NB!!! Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the countries.

Lebanon Israel Jordan Syria Kuwait Iran Saudi Arabia Yemen Oman United Arab Emirates Azerbaijan Armenia Turkey Georgia Russia Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Afghanistan Pakistan /’lebənən/ /’izreiəl/ /dzo:dn/ /’siriə/ /ku’wait/ /i’ra:n/ /’sau:diə’reibjə/ /’jemən/ /ou’ma:n/ /ju’naitid ‘ærəb ‘emirəts/ /’a:zərbai’dza:n/ /a:’mi:njə/ /’tə:ki/ /’dzo:dzjə/ /’ra∫ə/ /’ka:za:k’sta:n/ /’tə:kmeni’stæn/ /uz’beki’sta:n/ /’kiəgiz’sta:n/ /’ta:dziki’sta:n/ /æf’gænistæn/ /’pa:kis’ta:n/ India Sri Lanka Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh Burma Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Laos China Mongolia N.Korea S.Korea Japan Taiwan Philippines Indonesia Malaysia Brunei Singapore   /’indjə/ /sri ‘læŋkə/ /ni’po:l/ /bu:’ta:n/ /’bæŋglə’de∫/ /’bə:mə/ /’tailænd/ /kæm’boudiə/ /’vjet’næm/ /laus/ /’t∫ainə/ /moŋ’gouljə/ /kə’riə/ /kə’riə/ /dzə’pæn/ /’tai’wæn/ /’fili’pinz/ /’’indo’ni:zjə/ /mə’lei∫ə/ /’bru:nai/ /’siŋgə’po:/

III. Read the text on pp 218-219 “The Peculiar Continent of Asia” carefully and write down features of the interior, climate, population, industry and agriculture.

IV. Insert the words:

· Asia is a highly populated region with some ________ _________.

· Asia is __________ by 3 major races.

· Some parts of Asia live comfortable and modern lives but in some parts of the __________ people live like their ancestors.

V. Read the text on p.228 “Monsoons” and speak about advantages and disadvantages on the monsoons.

VI. Answer the questions on p. 221.

VII. Before reading the text on pp.221-223 “India as central region in Asia” answer the question: What associations do you have with the word “India”?

True/false information about India:

a) The landscape of this country is mostly flat.

b) The first people to arrive there were the Portuguese.

c) When the Europeans arrived there, they were admired by the national dances and costumes.

d) Not long ago India was a colony of Great Britain.

e) Nowadays film production is the main economic activity in this country.

Now read the text and check whether you are right or wrong.

VIII. Read this text again carefully and find the answers to the questions after the text on p.223.

IX. Make up an annotation on this text.

X. Before reading the text on pp.223-225 “A Modern Industrial Giant” answer the question: What associations do you have with the word “Japan”?

True/false information about Japan:

a) This country is situated on an archipelago.

b) The first economic activity was connected with the production of equipment.

c) The only mineral resources are lead, zinc and sulfur.

d) The buildings in Japan are very high, they are called skyscrapers.

e) The Japanese have only one problem: where to store the unnecessary equipment.

Now read the text and check whether you are right or wrong.

XI. Read this text again carefully and find the answers to the questions after the text on p.225.

XII. Close the books and describe the geographical and economical situation of Japan using the information above and the words below:


Volcanic eruptions

Land surface

A modern industrial giant


Mineral resources

The world’s leading producer



XIII. Do the exercise on p.225 “Translation”.

XIV. Think of any other Asian country, list your associations with it, some interesting facts and let your groupmates guess what country you are talking about.

XV. Read the text on p. 229 “The Great Wall of China” and tell whether the sentences are true or false.

1. The Great Wall of China isn’t seen from the moon.

2. The length of the Wall is 4,500 m.

3. The Wall was built in the 3rd century BC.

4. One section was used as a prison.

XV. Read the next text “Chinese Inventions” and prove that China was the cradle of some branches of science.


to inhabit

an inhabitant

a region

an ancestor




to penetrate


a populous country



to stretch

volcanic fringe

to occur



  1. What part – Europe or Asia – was the cradle of economy, science and politics. Why?
  2. Russia lies in Europe and Asia. What way of development should Russia follow? Why?
  3. What Asian country is becoming a leader? Why?

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