Prepositions of Time

В английском языке нет падежных окончаний у существительных и местоимений. Функцию падежных окончаний выполняют предлоги.

Предлоги служебные слова, которые показывают связь между словами в предложении. Эта связь может быть временной, причинной, пространственной и т.д.

Временную связь между словами могут показывать следующие предлоги:

On: on Sunday (в воскресенье), on January27 (27 января), on Monday morning (утром в понедельник), on a summer day (в летний день), on a hot day (в жаркий день), on the weekend (на выходных).

e.g. She leaves on Sunday. – Она уезжает в воскресенье.

In: in the morning (утром), in May (в мае), in summer (летом), in 1998 (в 1998 году).

e.g. I was born in May. – Я родился в мае.

At: at 8 p.m. (в 8 часов), at night (ночью).

Exercise 1. Write at / on / in:

0. at 8 o’clock.

1. _____ Wednesday. 6. _____ 24 September.

2. _____ 12.30 a.m. 7. _____ winter.

3. _____ 1997. 8. _____ the evening.

4. _____ September. 9. _____ the weekend.

5. _____ night. 10. _____ the end of my holiday.

Exercise 2. Insert prepositions at or on:

0. Goodbye! See you on Friday.

1. I get up … seven o’clock or … a quarter past seven.

2. … Sunday I usually get up … nine o’clock or … half past nine. But last Sunday I slept very long and got up only … noon.

3. My birthday is … the ninth of July.

4. The school year begins … the first of September.

5. … the twenty-fifth of December people celebrate Christmas.

6. … Wednesday I usually have a lot of homework.

7. My father liked to get up … sunrise.

8. Our lessons are usually over … twenty minutes to two.

9. They returned from the wood … sunset.

10. I began writing my composition … seven o’clock and finished only … midnight.

Exercise 3. Put in at, on or in:

0. Mozart was born in Salzburg in 1756.

1. I’m busy just now, but I’ll be with you _____ a moment.

2. The price of electricity is going up _____ October.

3. _____ weekends, we often go for long walks in the country.

4. Jenny’s brother is an engineer, but he doesn’t have a job _____ the moment.

5. I don’t like driving _____ night.

6. The telephone and the doorbell rang _____ the same time.

7. Mary and David always go out for dinner _____ their wedding anniversary.

8. It was a short book and easy to read. I read it _____ a day.

9. _____ Saturday night I went to bed _____ midnight.

10. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _____ 5 o’clock _____ the morning.

Exercise 4. Which is correct: a, b, or both of them?

0. a. I’ll see you on Friday. 0. b. I’ll see you Friday. both

1. a. I’ll see you on next Friday. 1. b. I’ll see you next Friday. _____

2. a. Paul got married in April. 2. b. Paul got married April. _____

3. a. They never go out on Sunday 3. b. They never go out Sunday _____

evenings. evenings.

4. a. We often have a short holiday on 4. b. We often have a short holiday at _____

Christmas. Christmas.

5. a. What are you doing the weekend? 5. b. What are you doing at the weekend? _____

6. a. Will you be here on Tuesday? 6. b. Will you be here Tuesday? _____

7. a. We were ill at the same time. 7. b. We were ill in the same time. _____

8. a. Sue got married at 18 May 1996. 8. b. Sue got married on 18 May 1996. _____

9. a. He left school last June. 9. b. He left school in last June. _____

10 a. She’ll be here in a moment. 10. b. She’ll be here a moment. _____

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