", Journal of the Market Research Society, April 1993, p. 171-182.

47. Jack Neff, "S.C. Johnson Sees Extension Opportunities with DowBrands", Advertising Age, November 3, 1997, p. 17; Julie Skur Hill, "Japan Hatches New Brands for Johnson", Advertising Age, September 2, 1991, p. 36.

48. М.Н. Morris, A.S. Marks, J.A. Alien, N.S. Peery, "Modeling Ethical Attitudes and Behaviors under Conditions of Environmental Turbulence — Case of South Africa", Journal of Business Ethics, October 1996, p. 1119-1130; G.R. Laczniak, P.E. Murphy, Ethical Marketing Decisions the Higher Road (Needhan Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1993).

49. R.W. Armstrong, "The Relationship between Culture and Perception of Ethical Problems in International Marketing", Journal of Business Ethics, November 1996, p. 1199-1208; R.W.Armstrong, "An Empirical Investigation of International Marketing Ethics: Problems Encountered by Australian Firms", Journal of Business Ethics, November 1992, p. 161—171.

50. Marshall Rice, "What Makes Users Revisit a Web Site?", Marketing News, March 17, 1997, p. 12.

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