Информация для дизайнеров, проживающих или проходящих учебу

в Москве и Московской области:

1. Прием заявок, эскизов или фотографий коллекции с 7 по 20 ноября 2016 года. Эскизы или фотографии с заполненной формой заявки, ее можно скачать на сайте фонда, необходимо выслать на почту [email protected] или отдать кураторам проекта в вузах.

2. Результаты эскизного этапа будут размещены на сайте «Русского Силуэта» с 15-20 декабря 2016 года (справки по тел.: +7 495 739 32 96).

3. 20-21 февраля 2017 года (дата может измениться) – просмотр коллекций «на вешалке» в фонде. Члены комиссии – преподаватели ведущих профильных университетов Москвы.

4. Март-апрель 2017 года – московский полуфинал конкурса.

Благотворительный фонд «Русский Силуэт»
Москва, Проспект Мира, дом 42,
(вход в офис с Протопоповского пер., первая калитка направо)
тел.: +7 495-739-32-96
[email protected]

The main rules of participation in XII International Competition of young designers Russian Silhouette 2016 - 2017

I. Rules of the competition

1.In competition can participate students and graduates of design specialty educational institutions under the age of 30 years.
2.Participation in the contest is free.
3.The designer have to pay for manufacturing of collection and transport expenses of the semifinal and final by himself.
4.The collection must consist of 5 models. It can be as for men, so for women.
5.Designers will take part in the regional qualifying rounds of the competition in the cities where they live or in the nearby towns. The winner of the regional round will participate in the final in Moscow

II. Dates of regional qualifying rounds and the finals

1. Regional qualifying rounds of the competition are held in 30 cities of Russia (the list of cities is updated every year). In Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia finalists were selected within festivals, fashion weeks and other competitions. The competition will last from September 2016 till May 2017.

2. Finals competition will be held in Moscow in October 2017.

III. Stages of the competition

2.Transitional stage.
3.Stage of demonstration.
4.Final. The final gala show will be held in Moscow in October 2017. The jury will determine the winners.

IV. Competition Jury

1.The jury consists of designers, critics, teachers of specialized universities, members of the board of trustees.
2.The jury consists of not less than 10 persons. Also the chairman of the jury will be chosen.

V. The prize fund of the contest final

1.The main prize of the final is Grand Prix Russian Silhouette, a bronze statuette, as well as an internship or training in a European fashion house or fashion academy.
2.More than twenty awardees of the competition will get an intership in leading Russian and foreign fashion houses, in European schools and centers of fashion, also the awardees can take part in fashion weeks and European exhibitions.
3.Participants will receive prizes from the partner companies of the contest and from informational sponsors.
4.All participants will receive a competition diploma.

Additional information

1.Winners of the regional qualifying rounds are invited to the final in Moscow. The designer have to pay for the trip to Moscow and accommodation by himself.
2.Charity Foundation Russian Silhouette provides models and stylists for designers at the finals for free.
3.After winning the regional qualifying round finalist should send to Moscow central organizing committee filled finalist and pictures of collection within two weeks. (e-mail: [email protected]).
4.In exceptional cases, if there are no qualifying rounds in the region where the designer lives, he can send finalist form with photographs of collection to the central organizing committee in Moscow from January till May, 2017. The commission will decide on the participation of the designer in the finals, and will let him or her know by June 2017.
5.Information about the organizers of the qualifying rounds, as well as their contacts can be obtained by email: [email protected].
6.In case of victory in the final of the collection created by a group of designers, training is available to only one from the team.

Charitable Foundation Russian Silhouette
Prospekt Mira 42, Moscow
phone.: +7 495-739-32-96
[email protected]

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